Electrostatic force Definition and 184 Threads

Coulomb's law, or Coulomb's inverse-square law, is an experimental law of physics that quantifies the amount of force between two stationary, electrically charged particles. The electric force between charged bodies at rest is conventionally called electrostatic force or Coulomb force. The law was first discovered in 1785 by French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, hence the name. Coulomb's law was essential to the development of the theory of electromagnetism, maybe even its starting point, as it made it possible to discuss the quantity of electric charge in a meaningful way.The law states that the magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them,















{\displaystyle |F|=k_{\text{e}}{\frac {|q_{1}q_{2}|}{r^{2}}}}
Here, ke is Coulomb's constant (ke ≈ 8.988×109 N⋅m2⋅C−2), q1 and q2 are the signed magnitudes of the charges, and the scalar r is the distance between the charges.
The force is along the straight line joining the two charges. If the charges have the same sign, the electrostatic force between them is repulsive; if they have different signs, the force between them is attractive.
Being an inverse-square law, the law is analogous to Isaac Newton's inverse-square law of universal gravitation, but gravitational forces are always attractive, while electrostatic forces can be attractive or repulsive. Coulomb's law can be used to derive Gauss's law, and vice versa. In the case of a single stationary point charge, the two laws are equivalent, expressing the same physical law in different ways. The law has been tested extensively, and observations have upheld the law on the scale from 10−16 m to 108 m.

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  1. mangofan

    I Electrostatic force exerted on an electron inside a nucleus

    This is SAMPLE PROBLEM 25-7 from "Physics" by Resnik, Halliday, and Krane, in the chapter "Electric Field and Coulomb's Law". After describing the behavior of uniformly charged spherical shells: follows a sample problem: The solution to (a) goes to say that the volume inside R/2 is 1/8 of the...
  2. T

    A Is Gravity Just the Electrostatic Force?

    I read this paper and this is iindeed a very interesting hypothesis. The implications of this theory if true are enormous! Please comment! Is Gravity Just the Electrostatic Force? <crackpot link deleted>
  3. M

    Help with Coulomb's law: Net electrostatic force

    I tried just calculating the force with Coulomb's law, then calculating the forces for each vector individually and adding, but I got it wrong both ways
  4. B

    I How to ensure an equation is dimensionless when it includes "Debye"

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  5. E

    Does the electrostatic force create current in the circuit?

    As I understand potential difference is the reason of current. Does it mean that the electrostatic force creates current?
  6. Prabs3257

    Electrostatic force equilibrium

    I was thinking that we can equate the electrostatic potential energy and the spring energy (as the force is similar to that of a spring so energy will also be 1/2kx^2 ) but i am not getting the correct ans but by equating the net force on one charge to kr i am getting the correct ans can...
  7. T

    Electrons cannot sense electrostatic force?

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  8. Salman Ali

    How do the charges in 3 cancel each other out in net electrostatic force?

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  9. iVenky

    Electrostatic force with and without a conductor in between

    The figure shows a charge q1 exerting a force on a test charge qu. What happens to the electric force when a conductor is placed between q1 and qu (cases 1 and 2)? Does the force still remains the same? I am asking this because I am actually interested in finding what happens to the flux in...
  10. P

    How many electrons were transferred to create an attractive force of 1 N?

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  11. S

    Confusion about the Lorentz force

    We can find the force by finding the E-field on the charge first, then applying Lorentz force formula. However, it isn't obvious to me at all how to find the E-field. If the charge were on top of the hemisphere I would be using spherical coordinates, but here I don't know which coordinate system...
  12. psy

    Electrostatic Force and Field between two charges

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  13. T

    Electrostatic force between a Half Cylinder and a Plate

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  14. Fraser MacDonald

    What is the electrostatic force field?

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  15. S

    Electrostatic Force - Locations of a second charge

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  16. R

    What is the net electrostatic force of the sphere at the origin?

