Gibbs Definition and 200 Threads

In thermodynamics, the Gibbs free energy (or Gibbs energy) is a thermodynamic potential that can be used to calculate the maximum reversible work that may be performed by a thermodynamic system at a constant temperature and pressure. The Gibbs free energy (



{\displaystyle \Delta G=\Delta H-T\Delta S}
, measured in joules in SI) is the maximum amount of non-expansion work that can be extracted from a thermodynamically closed system (one that can exchange heat and work with its surroundings, but not matter). This maximum can be attained only in a completely reversible process. When a system transforms reversibly from an initial state to a final state, the decrease in Gibbs free energy equals the work done by the system to its surroundings, minus the work of the pressure forces.The Gibbs energy (symbol


{\displaystyle G}
) is also the thermodynamic potential that is minimized when a system reaches chemical equilibrium at constant pressure and temperature. Its derivative with respect to the reaction coordinate of the system vanishes at the equilibrium point. As such, a reduction in


{\displaystyle G}
is necessary for a reaction to be spontaneous at constant pressure and temperature.
The Gibbs free energy, originally called available energy, was developed in the 1870s by the American scientist Josiah Willard Gibbs. In 1873, Gibbs described this "available energy" as
the greatest amount of mechanical work which can be obtained from a given quantity of a certain substance in a given initial state, without increasing its total volume or allowing heat to pass to or from external bodies, except such as at the close of the processes are left in their initial condition.
The initial state of the body, according to Gibbs, is supposed to be such that "the body can be made to pass from it to states of dissipated energy by reversible processes". In his 1876 magnum opus On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances, a graphical analysis of multi-phase chemical systems, he engaged his thoughts on chemical-free energy in full.
If the reactants and products are all in their thermodynamic standard states, then the defining equation is written as







{\displaystyle \Delta G^{\circ }=\Delta H^{\circ }-T\Delta S^{\circ }}

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  1. A

    I H-theorem and conservation of the Gibbs entropy

    My understanding of the Boltzmann's H-theorem is that if a set of a large number of colliding bolls is not in the thermodynamical equilibrium (i.e. the probability distribution function W doesn't obey the Maxwell distribution), its entropy will grow (without supplying heat) until the equilibrium...
  2. aquastor

    Thermodynamics Question Regarding Gibbs Free Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy

    Hello, is someone able to explain why these two are wrong. I am not sure how to figure out the enthalpy direction as the reaction is not changing state of matter, nor is it changing temperature. (Please solve without calculating anything) Thank you
  3. T

    I Rewriting of Gibbs Free Energy in Peksin (Equations 13.35/13.36)

    Hey all, On page 446 in Peskin, he provides 2 different ways of writing the Gibbs Free Energy: $$\textbf{G}(M,t) = M^{1+\delta}h(tM^{-1/\beta})$$, and $$\textbf{G}(M,t) = t^{\beta(1+\delta)}f(Mt^{-\beta})$$ where ##h## and ##f## are some initial condition functions that have a smooth limit as...
  4. P

    Understand Gibbs Free Energy & Activation Energy

    Hi everybody, I don't understand what changes between these two graphs. In particular, why does free energy reach a minimum in one graph and a maximum in the other? Shouldn't a chemical reaction always have an energy maximum, represented by the activation energy?
  5. tbn032

    Chemistry Confusion in relation of Gibbs free energy and equilibrium constant

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  6. wnvl2

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  7. patric44

    Gibbs free energy for superconductor in intermediate state

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  8. George26

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  9. M

    A Why Do We Need Alchemical Methods to Compute Gibbs Energy Changes?

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  10. A

    I Gibbs paradox: an urban legend in statistical physics

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  11. GranMix

    Thermodynamic meaning of molar Gibbs free energy

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  12. R

    Gibbs "Paradox" and the Entropy of mixing

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  13. Rahulx084

    Thermodynamics: Single/Homogeneous Phase Differences

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  14. TytoAlba95

    Chemistry MCQ- What is the Gibbs free energy value?

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  15. A

    I Why must the Gibbs Free Energy be proportional to N?

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  16. A

    I How does the N signify the indistinguishability in the Gibbs Paradox?

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  17. K

    Gibbs' theorem and partial molar volume

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  18. E

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  19. jaumzaum

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  20. sponteous

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  21. S

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  22. K

    Standard Gibbs free energy equal to zero?

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  23. D

    Gibbs phenomenon caused by digital signal processing?

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  24. K

    Why is DeltaG Negative for H2O(l) to H2O(g) at Equilibrium?

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  25. W

    I What Are the Differences Between Boltzmann and Gibbs Entropies?

