Neutrinos back into the picture?

In summary: That sounds like a pretty good theory, but it still doesn't explain why only electron neutrinos are detected.
  • #106
beatrix kiddo said:
this also means that perhaps even solar systems are kept together by a circle of neutrinos! and if neutrinos are indeed the most massive part of the galaxy, and they surround it, then according to einstein's model, wouldn't all the stars and junk sink into that ring of neutrinos??

SPHERE, not CIRCLE. but anyways:

You've been saying all along that neutrinos move at near c. Otherwise they have virtually no energy. If they're just sitting in a giant shell around us, how are they interacting? Why doesn't this shell dissipate (entropy) as they move around?
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  • #107
the book says that a halo could be made up of neutrinos or machos or wimps...
  • #108
but i think it's only neutrinos..the neutrinos obviously rotate around the galaxies... in huge circles, at the speed of light..
  • #109
beatrix kiddo said:
the book says that a halo could be made up of neutrinos or machos or wimps...

Well my mistake then, all I had was what you quoted. Unless you mean that dark matter is made of neutrinos.

But answer the second argument. How are they interacting? If they're moving into us then the shell wouldn't stay there, would it?

And you still haven't answered the all arguments about the force being inconsistent. A big shell of inward force doesn't solve it.
  • #110
beatrix kiddo said:
but i think it's only neutrinos..the neutrinos obviously rotate around the galaxies... in huge circles, at the speed of light..

Ah, of course. They're rotating around the galaxy.

Then what, pray tell, is making them change direction? Why don't they just go in straight lines?
  • #111
*nearly at the speed of light* and the only reason these neutrinos aren't being absorbed is because they are apart of our solar system's energy field and they keep everything in order.. everything has an energy field, right??
  • #112
gravity is a lot more complex than what anyone previously thought...
  • #113
think about tran... these neutrinos are surrounding galaxies... making up most of the mass, why aren't the galaxies falling around this ring since they are creating such large dents in space-time?
  • #114
Unless you mean that dark matter is made of neutrinos

wait.. u didn't know neutrinos make up dark matter?! they're "hot" dark matter to be more exact... i'll cite if u want me to...
  • #115
beatrix kiddo said:
but i think it's only neutrinos..the neutrinos obviously rotate around the galaxies... in huge circles, at the speed of light..

Actually, I think you probably mean "revolve around the galaxies".
No disrespect intended - it's just that astronomers can be really picky about misuse of terms like that.
  • #116
thanks.. no disrespect taken..
  • #117
everyone: i meant revolve... not rotate.. hehehe
  • #118
beatrix kiddo said:
wait.. u didn't know neutrinos make up dark matter?! they're "hot" dark matter to be more exact... i'll cite if u want me to...

No I didn't know neutrinos made up dark matter. But that doesn't matter because, according to you, gravity doesn't exist. So how are these neutrinos pushing us? And, as I said before, this point doesn't matter because it depends on the argument that the force changes drasticly from one place to another.

Oh, I've been using the word rotate a lot as well, but I mean "orbit".
  • #119
it has to deal with energy fields... the neutrinos create an energy field around us... this keeps us in order. gravity is emission and absorption. force won't change if the neutrinos around the solar system stabilize us. but this whole neutrino mass bit should matter to u, because u think gravity has to deal with space-time and the neutrinos are way more massive than the galaxy. shouldn't the galaxy sink into this large dent in space-time??
  • #120
beatrix kiddo said:
it has to deal with energy fields... the neutrinos create an energy field around us... this keeps us in order. gravity is emission and absorption. force won't change if the neutrinos around the solar system stabilize us. but this whole neutrino mass bit should matter to u, because u think gravity has to deal with space-time and the neutrinos are way more massive than the galaxy. shouldn't the galaxy sink into this large dent in space-time??

As I understand it, Dark Matter has the opposite effect of gravity. IE it curves space time in the opposite direction, making matter move away from it instead of towards it.
  • #121
chroot said:
It doesn't need to be super-sensitive. Any mechanism that's able to generate 170 lbs. of force pushing me into the floor is going to demonstrate variations large enough to be detected with a bathroom scale.

