Does soaking in Epsom salts help?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter pallidin
  • Start date
In summary: I'm not sure if that's related.There is some evidence that magnesium may help lower blood pressure, and that the DASH diet may be beneficial in this regard.
  • #1
Hi everyone.

Just curious if taking a long bath in Empson salts actually helps in, say, muscular discomfort, or is that total bunk? What is the scientific evidence??

Biology news on
  • #2
Dunno bout the salt, but I'd say a hot bath would help.
  • #3
Drakkith said:
Dunno bout the salt, but I'd say a hot bath would help.

Right. I undertand the hot water...or sauna...etc...
Some have suggested Epsom salts. Just curious if there is actually anything to it.
  • #4
pallidin said:
Hi everyone.

Just curious if taking a long bath in Empson salts actually helps in, say, muscular discomfort, or is that total bunk? What is the scientific evidence??


Magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) is has been seen to be absorbed into the body through the skin in this study:

Magnesium sulfate is an anti-inflammatory.

So the fact that soaking in a bath allows it to be absorbed coupled with the fact that it is an anti-inflammatory, seems to indicate that it is indeed a possible treatment.
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  • #5
Norman said:
Magnesium sulfate (epsom salt) is has been seen to be absorbed into the body through the skin in this study:

Magnesium sulfate is an anti-inflammatory.

So the fact that soaking in a bath allows it to be absorbed coupled with the fact that it is an anti-inflammatory, seems to indicate that it is indeed a possible treatment.

I asked my niece about epsom salts several years ago - she's a veterinarian. This is just what she said was taught at vet school - that soaking in it is an effective anti-inflammatory.

Interesting point in the study - although blood levels were raised at lower concentrations, the effective level for most people was 600g salts/60 liters (standard bath size), and at that concentration the water felt soapy. I'll keep that in mind next time I need an epsom salt soak.
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  • #6
Nice job, Norman.
Thanks so much.
  • #7
My uncle worked in the woods for much of his adult life, cutting pulp-wood, loading his pulp-truck by hand with 4' lengths of wood (no loaders back then), and he always swore by Epsom salts when he he was sore or lame.
  • #8
lisab said:
I asked my niece about epsom salts several years ago - she's a veterinarian. This is just what she said was taught at vet school - that soaking in it is an effective anti-inflammatory.

Interesting point in the study - although blood levels were raised at lower concentrations, the effective level for most people was 600g salts/60 liters (standard bath size), and at that concentration the water felt soapy. I'll keep that in mind next time I need an epsom salt soak.

Great point to keep in mind... thank you.
  • #9
turbo-1 said:
My uncle worked in the woods for much of his adult life, cutting pulp-wood, loading his pulp-truck by hand with 4' lengths of wood (no loaders back then), and he always swore by Epsom salts when he he was sore or lame.

Great testament!
  • #10
Wouldn't it be more effective to drink a magnesium sulfate solution while taking a hot bath?
  • #11
There are other types of magnesium (ex/ magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate) that you can also ingest for relieving muscle soreness (with more affinity to the muscles), but the biggest side effect of excessive magnesium consumption is DIARRHEA because you're causing your smooth muscles to relax as well (your GI tract). Cost of each derivative may also be an issue.

For relieving muscle soreness/tightness, an epsom salt bath with 600g is pretty ideal. Just make sure that you also drink a good amount of water while you're in there (or before/after) to prevent any risk of dehydration (the excess salt water bath will attract water from your body via osmosis).
  • #12
Magnesium is an 'osmotic sink'- it attracts water. This is why laxatives (milk of magnesia) are based on magnesium, and also explains the anti-inflammatory mechanism of soaking in a bath of epsom salts. Epsom salts are an effective laxative as well.
  • #13
Andy Resnick said:
Epsom salts are an effective laxative as well.
VERY effective! And quite painful, if the dose is a little too strong.

The osmotic effect was noticed a long time ago (though it was called "healing" effect), and there was a nice industry produced when people figured out that you could boil down the waters from Epsom's wells, and concentrate the minerals to feed spas/baths.
  • #14
Andy Resnick said:
Magnesium is an 'osmotic sink'- it attracts water. This is why laxatives (milk of magnesia) are based on magnesium, and also explains the anti-inflammatory mechanism of soaking in a bath of epsom salts. Epsom salts are an effective laxative as well.

the anti-inflammatory mechanism may be a little more involved.

increased Mg is also one of the aspects of DASH diet that is believed to help with hypertension, in addition to lower Na and higher K.

FAQ: Does soaking in Epsom salts help?

1. How does soaking in Epsom salts help with muscle aches and soreness?

Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate, have been shown to be absorbed through the skin during a warm bath. The magnesium in the salts can help relax muscles and reduce inflammation, providing relief for soreness and aches.

2. Can soaking in Epsom salts help with skin conditions like eczema?

There is limited research on the effectiveness of Epsom salts for treating skin conditions. However, some people with eczema have reported improvement in their symptoms after soaking in Epsom salts. This could be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of magnesium.

3. Is there a recommended amount of Epsom salts to use in a bath?

The recommended amount of Epsom salts to use in a bath varies depending on the individual's weight and the severity of their symptoms. A general guideline is to use 2 cups of Epsom salts for a standard size bathtub filled with warm water. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

4. Are there any risks or side effects associated with soaking in Epsom salts?

In general, soaking in Epsom salts is considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience skin irritation or dryness. It is also important to note that Epsom salts should not be ingested, as it can cause adverse effects. As with any new treatment, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before use.

5. Can soaking in Epsom salts help with stress and anxiety?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that Epsom salts can help with stress and anxiety. However, the relaxation benefits of a warm bath may be beneficial for some individuals. It is important to seek professional help for managing stress and anxiety, rather than relying solely on Epsom salts.

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