Height Definition and 1000 Threads

Height is measure of vertical distance, either vertical extent (how "tall" something or someone is) or vertical position (how "high" a point is).
For example, "The height of that building is 50 m" or "The height of an airplane in-flight is about 10,000 m".
When the term is used to describe vertical position (of, e.g., an airplane) from sea level, height is more often called altitude.
Furthermore, if the point is attached to the Earth (e.g., a mountain peak), then altitude (height above sea level) is called elevation.In a two-dimensional Cartesian space, height is measured along the vertical axis (y) between a specific point and another that does not have the same y-value. If both points happen to have the same y-value, then their relative height is zero. In three-dimensional space, height is measured along the vertical z axis, describing a distance from (or "above") the x-y plane.

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  1. SelzerRS

    Finding the intermediate height of a ball in terms of its maximum height

    Ive done this problem two different ways (sorry it’s messy) and keep getting hB = 1/9 hA, but my homework says it’s wrong. I’m guessing it’s because I assume that v0 is 0, but I’m not sure what other formulas or steps I need to take to either find or omit the variable. Are there any other...
  2. T

    Engineering Determine the flight time and heights of 2 balls thrown vertically

    To find the time of this problem, I used the equations 3 + (10 * x ) = 13.5 *x. 3 = 3.5*x. Therefore x was 0.857. To start off with child A was already three feet above ground and I got the answer to the time. However I couldn't find the height.
  3. hello478

    Minimum work done to push the cube over

    my attempt: centre of mass of standing block is at 0.6 and the fallen block is at 0.25 so then change in height = 0.35 and mg = 4000 N so change in gpe = 4000* 0.35 = 1400J but wouldnt we take into account that we only have to apply force till the centre of mass is outside of the block so...
  4. T

    I Calculate new height of truncated cone

    Hi, Suppose you have a truncated cone filled water with the lower radius being R, and upper r (R>r), and the height is H. R, r and H is known so the volume, V, can be calculated using V=1/3*pi*H*(R^2+R*r+r^2). Now suppose you remove some water so that you end up with a lower volume, V1. The...
  5. M

    Finding the launch angle for a projectile if the range is 3x the max height of the trajectory

    For this problem, The solution is, I don't understand how they got from ##\frac {sin^2\theta_i}{sin2\theta} ## to ##\frac{tan\theta_i}{2}##. Would somebody please show me the immediate steps? I also don't understand is why they say the ignore the trivial case where ##\theta_i = 0~rad##...
  6. M

    Hop height of a rod and speed/ time if hit upward with force f

    I want to make a few of these if it will not cost a lot.
  7. M

    Finding a rocket's speed at height h

    I substituted 0 for vi, as the rocket is initially stopped. I am looking for Vf. So: Vf^2=0+2asΔs Vf^2=2asΔs I then substituted a=Fthrust/m So: Vf^2=2(Fthrust/m)Δs Δs at any given moment equals h so I substituted h for Δs. Then took the square root of both sides. Vf=sqrt(2h(Fthrust/m)) It...
  8. Sphere

    B Why does increasing the height of a water tower increase water pressure?

    Hello, I was wondering, for a fixed amount of water, why when the height of a water tower increases, the water pressure at the outlet of the pipe at the base of the tower increases ? I have often read on the internet that it would be caused by the weight of the water above the water at the base...
  9. P

    Time to reach Max. Height for a kicked soccer ball

    Vvertical=15sin30 = 7.5m/s d=Vvertical*t+0.5atsquared 0=(7.5m/s)t+0.5(-9.81m/s)t squared 0=t(7.5m/s-4.9t) t= 1.53s t=1.53/2 t= 0.76s to reach the maximum height Is this correct?
  10. Tesla In Person

    Find the Height of a Building by dropping a ball from the top

    Hi, I have this kinematics question I am struggling with. There is a building from which a ball is dropped and it takes 5 second to reach the ground. Then they say that the same building is on a planet w/o atmosphere where g= 6 m/s^2 . What is the height of the building ? I approached this...
  11. trryan5

    Find Projectile Flight Time Given Only Maximum Height

    I've been trying some online projectile problems. Specifically, I was using this one on master difficulty, looking at row e. It uses a random number generator; I shared the data I received in the Homework Statement above. According to the help section, you can solve this with the formula...
  12. billyt_