After all, as others have said: if neutrinos from the Sun push me into the Earth during the day, why don't they push me off the Earth at night?

- Warren

After doing some quick calculations, it appears an object will weigh about .001% [.01 gram per kg] more at midnight than at noon due to the sun and moon's combined gravitational 'pull' [have to do this during a new moon] So, it wouldn't take a very sophisticated scale to detect that much difference
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  • #122
hmmm.. but it does make up the majority of mass in the universe... if it is massive, then it should affect space-time just like any other single object
  • #123
beatrix kiddo said:
hmmm.. but it does make up the majority of mass in the universe... if it is massive, then it should affect space-time just like any other single object

I'd like to point out that it's a lot farther than the sun. And that a large distance tends to 'outweigh' a large mass.
  • #124
have u tested this? and what do ur calculations say about weight if gravity is a "push"?
  • #125
do u mean the neutrinos are a lot farther out than the sun? or what?
  • #126
They say that almost all forces over distance are proportional to the inverse of distance squared because they have to expand on the surface of a sphere.
  • #127
beatrix kiddo said:
do u mean the neutrinos are a lot farther out than the sun? or what?

Yes. If they're surrounding the galaxy they are a lot farther away than the sun and would need to be much much much more massive. (How far is the edge of the galaxy?)
  • #128
oh. so then it wouldn't affect the galaxies like that.. but the neutrinos do surround the galaxies and that does give a reason for why the matter in the galaxies aren't flying out of them...
  • #129
and, good news for us.. they are much, much more massive... I'm not sure what the edge of a galaxy is... I'm sure a simple google search would be sufficient.. i'll check..
  • #130
ok.. i dunno.. i suck at searching...
  • #131
I think you need to finish your theory a bit more before you keep arguing. You're starting to jump around wildly, bringing up new points instead of arguing old ones.
  • #132
what new points? u asked me why isn't matter in the galaxies being expelled, and i told u because neutrinos surround it. then i asked would the massiveness of the neutinos make galaxies sink into it.. it was totally on topic, but i don't mind re-capping for u, alkatran..
  • #133
Alkatran said:
So let me get this straight. Because the galaxy is spinning, creating a centrifuge (sp?) force OUTWARDS, we aren't flying off?

me said:
i'll come up with a better answer in a sec...

and, since u couldn't remember.. that's when i introduced the neutrinos...
  • #134
What's making these neutrinos revolve around the galaxy at nearly the speed of light, if gravity doesn't exist for them? It would take an absolutely enormous force to make a neutrino moving at nearly the speed of light move in a circle as small as the galaxy.

- Warren
  • #135
And, as has been said, these neutrinos revolving around the halo of the galaxy don't ever hit the earth, so they can't have anything to do with gravity on it.

- Warren
  • #136
And, beatrix, inventing some mystical "energy field" in response to a legitimate argument is intellectual dishonesty. It seems you've been cornered for quite some time now, but rather than just sucking it up and admitting defeat, you've now had to bring neutrino halos, dark matter, and "energy fields" into the picture. When is this nonsense going to end? You're apparently smart enough to use a computer, so there's no way you're really stupid enough to believe your own arguments.

- Warren
  • #137
there are neutrinos revolving around galaxies because the neutrinos are making this energy field.. I'm trying to explain it as best as i can... I'm saying since there are neutrinos keeping galaxies together, then maybe neutrinos are keeping the solar system together also... if there is a halo of neutrinos around something as large as a galaxy, what's to say that there aren't neutrinos surrounding the solar system, keeping the planets from being expelled? these neutrinos circle galaxies and solar systems at near light speeds because that's how they clumped together when the galaxies and solar systems were first created... they are keeping everything in order.
  • #138
ever since the start of the other thread i have been agreeing with stupid about the energy field idea:
i didn't just come up with this, if that's what u're thinking..
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  • #139
also, jesse babcock thinks everything has an energy field and this plays a part in gravity...
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  • #140
warren.. I'm really not as dishonest as u think...

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