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  26. P

    Surface tension in terms of temperature and concentration of an added substance

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  27. A

    I Gibbs Energy Confusion: Proving dG≤0 Constant T,P

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  28. MathematicalPhysicist

    Question about Gibbs free energy from Kubos' Thermodynamics

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  29. W

    I Why is the 'TS term' included in the expression for Gibbs free energy?

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  30. T

    Maxwell Relation, Gibbs Free Energy, Thermal Expansion Coefficient

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  31. T

    Maxwell Relation, Gibbs Free Energy, Thermal expansion

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  32. patrickmoloney

    Molar Gibbs Energy: 25{\circ} C Expansion Calculation

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  33. Z

    How do I solve this problem involving the Helmholtz and Gibbs Energy?

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  34. D

    I Gibbs Energy and chemical equilibrium

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  35. muscaria

    A Similarity in form of time-evolution and Gibbs weight?

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  36. C

    Gibbs Free Energy -- Connection between V, P, N & T

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  37. T

    Approaching Reaction Feasibility: Thermodynamics and Equilibrium Constant

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  38. W

    Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy for an adiabatic process

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  39. grandpa2390

    Graphing the Gibbs free energy of mixed gases

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  40. grandpa2390

    Why is the Gibbs Free energy equal to this:

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  41. freek_g

    Is Gibbs Energy Truly Equivalent to Work?

    Hi, I'm preparing for my exams in a few weeks, of which one covers Thermodynamics. I was trying to solve a question, where I noticed the Gibb's free energy had to equal the (negative) work. I kind of came to an answer, but was not sure if I did it the right way. All steps are reversible...
  42. U

    Gibbs adsorption isotherm derivation

    Let's consider an isotherm isobaric adsorption of gas (A) on the adsorbent (B). There are two phases in the system: - volume phase (1) that consists of gas and adsorbent. - surface phase (2) that contains a layer of adsorbed gas on the surface of adsorbent. When deriving Gibbs adsorption...
  43. G

    I Gibbs paradox for a small numbers of particles

    Hi. Trying to solve the Gibbs paradox for two identical volumes of ideal gas with ##N## particles each, I found the mixing entropy to be $$\Delta S=2N \log(2)-\log((2N)!)+2\log(N!)\enspace .$$ The usual approach now uses Stirling's approximation to the order ##\log (n!)\approx n\log (n)-n##...
  44. N

    Thermodynamics: vapor pressure water, given the gibbs energy

    Homework Statement Calculate the vapor pressure of water at 25°C, based on the Gibbs free energy when vaporising from liquid water to vapor (so at 1 atm and 25°C ). Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution After integrating d g/d p= RT/p. I get my formula p = p0*exp (-delta gm(p0, T)/RT). I...
  45. Mayan Fung

    Gibbs Free Energy and Enthelpy

    When I studied chemistry in high school, I learned that if the change of enthalpy of a reaction ΔH > 0 , the reaction is endothermic, and if ΔH<0, it is exothermic. However in thermodynamic class, I learnt: $$ ΔG = ΔH - TΔS $$ For a reaction of a battery, the data reads ΔG = -394kJ/mol. (which...
  46. Ravi Singh choudhary

    Gibbs phase rule use for wet vapour

    I have a doubt regarding gibbs phase rule in thermodynamics.. It says the number of independent intensive properties required to specify the state of a system is F=C-P+2 where C is number of components and P is the number of phase.. So for a water and water vapour system, C=1, P=2 . So F=1. If...
  47. doulyftbruh

    Change in Gibbs free energy at equillibrium

    I understand that the change in Gibbs Free Energy at equillibrium is 0 and this leads to the equation -deltaH=TdeltaS. My questions here is that if a reaction is at equillibrium, how can there be any change in enthalpy or entropy at all? Why wouldn't these terms be 0?
  48. bananabandana

    Are the Gibbs and Boltzmann forms of Entropy equivalent?

    Homework Statement Are the Gibbs and Boltzmann entropies always equivalent? Homework Equations $$ S=k_{B}ln\Omega $$ [Boltzmann entropy, where ##\Omega## is the number of available microstates $$ S=-k_{B}\sum_{i}p_{i} ln(p_{i}) $$ [Gibbs entropy, where ##p_{i}## is the probability of a...
  49. M

    Resolution to Gibbs' entropy paradox?

    It seems to me that Gibbs' Paradox (that the entropy of a classical ideal gas, calculated by phase-space volume, is not extensive) can be resolved without assuming that particles are indistinguishable. Suppose instead the opposite: that particles are distinguishable, meaning that each one can...
  50. E

    Trouble with Gibbs Free Energy & Equilibrium Constant Calc.

    Hello. A known equation that is useful for calculating equilbrium constants is: ΔG° = -RT * ln(K) This is all well and good. Given a standard gibbs free energy of reaction for some given reaction, the equilibrium constant for the reaction can be found. My trouble is in which ΔG° to use. For...