Beginner´s Question on Bosonic Open Strings

  • Thread starter Alamino
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In summary, the states with m^2 =1/ \alpha ´ form complete representations of SO(D-1) because they can be expressed as matrices of SO(D-2) which act on the vector space of states. This is because the vectors and tensors \alpha^{i}_{-2} \vert 0,k> and \alpha^{i}_{-1} \alpha^{j}_{-1} \vert 0,k> can be written as matrices of SO(D-2) which act on the vector space of states, and when combined, they form a complete representation of SO(D-1).
  • #1
I´ve just started to study superstrings and I´m working on Polchinski´s book problems. I come from other area and so I´m not used to work with group theory what makes a little difficult to me to understand the solution of exercise 1.5. The solution says that the states with [tex]m^2 =1/ \alpha ´[/tex] form complete representations of SO(D-1), D=26. It is because the states are [tex]\alpha^{i}_{-2} \vert 0,k>[/tex], that are vectors of SO(D-2) and [tex]\alpha^{i}_{-1} \alpha^{j}_{-1} \vert 0,k>[/tex], that are tensors of SO(D-2) and they add up to a representation of SO(D-1). I´ve been trying to understand this, but I couldn´t yet. Why [tex]\alpha^{i}_{-2} \vert 0,k>[/tex] are vectors of SO(D-2) and why [tex]\alpha^{i}_{-1} \alpha^{j}_{-1} \vert 0,k>[/tex] are tensors of SO(D-2)? I know just the basics of representation theory for Lie Groups. Can anyone help me and explain it? I´m sorry for such a basic question, but I´m just a begginer in these matters...
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  • #2
The way to think about this is to recall that a representation of a Lie group is just a way of expressing its elements as matrices. In this case, the states with m^2 =1/ \alpha ´ are vectors and tensors of SO(D-2) because they can be expressed as matrices of SO(D-2) which act on the vector space of states.

For example, the vector \alpha^{i}_{-2} \vert 0,k> can be written as a matrix with entries \alpha^{i}_{-2}. This matrix then acts on the vector space of states to give a representation of SO(D-2). Similarly, the tensor \alpha^{i}_{-1} \alpha^{j}_{-1} \vert 0,k> can be expressed as a matrix with entries \alpha^{i}_{-1}\alpha^{j}_{-1}, and this matrix acts on the vector space of states to give a representation of SO(D-2). When these two representations are combined, they form a complete representation of SO(D-1).

Hope this helps!
  • #3

First of all, don't apologize for asking a "basic" question. We all have to start somewhere and it's important to have a strong foundation in the basics before diving into more advanced topics.

To answer your question, let's first define what we mean by "representations of SO(D-1)". In the context of superstrings, we are considering a string theory in a D-dimensional spacetime. This D-dimensional spacetime has rotational symmetry, which is described by the group SO(D-1). A representation of this group is a mathematical object that describes how vectors and tensors transform under rotations in D dimensions.

Now, let's look at the states with m^2 = 1/α'. These states are created by the operators α^-2 and α^-1α^-1 acting on the ground state |0,k>. These operators are related to the creation and annihilation operators for the string oscillators, which describe the excitations of the string. In particular, α^-2 creates a state with two units of string oscillation energy, and α^-1α^-1 creates a state with one unit of string oscillation energy in each of two different directions. These states correspond to higher energy and higher momentum excitations of the string.

Now, why are these states considered representations of SO(D-1)? This has to do with how they transform under rotations in D dimensions. The state created by α^-2 can be thought of as a vector, because it has two indices (one for each oscillator) and transforms like a vector under rotations. Similarly, the state created by α^-1α^-1 can be thought of as a tensor, because it has two indices and transforms like a tensor under rotations. Therefore, these states form a complete representation of SO(D-1), as they include both vector and tensor states.

I hope this helps to clarify the solution to exercise 1.5 in Polchinski's book. Remember, it's always important to have a solid understanding of the basics before moving on to more advanced topics. Keep studying and asking questions, and you'll continue to build your knowledge and understanding of superstrings.

FAQ: Beginner´s Question on Bosonic Open Strings

1. What are bosonic open strings?

Bosonic open strings are a type of fundamental particle in string theory that have no fixed endpoints, meaning they are free to move and vibrate in an open loop. They are made up of one-dimensional structures called strings, which are believed to be the building blocks of the universe.

2. How are bosonic open strings different from closed strings?

The main difference between bosonic open strings and closed strings is that closed strings have fixed endpoints, while open strings do not. This means that open strings can interact with other strings and objects in a different way, making them very important in understanding the behavior of the universe.

3. Can bosonic open strings exist in more than three dimensions?

Yes, bosonic open strings can exist in more than three dimensions. In fact, string theory predicts that there are 10 dimensions in total, with the remaining 6 dimensions curled up and unobservable at our current level of understanding. This allows for the existence of different types of strings, including open strings, in these higher dimensions.

4. What is the significance of bosonic open strings in string theory?

Bosonic open strings are significant in string theory because they are the simplest and most basic type of string. By studying their behavior and interactions, scientists can gain a better understanding of the fundamental laws that govern our universe. Additionally, open strings are essential in the development of theories such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions.

5. Can bosonic open strings be observed in experiments?

No, bosonic open strings cannot be directly observed in experiments. This is because they are incredibly small, estimated to be around 10^-33 centimeters in length, making them far beyond the capabilities of our current technology. However, scientists can indirectly study and test the properties of open strings through mathematical models and simulations.

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