    Drop height of a magnet vs. induced EMF in a solenoid

    I am currently working on an experiment that involves dropping a magnet from varying heights and measuring how the induced emf of a solenoid changes as a result. I am currently somewhat struggling with a derivation for a relationship between the two variables, however, this is what I have been...
  13. P

    Bernoulli equation / fluid flow / finding height

    Hi, everyone! Doing some fluid flow/Bernoulli tasks. Ok, so the task is: «A hose with a radius of 0,035m is connected to a nozzle, which reduces the radius of the hose to 0,018m (2). The hose carries (qv) 0,0075 m3/sec and the totalpressure (3) in the wide section (1) is 211 kPA. The density of...
  14. W

    Connection between Pressure, Surface Density and Height?

    [Mentors' note: moved from technical forums so no template] Hi All, Working on a lab write-up, and I need background equations to support the reasoning for my experiment. To outline briefly, two-part experiment, first part was finding the ideal pressure for a basketball, where I inflated it...
  15. A

    Calculating Maximum Height: Confusion & Solutions

    I am calculating it like this: 𝑦=ℎ0−0.5𝑔𝑡^2=0→ℎ0=0.5𝑔𝑡^2→𝑡=sqrt(2*ℎ0/g) 𝑥=𝑣0*𝑡→ substituting t →𝑥=𝑣0*sqrt(2*ℎ0/g) 𝑑𝑥/𝑑ℎ0=𝑣0/(𝑔*sqrt(2*h0/g))=0 for maximum ℎ0=0. confused. can someone tell me how I am calculating this wrong?
  16. M

    Does climate change affect air density at altitude (scale height)?

    Increases in global temperature change affect the tree line and presumably comfortable habitability via temperature, and average air pressure associated with weather patterns. That's not what I mean. I'm thinking a 1/50 increase in kelvin temperature might increase the scale height of Earth's...
  17. B

    Min Plane Height to Drop Bomb in Hollow: 335m

    A plane is flying 80km/h in horizontal direction and it has to drop a bomb into 30m wide and 30m deep hollow. What is the smallest possible height for the plane to fly above hollow if the bomb successfully hits the bottom? I made a mistake somewhere but not sure where... the correct result is...
  18. jaumzaum

    I Radio waves and height gain in fading zones

    Hello Guys! I'm studying radio waves and I can't understand the following: Radio waves propagates through Earths surface as a ground waves, line-of-sight waves or skywaves. There is a phenomenon that occurs with line-of-sight waves (and maybe with ground waves?) known as height gain, in which...
  19. I

    B Rebound Height vs Air Pressure: A Puzzling Relationship

    Hi all I have a very quick question I'm trying to understand why a graph of Rebound height (m) vs Air Pressure (x axis) doesn't have a line of best fit which goes through the origin. I understand a basketball's bounce can be compared to the compression of a mass-spring system but then why...
  20. rudransh verma

    A Projectile problem -- Time to reach 1/3 of the max height

    Assuming it’s one body whose initial speed is u. First it attains height h then H. t1 and t2 are two times at which they attain h and H. ##h=ut1-\frac12gt1^2## ##H=ut2-\frac12gt2^2## ##\frac {t1}{t2}=1/3## Replacing t2 with 3t1, I am stuck.
  21. J

    I Proof of average height of half circle

    I need proof how find average height of half circle? Lets say pressure distribution is half circle with Pmax = radius,I must find average/resultant pressure..
  22. lonewolfx

    Engineering Pump work required to reach a maximum reservoir height

    The following image represents the system under analysis: Using a reference point 1 on the surface of the lower reservoir, point 2 at the discharge of the middle reservoir, and point 3 at the discharge of the upper reservoir, and assuming the pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure at all of...
  23. D

    Manometer -- determine height from relative pressure

    The correct answer is 5.6m, not sure where I made the mistake.
  24. S

    Height of pendulum after hitting a peg

    By considering conservation of energy, my answer is (B). But the solution states the answer is (A) Is it because there will be loss of some of the KE when the string hits the peg so making answer (A) is better than answer (B)? The question itself does not state about friction Thanks
  25. C

    B Measuring change in g with height (TV program many years ago)

