Recent content by ArtVandelay

  1. A

    What is the Color of 250nm Light Passing Through a Material with n=1.6?

    Homework Statement A 400 nm light ray is traveling through a vacuum. a.) Give the light’s speed, frequency and color. speed = 3E8: Correct frequency = 7.5E14: Correct color = violet: Correct b.) This light now passes into a material where n=1.6. Give the light’s speed, frequency, wavelength...
  2. A

    Wave Pulse - Finding Average Transverse Acceleration of Segment

    Thanks guys! Approximating the derivative of f(x)=dy/dx as Δf/Δx did the trick. Also, for reference purposes if anyone is reading this thread in search of an answer to a similar problem, I forgot to explicitly mention in my OP that the problem question states: "What is the (average)...
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    Wave Pulse - Finding Average Transverse Acceleration of Segment

    Homework Statement A traveling wave pulse is shown in figure 1 below, traveling at v=6 m/s across a string. In figure 2, a short segment of the string is shown zoomed in. The angle of this string goes from θ1 = 17o to zero within a small horizontal distance Δx = 3 mm. Homework...
  4. A

    Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

    Recall from the problem, it states: "very long solenoid (you may approximate it as infinite.)" So I have four choices for part a, which asks, The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time ... 1) is zero across the entire area...
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    Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

    Oops, you're right. flux2 should just be B1 * A1. Though this is where I'm getting confused right now. On my equation sheet, provided by the instructor, our equation for magnetic flux looks like the following: flux = N * Integral ( B dot dA ) :/ In the end [of that part of the problem] I...
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    Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

    flux2 = n2 * B1 * A1, where A1 is cross-sectional area of the solenoid. Thanks! Got that part right, now working on the rest.
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    Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

    Homework Statement The figure below shows a short coil which is coaxial with a very long solenoid (you may approximate it as infinite.) Coil: Has 120 turns of radius 1.8 cm and resistance 5.8 . It is not attached to anything. Solenoid: Has 22700 turns/m and a radius of 1.6 cm. It receives an...
  8. A

    Derive % change Kinetic energy eqn for inelastic collision

    Homework Statement We did a lab in my PHYS with Caclulus I class involving a collision of cart A (given an initial push) and cart B (initially at rest) on a relatively smooth surface. *At the moment of the collision, the two carts become attached, providing a completely inelastic collision*...
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    Help me find the upper limit of integration

    To the instructor's credit, these past few weeks were really heavily focused on the conceptual idea of using integration to find volumes of various shapes / functions. He really wanted to keep the number-crunching part down to a minimum. 95% of the problems we did involved definite integrals...
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    Help me find the upper limit of integration

    Thanks guys. I was able to do it on a TI83 by graphing y = 19.65 and y = [integral], then finding the intersection. Then, five minutes later, I successfully repeated that operation on my midterm :)
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    Help me find the upper limit of integration

    Homework Statement The volume of a tank, a half-cylinder with the flat side UP, when it is FULL, is given by the following:$$16 \int_0^2 \sqrt{4-y^2} dy$$ where 0 is the top of the tank and 2 is the bottom. We also know that when evaluated from 0 to 1 (depth of gas = 1), it equals the...