Logarithm Definition and 338 Threads

In mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base b, must be raised, to produce that number x. In the simplest case, the logarithm counts the number of occurrences of the same factor in repeated multiplication; e.g., since 1000 = 10 × 10 × 10 = 103, the "logarithm base 10" of 1000 is 3, or log10(1000) = 3. The logarithm of x to base b is denoted as logb(x), or without parentheses, logb x, or even without the explicit base, log x, when no confusion is possible, or when the base does not matter such as in big O notation.
More generally, exponentiation allows any positive real number as base to be raised to any real power, always producing a positive result, so logb(x) for any two positive real numbers b and x, where b is not equal to 1, is always a unique real number y. More explicitly, the defining relation between exponentiation and logarithm is:




{\displaystyle \log _{b}(x)=y\ }
exactly if




{\displaystyle \ b^{y}=x\ }


{\displaystyle \ x>0}


{\displaystyle \ b>0}



{\displaystyle \ b\neq 1}
.For example, log2 64 = 6, as 26 = 64.
The logarithm base 10 (that is b = 10) is called the decimal or common logarithm and is commonly used in science and engineering. The natural logarithm has the number e (that is b ≈ 2.718) as its base; its use is widespread in mathematics and physics, because of its simpler integral and derivative. The binary logarithm uses base 2 (that is b = 2) and is frequently used in computer science. Logarithms are examples of concave functions.Logarithms were introduced by John Napier in 1614 as a means of simplifying calculations. They were rapidly adopted by navigators, scientists, engineers, surveyors and others to perform high-accuracy computations more easily. Using logarithm tables, tedious multi-digit multiplication steps can be replaced by table look-ups and simpler addition. This is possible because of the fact—important in its own right—that the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors:










{\displaystyle \log _{b}(xy)=\log _{b}x+\log _{b}y,\,}
provided that b, x and y are all positive and b ≠ 1. The slide rule, also based on logarithms, allows quick calculations without tables, but at lower precision.
The present-day notion of logarithms comes from Leonhard Euler, who connected them to the exponential function in the 18th century, and who also introduced the letter e as the base of natural logarithms.Logarithmic scales reduce wide-ranging quantities to tiny scopes. For example, the decibel (dB) is a unit used to express ratio as logarithms, mostly for signal power and amplitude (of which sound pressure is a common example). In chemistry, pH is a logarithmic measure for the acidity of an aqueous solution. Logarithms are commonplace in scientific formulae, and in measurements of the complexity of algorithms and of geometric objects called fractals. They help to describe frequency ratios of musical intervals, appear in formulas counting prime numbers or approximating factorials, inform some models in psychophysics, and can aid in forensic accounting.
In the same way as the logarithm reverses exponentiation, the complex logarithm is the inverse function of the exponential function, whether applied to real numbers or complex numbers. The modular discrete logarithm is another variant; it has uses in public-key cryptography.

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  1. chwala

    Solve the given problem giving your answer as a single logarithm

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  3. RChristenk

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  4. RChristenk

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  7. RChristenk

    Distributing negative signs in logarithms

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  8. RChristenk

    Find the value of ##\sqrt[5]{0.00000165}##

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  9. RChristenk

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  10. Z-10-46

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  11. A

    A Extending reals with logarithm of zero

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  12. brotherbobby

    Solving a nested logarithmic equation

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  13. C

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  14. YouAreAwesome

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  15. G

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  16. chwala

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  17. chwala

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  18. chwala

    How can the logarithm problem be solved?

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  19. S

    Express logarithm in another variable

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  20. A

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  21. S

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  22. OwlsInATrenchcoat

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  23. anemone

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  24. G

    How do you properly add logarithms with negative characteristics by hand?

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  25. W

    MHB Logarithm Identity: Prove Loga(1/x)=log1/x(a)

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  26. J

    Trivial question on differentiating logarithms

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  27. M

    A Regression analysis: logarithm or relative change?

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  28. B

    When can using a logarithm make solving an equation easier?

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  29. G

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  30. nomadreid

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  31. hilbert2

    I Is there a name for this approximation?

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  32. M

    MHB Logarithm properties in functional equations Show that f(1/a) = -f(a)

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  33. R

    MHB The Limited Logarithm: Why x Can't Be <= 0

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  34. DLeuPel

    I How Were Napier’s Logarithms Invented?

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  35. Philip Robotic

    Integration that leads to logarithm functions problem

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  36. V

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  37. opus

    B Why is pH a negative logarithm?

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  38. F

    Solving for time in an exponential equation

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  39. AdrianMachin

    Ambiguity in finding errors using natural logarithm method

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  40. CalcExplorer

    A How to Convert a Complex Logarithm to a Complex Exponential

    Okay, so I'm working with a rather frustrating problem with a calculus equation. I'm trying to solve a calculus equation which I conceptualized from existing methods involving complex number fractal equations. I'm very familiar with pre-calculus, while being self-taught in portions of calculus...
  41. Rectifier

    Complex logarithm as primitive

    The problem I am trying to calculate the integral $$ \int_{\gamma} \frac{z}{z^2+4} \ dz $$ Where ## \gamma ## is the line segment from ## z=2+2i ## to ## z=-2-2i ##. The attempt I would like to solve this problem using substitution and a primitive function to ## \frac{1}{u} ##. I am not...
  42. K

    MHB A logarithm formula involving the mascheroni constant

    After watching this video: The mystery of 0.577 4k1jegU4Wb4 My problem is at position 7 mins 26 secs where he states the following: 1 - Ln = 1 1+ 1/2 - Ln2 = 0.81 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 - Ln3 = 0.73 And so on until we arrive at Eulers Mascheroni Constant Being that he is using 'Ln' have learned this...
  43. G

    Logarithm and statistical mechanics

    Hello, I'll try to get right to the point. Why and how does logarithmic dependence appear in statistical mechanics? I understand that somehow it is linked with probabilities, but I can not quite understand.
  44. alijan kk

    Understanding the Relationship Between Natural Logarithms and Their Reciprocals

    Homework Statement 1/loga(e) = loge(a) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution how they are reciprocals of each other ? is their any longer but intuative way to show this result
  45. F

    Can Discrete Logarithms Be Added in Modular Arithmetic?

    Homework Statement Let g be a primitive root for ##\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}## where p is a prime number. b) Prove that ##\log_g(h_1h_2) = \log_g(h_1) + \log_g(h_2)## for all ##h_1, h_2 \epsilon \mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}##. Homework Equations Let x, denoted ##\log_g(h)##, be the discrete logarithm...
  46. H

    Find the derivative of this function

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