Recent content by daniel69

  1. D

    Rubber balloon is rubbed against a wall and then sticks to the wall

    no it doesn't stick to everything. hmm, I am not sure of the terminology, but i know it makes your hair stick up and you can stick it to like clothes.
  2. D

    Rubber balloon is rubbed against a wall and then sticks to the wall

    No it wouldn't. Okay, so the balloon would have to induse its opposite charge to the wall?
  3. D

    Is the Local Minima of y=x^3-2x^2-5x+2 at (2.120,-8.061)?

    for the equation... y = x^3 - 2x^2 -5x +2 is its local minima at (2.120,-8.061) Thanks
  4. D

    What is the electric field at a point midway between two charges?

    F = k*q1*q2 / r^2 k = contant of 9 x 10^9 q's = the charges r = the radius or distance did i forget to square it. is that what i did wrong.
  5. D

    What is the electric field at a point midway between two charges?

    Find the electric field at a point midway between two charges of + 3.0 x 10^-9 C and + 60 x 10^-9 C separated by a distance of 30 cm. would we utilize coulums law: [9 x 10^9 * 3.0 x 10^-9 * 60 x 10^-9] / [30/2]
  6. D

    Where are Electrons on a Charged Metal Sphere?

    because the particle is now negatively charged so as a whole it should be charged negatively which i think would be done by an evenly distribution of electrons
  7. D

    Where are Electrons on a Charged Metal Sphere?

    Suppose you give a metal sphere a negative charge. The electrons on the sphere will be... A. located right in the middle of the shere B. distributed in small bunches over the outside of the shere C. evenly distributed over the outside of the shere D. none of these
  8. D

    Potential Energy of a Proton Near a Positively Charged Sphere: Does it Decrease?

    A proton is brought near a positively charged sphere. As it is brought closer its potential energy... A. increases B. decreases C. remains the same D. cannot determine Does it decrease (B) because same forces repel causing a decrease in PE?