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  17. S

    Potential Difference & Force on Electrostatic Sphere

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  18. Vishakha

    Maximizing Electrostatic Force between Two Point Charges

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  19. L

    Electrostatic Force: +3.2 C & -1.6 C Magnitude of Force

    Homework Statement I have a question that I think I know, but it is kind of confusing me a little bit. The problem is as following: Consider a charge of +3.2 C and a charge of -1.6 C separated by a distance of radius r. Which of the following statements correctly describes the magnitude of...
  20. J

    Calculating electrostatic force on particles

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  21. Funner

    Electrostatic force on polymer particle in an electric field

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  22. S

    What is the *truth* of the electrostatic force

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  23. Aldo Biko

    The force between charged and neutral object

    Homework Statement I did a lab involving Van de Graaff generator. Basically, below the charged sphere, I put a neutral sphere on a scale and measure the difference in mass which then I can calculate the force acting on the neutral sphere. I repeated the experiment with different distance. What...
  24. J

    Missmatch in electrostatic force calc. by different methods

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  25. Y

    Force on a charge due to charged sheet

    Homework Statement I want to find the force on a positive charge placed at a distance ##d## from a positively charged infinite plate. Of course, it can be simply done by finding the electric field due to the plate using Gauss's Law. But my teacher suggested a different method and I am unable...
  26. UchihaClan13

    What is the explanation for the electrostatic force between two charged bodies?

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  27. Monkey_Man08

    What is the unknown charge if the net electrostatic force on particle 1 is zero?

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  28. E

    Electrostatic force between two halves of sphere

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  29. C

    How to get maximum electrostatic force?

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  30. T

    Finding magnitude of electrostatic force

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  31. W

    I'm making an Arithmetic Error, Electrostatic force diagrams

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  32. G

    Finding magnitude of electrostatic force

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  33. P

    Electrostatic and gravitational force

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  34. J

    When current flows through 2 parallel wires (same amount of current)

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  35. J

    Electrostatic Force Between Proton and Neutron?

    After calculating the force upon an electron and a force upon a proton in the atom of hydrogen, my result was a force of ≈8.2x10-8 Newtons acting upon the electron and proton each. If found this by using the formula Fe = (ke q1q2)/r2 Taking this number, I then applied it in the formula F = ma...
  36. W

    Electrostatic Force Concept Question

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  37. Emily_20

    Calculating Electrostatic Force Between Pennies with Slight Charge Differences

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  38. S

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  39. L

    What is the electrostatic force on the Y charge?

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  40. arpon

    How to Calculate the Force Holding Two Halves of a Charged Sphere?

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  41. M

    Hai Calculating Net Electrostatic Force Need help :(

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  42. PhysicoRaj

    Electrostatic force in a medium of non uniform permittivity

    Homework Statement Two point charges, +4 μC and -10 μC are placed 10 cm apart in air. A dielectric slab of large area and thickness 5 cm is placed between the charges. Find the force of attraction between the charges, if the dielectric has a dielectric constant of 9. Homework Equations...
  43. E

    What factors could alter electrostatic force?

    While investigating Coulomb's Law, I created a graph of F-1/2 vs. r to display results. The gradient of this graph is much steeper than it should be. What factors could affect the electrostatic force to make this happen? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (The experiment...
  44. D

    MHB Electrostatic Force: Effects of Distance

    How does electrostatic force vary between two objects if the distance is doubled? I know with gravitational force as the distance doubles the force decreases by \(\frac{1}{4}\).
  45. D

    Electrostatic force, voltage, electrostatic potential

    Hello everyone I am stuck with a problem about voltages (electrostatic potential) and forces. According to capacitor equations the energy stored in the capacitor is: U=1/2*C*V^2 And force is: F = - dU/dx Since U is dependent on V^2, our force can’t be positive (repelling...
  46. M

    Electrostatic force between 2 hemispheres

    Homework Statement A metal sphere of radius R carries a total charge Q, what is the force of repulsion between the northern and southern hemispheres Homework Equations \large f=\sigma Eav=1/2 \sigma(Eabove+Ebelow). \\Fz=\int fz dA =\int \sigma Eav cos\theta R^{2}sin\theta d\theta d\phi=\int...
  47. N

    Finding the magnitude of the electrostatic force from a thin rod

    Homework Statement The figure shows a uniformly charged thin rod of length L that has total charge Q. Find an expression for the magnitude of the electrostatic force acting on an electron positioned on the axis of the rod at a distance d from the midpoint of the rod...
  48. X

    Work done by electrostatic force. Positive or negative?

    Homework Statement A small, positively charged sphere is released from rest and moves directly away from a larger, positively charged sphere. During this process, the electrostatic force: a) does positive work and increases the kinetic energy of the small sphere b) does negative work and...
  49. S

    Does the Electrostatic Force Originate from Curvature? An Explanation

    einstein explained the origin of gravitational force from the concept of space time curvature.but what about the electrostatic force...does it also originate from some sort of curvature.please explain...
  50. X

    Work done by electrostatic force

    Homework Statement A small, positively charged sphere is released from rest and moves directly away from a larger, positively charged sphere. During this process, the electrostatic force: a) does positive work and increases the kinetic energy of the small sphere b) does negative work and...