Recent content by Alouette

  1. A

    How Does Frequency Alter Output Voltage in an RLC Circuit?

    Homework Statement A radio tuner built by connecting an L=0.58mH inductor and variable capacitor in series with an antenna. The driving voltage is provided by the radiowaves that pass through the antenna, and the total internal resistance of the circuit is R=2.6Ohms. The variable capacitor is...
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    Deflection due to Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement The deflection of the electron beam in an old-fashioned tube TV set is accomplished by magnetic forces. Each electron is accelerated through a potential difference of V=30000V. The charge to mass ratio of the electron is 175824175824.176C/kg. If there is a x2=0.1m gap...
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    Finding B field within solenoid.

    Not even one tiny help? I'm not even looking for much.
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    Finding B field within solenoid.

    1. A current balance is constructed to measure the force between a solenoid with n=10000turns per length and a straight wire segment of length l=0.05m inside the solenoid and perpendicular to the field. The current through both the solenoid and wire segment is I=14A. What is the B field inside...
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    Understanding the Charge to Mass Ratio of a Singly Ionized Benzene Molecule

    Ah well I figured it out, what they mean is e/m = charge to mass ratio. The context doesn't add much to figuring out what it means however, it just sets up the question. As in every time e/m is encountered for the rest of the question, 1.26 x 106 (the long number of C/kg units) would be its...
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    Understanding the Charge to Mass Ratio of a Singly Ionized Benzene Molecule

    I see. So to clarify q = 1.602 x 10-19 & m = 78*u = 1.295 x 10-25?
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    Understanding the Charge to Mass Ratio of a Singly Ionized Benzene Molecule

    Just having trouble determining what they mean by "The charge to mass ratio for a singly ionized benzene molecule is e/(78u)=1235712.07908557C/kg." For this, what would be the charge and what would be the mass?
  8. A

    Capicatance & magnitude of capacitor

    4*π*k*ε/((1/a)-(1/b)), where k is 3.6 and ε is 8.85e-12 I don't understand where these equations come from... the 4πε is from the charge of the sphere? why the subtraction of inverses? Not looking for a detailed lecture, just a simple explanation would do to better help me understand the...
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    Capicatance & magnitude of capacitor

    Sure. Except I already did. I said I used C=4∏ε0(ab/b-a) but this gave me the wrong answer. I noticed that it didn't even used V or dialelectric constant κ, but I'm unable to find how these fit it. The only other equations I found involving them were equations 2) and 3). C = Q/ΔV , this has V...
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    Capicatance & magnitude of capacitor

    Homework Statement There's a spherical capacitor, inner radius a and outer radius b, with a filling in between of epoxy, and also connected to battery of voltage V. What is the capacitance? Also, what is magnitude of surface charge density outer shell? Homework Equations For Q1...
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    How Is Torque Calculated on a Current Loop in a Magnetic Field?

    1. A small current loop of area A=0.0007m2 and moment of inertia I=6.6e-07kgm2 carries a current i=0.0045A with its magnetic moment perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field. The magnitude of the Earth's field is B=4.2e-05T. What is the magnitude of the net torque T on the loop? Homework...
  12. A

    The difference is the force on the loop.

    1. An infinite straight wire on the z-axis carries current I2=3.6A in the +z direction, upward. A rectangular loop is placed in the xz plane with its nearest side parallel to the wire a distance d=0.9m away. The loop has height (z-length) h=1.5m, width (x-length) w=1m, and carries a current...
  13. A

    Kirchoff Rules: Solving Current for Two Batteries in Parallel

    Right, current would be one variable, so what about this equation: -Ir + emf - Ir +emf - IR = 0 then I would just have to find I?