Recent content by Cantor080

  1. Cantor080

    Other Utility of a general math book introducing subjects not in historical order?

    Related: ..maxim of Niels Henrik Abel, “I learned from the masters and not from the pupils” .. (Extracted from Alexander Ostermann • Gerhard Wanner, Geometry by Its History )
  2. Cantor080

    Other Utility of a general math book introducing subjects not in historical order?

    Related: . . . our students of mathematics would profit much more from a study of Euler’s Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, rather than of the available modern textbooks. (Andr´e Weil 1979, quoted by J.D.Blanton 1988, p. xii)
  3. Cantor080

    I Topology Words: Reasons for the particular names

    From Munkres, Topology: "A topology on a set X is a collection T of subsets of X having the following properties: (1) ∅ and X are in T . (2) The union of the elements of any subcollection of T is in T . (3) The intersection of the elements of any finite subcollection of T is in T . A set X for...
  4. Cantor080

    I Existence of experience related to i

    Of irrational number? Though yet not clear to me, it seems that we can give physical quantity of irrational length.
  5. Cantor080

    I Existence of experience related to i

    If we have solution of an equation as x=1, it may be expressing, depending on context, 1 apple, 1 excess certain thing, etc. And, if we have solution of an equation as x=-1, it may be expressing, depending on context, 1 deficient apple, 1 deficient certain thing, etc. Is there any experience...
  6. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    @DaveC426913: Yeah, a more detailed diagram or video. I will see that wiki page, and am also now seeing books on such descriptions. @Drakkith : I had before read few pages of that book (Hawking's), 3 years ago :) I will read it now again. I might have to extract data from different sources, and...
  7. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    Thank you for the time. I am in India, I may not be able to use the words in common usage. Yeah, I want to know construction of universe from the elements, i.e. visualisation of universe's evolution from its elementary origins to the compound present day. As visualisation will be expressing...
  8. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    As said to Drakkith, from all the clarifications I had, it seems optimal to search individual documentaries (as it may be difficult to find a source which would give all the data mentioned ahead), which visualize the complete elementary nature (properties which express the complete working) of...
  9. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    Sorry, for not being clear. I was trying to express on getting data on the origins of the universe (and even that of evolution to the present), as it really happened before. Different senses seem to give different data; I was expressing on getting data on the origins of universe, as sensed from...
  10. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    Thank you for the reply. That poster is near to the data I needed (for my other conformations) to know. I needed to know nature of space, time, elementary particles, and other elementary conformations as dark matter, etc. in the order of their emergence, along with the emergence of present...
  11. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    I am watching documentaries, as Cosmos (2014), and Fabric of Cosmos. I have seen on the surface, cosmology books as: Ulrich Ellwanger, From the Universe to the Elementary Particles: A First Introduction to Cosmology and the Fundamental Interactions Cosimo Bambi, Alexandre D. Dolgov, Introduction...
  12. Cantor080

    Artistic sense-ualisation of elementary origins of the Universe

    I am searching sources, which would express purely (without any other expression on how the data was obtained, etc.) elementary origins of the universe. As we would have certain artistic visualisation on how our Mars rover would operate on landing on mars, are there sources which give data on...
  13. Cantor080

    I Was there any need or utility or aim, for Cantor's theory?

    What theoretical misconceptions were cleared? Or can you give any source where I can know more on this? Thank you :smile:
  14. Cantor080

    I Was there any need or utility or aim, for Cantor's theory?

    His theory of defining infinite set, and distinguishing sets as countable, uncountable, etc.
  15. Cantor080

    I Was there any need or utility or aim, for Cantor's theory?

    Was there any need or utility or aim, for which Cantor created his theory? Did Cantor's theory clear any of the problems which existed before? (Though my user name is Cantor, I don't know lot about him or his theory :biggrin:) Reddit...