Exploring the Pi Meson: Discovery & Impact on Modern Physics

In summary: I don't know whether the article is available online for free. If you have access to a university library, your school may have a subscription to the journal. If you go to a university library to research your essay, you can ask the reference librarian for help finding sources. You might also be able to ask a university physics professor for help, depending on how approachable they are. You could for example try sending e-mail to the authors of the articles you've found online, explaining that you're a high school student and asking for suggestions of sources that you can understand. If you find yourself in a university library, the catalog and reference books may help you identify more sources. For example, the Library of Congress Classification system puts most of the
  • #1
Hello everyone, I am a senior physics student doing a paper on the pi meson. The only real website I can find with relevant information towards it is on wikipedia. I don't really want to use that as a source because of the credibility issue which arises with wiki. So I was wondering, (even tried google and found definition websites) if you could had any websites which has thorough information on the discoverers, how it was discovered and how it fits into the standard model. That would be really helpful. BTW I have a week to complete this so help would be preferable ASAP. Any helpful books which could be useful would be great too. Any replies would be very much appreciated but I understand you guys have other things to do so I won't be disappointed if you don't. Thanks.

P.s. my email address is pf21avs@hotmail.com if anyone wants to get personally in touch with me
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try these links, the second gives a nice history of the pi-meson (aka pion):

You need to read : H. Yukawa, Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 17, 48 (1935).

Here is a summary of what Yukawa found:

And how pi-meson hypothesis of Yukawa is viewed today:
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  • #3
Any textbook on modern or particle physics should have all the info you could possibly want. Have you tried a local university library?

- Warren
  • #4
Chroot I am a senior high school student. I don't understand enough of the text in University Particle Physics books to make any sense of what I'm reading. Maybe I shouldn't have assumed senior meant grade 12... sorry guys.
  • #5
BUMP... anyone want to try and tackle this task?
  • #6
Perhaps you need to specify exactly why none of the references you've already been offered are sufficient.
  • #7
The pi meson was discussed more thoroughly in old particle physics texts than in newer ones. I suggest you try tthe library for books by
(I m not sure of the exact names of the books):
Perkins, 1st edition
Bruno Rossi
Emilio Segre
Fermi: Nuclear Physics
Sam Lindenbaum
  • #8
Writing essays on quarks while still in high school? your school funding must be on steroids:rolleyes:

are you planning on having a lot of equations and whatnot in your essay or is it going to be more of a background history type of report
  • #9
its more of a thorough essay without any equations, how do we know it exists, what evidence is there of it, how ti fits into the standard model, how was it discovered, in what type of accelerator and with what detection apparatus
  • #10
One question for the guys on here. I seem to find a lot of website that state that pi mesons are the carriers of the strong force... but isn't taht the job of the gluons and their continuous colour exchange? I am getting really confused and frustrated ebcause this essay is due in like 5 days and I have yet to start because I DON'T UNDERSTAND what the pion is and reliable sources for it. I am going to go to the library tomrorow and see if I can find those books though. They'll probably be helpful. BUt if anyone can answer that question it would do wonders for me. Thanks guys.
  • #11
pf21avs said:
I seem to find a lot of website that state that pi mesons are the carriers of the strong force... but isn't taht the job of the gluons and their continuous colour exchange?

Quarks exchange gluons, but nucleons (protons and neutrons, which are bound triplets of quarks) exchange bound quark-antiquark pairs (pi mesons). At least at "low" energies, such as are involved in holding a nucleus together. If you smack two nucleons together with a lot of energy, then the individual quarks in one nucleon start to interact directly with the quarks in the other nucleon.
  • #12
jtbell said:
Quarks exchange gluons, but nucleons (protons and neutrons, which are bound triplets of quarks) exchange bound quark-antiquark pairs (pi mesons). At least at "low" energies, such as are involved in holding a nucleus together. If you smack two nucleons together with a lot of energy, then the individual quarks in one nucleon start to interact directly with the quarks in the other nucleon.

So then is the duty shared? Where low energy equals pions and high energies equals gluons?
  • #13
Bump.. Sorry for tryin to keep this at the top of the forum but I have no actual reason I'm just selfishly trying to get this done.
  • #14
Words are slippery things. Trying to be careful about it, I would say that exchange of gluons among quarks is the fundamental mechanism for the strong interaction, in all cases. In some situations, namely low-energy interactions of protons and neutrons, and maybe of other hadrons, this fundamental interaction manifests itself as pion exchange.

In this picture, if you take a Feynman diagram of, say, a proton-neutron interaction involving pion exchange, it should be possible to re-draw it in terms of quarks and gluons, with triplets of quark lines replacing the proton and neutron, and a pair of quark/antiquark lines replacing the pion. Before I wrote my previous post, I did a Google search on "pion exchange" and found an article that discusses this connection and contains an example of such a diagram:

Peter Dunne, A reappraisal of the mechanism of pion exchange and its implications for the teaching of particle physics, Physics Education 3 (37), p. 211 (May 2002).

Related to Exploring the Pi Meson: Discovery & Impact on Modern Physics

1. What is a Pi meson?

A Pi meson, also known as a pion, is a subatomic particle that belongs to the family of particles called mesons. It is made up of a quark and an antiquark and is considered to be the lightest meson.

2. How was the Pi meson discovered?

The Pi meson was first discovered in 1947 by a team of physicists led by Cecil Powell. They used a technique called cloud chamber to detect the presence of the particle in cosmic rays.

3. What impact did the discovery of Pi meson have on modern physics?

The discovery of the Pi meson had a significant impact on modern physics as it provided evidence for the existence of a new type of force called the strong nuclear force. This discovery also helped to confirm the theory of quantum chromodynamics, which describes the interactions between subatomic particles.

4. What are the properties of the Pi meson?

The Pi meson has a mass of approximately 140 times that of an electron and a spin of 0. It has a very short lifespan of about 10^-8 seconds and decays into other particles, such as muons and neutrinos.

5. How is the Pi meson used in modern research?

The Pi meson is used in a variety of research fields, including particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. It is also used in medical imaging, specifically in positron emission tomography (PET) scans, to detect and map out tumors and other abnormalities in the body.

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