Recent content by discord73

  1. D

    Black holes giving birth to stars?

    Is it possible for a cloud of gass to condense around a black hole and for fusion to start? Or another way to ask. Is it possible for a star to have a black hole at it's center?
  2. D

    How Do Stars Achieve Their Massive Sizes?

    If Hydrogen fusion starts around 100JM (Jupiter Masses) then how do the larger stars get so massive? I was watching The Universe and it said some stars are over 200 solar masses and higher. How can a star get so massive?
  3. D

    Accretion Disk Density & Fusion: What You Need to Know

    Can an accretion disk get dense enough to start fusion? How dense does something have to be in order to start fusion? Does it depend on the material? is there a way of measuring the density of accretion disks?
  4. D

    Galactic Magnetosphere: Size, Winds & Earth's Impact

    what is the size of a galaxies magnetosphere? Is it's size or have any relation to the size of he black hole/blackholes? or to the mass at the center of the galaxy? Is there any kind of intergalactic wind (Like the solar wind) that interacts with a galaxies magnetosphere like our...
  5. D

    Hubbles vs. Dark Energy: Debunking the Mystery of Galaxy Expansion"

    Okay so Hubble's Constant isn't constant then? How did Hubble miss that? is the change in H as the farther you go away so slight that he was unable to look far enough away to see a change in H?
  6. D

    Hubbles vs. Dark Energy: Debunking the Mystery of Galaxy Expansion"

    So does that mean as we look farther away from our galaxy the expansion speeds up to a certain point of time/distance the expansion starts slowing down as we look further back? Meaning Hubble was right with his data, he could see the universe expansion increasing as he looked further out, he...
  7. D

    Hubbles vs. Dark Energy: Debunking the Mystery of Galaxy Expansion"

    So Hubbles observations showed that the further away a galaxy is the faster it is moving meaning that older galaxies are moving away faster from us than younger, closer ones. But dark energy says that the rate of expansion is increasing,meaning the closer, younger galaxies would be traveling...
  8. D

    Atoms Colliding in CERN: What Happens?

    What happens to the atoms when they collide in CERN? They break down into their smaller parts I believe like glueons and other pieces, but do they stay that way or do they then recombine or what? Also do the same atoms, like 2 gold atoms, when smashed together always produce they same...
  9. D

    Pulsar Particle Beams: Speed & Collisions

    Okay, I didn't know if they put out just or mainly photons or other particles as well. i was just trying to think of circumstances in the real world where atoms would be colliding at high speeds, such as where 2 or more planetary nebulae meet (I think that is what is caused by super novae...
  10. D

    Max # of electrons in an orbit

    Thank you, that equation was exactly what I was wanting, I figured it out once about 7-6 years ago when I was reading a book on quantum physics and couldn't remember it so I was going to try to figure it out again but you have saved me the trouble. Thanks again.
  11. D

    Max # of electrons in an orbit

    what is the maximum number of electrons allowed in each of the first 5 orbits of an atomic particle? Is it the same for all elements? or do different ones hove a different maximum numver of electrons possible of being in an orbit?
  12. D

    Pulsar Particle Beams: Speed & Collisions

    how fast are the particles in the 2 beams of a Pulsar traveling? and what happens when two of those beams intersect? do those particles collide at extremely high velocities like in particle accelerators?
  13. D

    So, what are all the known paradoxs in Astronomy?

    Good question, I was thinking along the lines of paradox's such as unanswered questions Olber's paradox and Foucault's Pendulum during an eclipse, so I guess they wouldn't nesecarily be paradox's. but I'm also interested in actual paradox's like the twin paradox. have there been any posts in...
  14. D

    Expansion speed of the Universe

    Distance is determined by finding a standard candle, such as a super nova, in another galaxy then compareing it's known luminosity to it's apparent luminosity since light behaves by the inverse square law I believe, an object twice as far from us will appear 4 times fainter.
  15. D

    The earth is still flat comments & suggestoin

    Yea you are right, I just didn't realize when I made my original post I was doing any thign wrong(It's been several years since I've read the rules) and also my first reaction when I'm given a warning or told I broke a rule or did something wrong is to get defensive, a trait I have my idiot...