    Bit of a long shot but can anyone remember a TV program where the presenter measured the weight of something at ground level and compared it to the weight at the top of a tall building, possibly the Empire State building? Sorry I can't recall more details. Think it was at least 10 years ago...
  26. Istiak

    Calculating Velocity when Stuntman Jumps from 1.25m Height

    > >A stuntman jumped from $1.25 \ \text{m}$ height and, landed at distance $10 \ \text{m}$. Find velocity when he jumped. (Take $\text{g}=10 \ ms^{-2}$) I had solved it following way. $$h=\frac{1}{2}gt^2$$ $$=>1.25=5\cdot t^2$$ $$=>t=\frac{1}{2}$$ And, $$s=vt$$ $$v=\frac{s}{t}$$ $$=\frac{10 \...
  27. Ferdel

    Max Height and Distance of Projectile: Theory & Simulation

    How can i find the angle that a projectile is fired where the maximun height is the same as the traveling distance? I need to find this first in a theoretical way, then i need to confirm this with a simulation. And i need to use only this y=yo+Voyt+1/2gt^2 x=Voxt
  28. G

    I How do I calculate density given height and volume?

    I’m trying to calculate how many Joules are stored in the Hyperion tree, the worlds tallest (115.84 m). However, I cannot find the mass of said tree, and am trying to find it by multiplying density by the volume (530 m^3) because if p=m/V then p•V=m, but I cannot find the density of the tree, so...
  29. B

    Optics Equations - to reduce height

    Is there an optics equation that can take an existing optics set-up and tell you would components, you would need to reduce the distance and still get the same result? I have a working system, but it is really larger and I would like to reduce the distance, the height. I am using a light source...
  30. V

    What height was reached by a projectile of a pressurized system (pics)

    There is a pressurized system at work that operates at 500 psi. The line is 22" in diameter. One of the valves failed at the body to bonnet connection and launched the valve (5,000 lbs) up and through the roof. I was curious if it is possible to calculate the height reached.
  31. Krokodrile

    Hi determine the height of the mountain (using atmospheric pressure)

    i have the first convertions of the atmospheric pressure: 1872 lbf/ft^2 = 89,632.6 Pa 2016 lbm/ft^2 = 96,325.4 Pa g= 9.72 m/s^2 But, i don't have idea how pass the air density of "lbm" to international units ;,(. And other cuestion: its fine pass lbm/ft^2 and lbf/ft^2 to Pa simirlarly?
  32. J

    Finding change in height of fluid in U tube from change in T

    So first I converted the density from g/cm^3 to kg/cm^3 (it wants the answer in cm). This gives me a density of 0.01356 kg/cm^3. Then I thought about the relationship of pressure and temperature. Since volume remains constant and temperature is the only variable changing, the change in pressure...
  33. yourheartandsoul

    Finding blood pressure from density and height difference

    I did (1300)(9.81)(0.67) and got 8544.51 N/m^2 but unsure if that was the correct route to take. Please confirm or deny if I was approaching it in the correct way!
  34. F

    I Issue about the percentage of falling of height of Likelihood

    I have currently an issue about the height at which the projection of 1 sigma edges in 2D contour should intersect the associated Likelihood. Here a figure to illustrate my issue : At bottom left is represented the joint distribution (shaded blue = contours at 2 sigma (95% C.L) and classic...
  35. M

    Finding height of buffer regions and viscous sublayer turbulent flow

    Hi, I was recently attempting a problem about the height of buffer regions and viscous sublayer. Question: A fluid flows through a smooth pipe of diameter 150 mm with flow rate, density and kinematic viscosity of 0.180 m^{3} s^{-1} and a density 700 kg and 0.40 \times 10^{−6} 𝑚^2...
  36. C

    Calculate flow rate in a tap and the height of a reservoir

    The possible answers are: (I do not know what is the right one) A. ##H=120m## , ##S=0.0131\frac{m^3}{s}## B. ##H=60m## , ##S=0.0231\frac{m^3}{s}## C. ##H=120m## , ##S=0.0231\frac{m^3}{s}## D. ##H=240m## , ##S=0.0231\frac{m^3}{s}## E. ##H=60m## , ##S=0.0131\frac{m^3}{s}## F. ##H=240m## ...
  37. brotherbobby

