Recent content by dUDEonAfORUM

  1. dUDEonAfORUM

    Find transverse velocity given an equation of displacement

    Yes, this was what I meant. With respect to time t. I have already figured a. out I did the derivative of D(x,t). The answer I got and believe is correct is, ##\frac{100vD_0}{2(a*0.01)^3}## I still don't know how to do b. though.
  2. dUDEonAfORUM

    Find transverse velocity given an equation of displacement

    Homework Statement A wave pulse on a string is given by D(x) = D[0][/SUB]/(x[2][/SUP]+a[2][/SUP]), where D0 is a constant with units of cm3 and a is a constant with units of meters. a. If the wave moves along the string at a velocity of v in cm/s, what is the transverse velocity of particles...
  3. dUDEonAfORUM

    B Why Does PΔV = nRΔT Hold True in Some Isobaric Processes but Not Others?

    In a isobaric process W=PΔV I Given the change in temperature and pressure is constant to find heat added to an mono-atomic ideal gas we use Q=ΔU + W = 3/2 nRΔT + PΔV = 3/2 nRΔT + nRΔT so Q=5/2 nRΔT correct? II But given the heat added to an ideal gas, constant pressure that acts on the...
  4. dUDEonAfORUM

    Thermodynamic problem and formula homework help

    An ideal gas at initial state has temperature 300 K has been compressed under constant pressure of 30 Pa from volume 3 cubic meters to 1.8 cubic meters. In the process 75 J of heat was lost. A. Find the change in internal energy B. Find the final temperature I tried two methods in A and they...