High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics Forum

Join expert discussion on High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics. Properties, relationships, and interactions of subatomic particles. Experimental and theoretical physics of nuclei and elementary particles.

Particle Physics

Welcome to the Particle Physics forum!

Particle physics is a branch of physics that explores the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces acting upon them at the smallest scales. It involves the study of subatomic particles, such as quarks, leptons, and bosons, and their interactions.

Particle accelerators and detectors are crucial tools in this field, allowing scientists to probe the properties of particles by colliding them at high energies. The Standard Model of particle physics encapsulates our current understanding of these elementary particles and their interactions, but researchers continually seek to expand this framework and explore phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy.

Particle physics plays a central role in unraveling the fundamental nature of the universe, helping us comprehend the building blocks that form all matter and the forces governing their behavior.