    Scale height ##z_0## of atmosphere's density profile

    I want to begin by writing the problem and drawing its sketch to make things clearer on what is being asked for. Given : In the sketch shown to the right, the density profile of air with increasing ##z## is given by ##\rho=\rho_0 \exp(-z/z_0)##. Since we know the value of atmospheric pressure...
  38. brotherbobby

    B Variation of air density with height

    Using the ideal gas equation ##PV = nRT\Rightarrow PV = \frac{m}{M} RT## where ##m,M## are the mass and molecular weights of the gas respectively. This yields ##\frac{m}{V} = \frac{PM}{RT} = \rho##, the density of the gas at a point with pressure ##P##. If only we can obtain the variation of...
  39. WMDhamnekar

    MHB Computing projectile's maximum height and range.

    Hi, Here is the question. Answer given is d. But i don't understand how is that computed? I am working on this question. Meanwhile any member knowing the correct answer may help me in finding out correct answer.
  40. A

    News The height of the pyramid of Cheops

    On the site https://www.wisfaq.nl/show3archive.asp?id=2537&j=2002 it is said that the ratio of the height of the Cheops pyramid (##a##) to the length of one side of the base (##a + b##) is equal to $$ \frac{2 \, (a + b) / Pi}{ a + b}= 2 / Pi = 0.6366197722$$ But if you use the golden ratio as a...
  41. greg_rack

    Finding height in uniformly accelerated motion

    First of all I have found the time taken by the first object to hit the ground back: ##\Delta t=2(\frac{v}{a})##. Then, by subtracting 2 seconds to this quantity, I get the time in which the second object has accelerated in free fall, with terminal velocity ##v=at##. Now, I find the distance...
  42. A

    Determining the minimum velocity when given height and length

    Now I've tried looking at the problem like this. Considering that a is the length off the vehicles that he is trying to jump over I would consider that to be s. The plane from which he starts (b) should be the h. So considering that he is jumping from a horizontal plane, gravity should also...
  43. H

    I Perceived Height and actual height

    Hi all, I want to calculate the perceived height of a number of mountains. I know the height and distance from one of the mountains. If the hieght of the mountain is 925 metres and the distance is 20000 metres away, is there a method of calculating the perceived height for this mountain and...
  44. aspodkfpo

    Spring Force vs Height on a Trampoline

    There is a trampoline drawn here and a graph of the spring force vs height. I don't see why the spring force is decreasing at a decreasing rate with respect to height above trampoline. F= kx = k * h/sin(theta), letting theta be between the horizontal and the spring.
  45. xyz_1965

    MHB What is the Height of the Washington Monument from a Distance of 1000 Feet?

    From a point level with and 1000 feet away from the base of the Washington Monument, the angle of elevation to the top of the monument is 29.05°. Determine the height of the monument to the nearest half foot. Here is the set up. Let M = height of monument to the nearest half foot. tan...
  46. jamesdhurai

    Lifting height of a box in a truck going over a speed bump

    hey guys need to know the way to find the solution to the problem. Consider a truck which is traveled in a speed of 60km per hour. A package weighs 50 kg is placed inside the truck with side supports to arrest the movement in x and y direction. But the top movement (z axis) is not arrested...
  47. ItsukaKitto

    Maximum height a block reaches after separating from a curved moving ramp

    Diagram attached at the endI personally think there's something wrong with this question, and I'd like if someone can tell me whether it's the question that is wrong or my approach. If I attempt the solution thinking that M should be stationary, the solution is simple. 0 - 1/2 mv^2 = -mgh...
  48. Q

    Finding the maximum height of a projectile

    Using the equations for constant acceleration, we can write the following set of equations for this problem: We have the following known physical constraints: Solving the above system of equations and constraints with a computer algebra system: So, all the solutions I found make...
  49. I

    I Why is 2.5 times the radius the minimum height needed to do a loop?

    The height can be determined by conservation of energy (ignoring all friction). The mechanical energy when the car is at rest, equals the mechanical energy when the car is in the middle of the loop (at the top of the loop): \begin{equation} E_{0} = E_{loop} \\ mgh_0 = \frac{1}{2}mv^2+mgh_{loop}...