Recent content by EebamXela

  1. E

    Golden Ratio Dragon Fractal (figured it out)

    Back in november I asked the forum about this fractal: At the time I couldn't figure out how to make it. Since then I've figured it out. I used MS Excel. I'm not completely satisfied though. There are some gaps between the major...
  2. E

    I have got next interesting geometry example :-)I have got regular

    A picture would help a lot. Use this:
  3. E

    Why Can't We Calculate Sphere Surface Area with Infinitesimal Cylinders?

    For the same reason this comic makes no sense:
  4. E

    Is there a connection between Rule 30 and the Golden Ratio?

    I was messing around with cellular automata and wanted to test a theory i had. If you look close at the elementary cellular automata Rule 30 you'll notice that the right side is chaotic, while the left side has chaotic properties but it does have order and repetition. There is an imaginary...
  5. E

    Wanted: giant demonstration slide rule

    I'm in the market for a large slide rule for my collection. If you know of an available one please let me know.
  6. E

    The student's acceptance or rejection of 0.999 =1

    The original equality is as easy to understand and accept as this one: 1/3 = 0.3333333... Multiply both side by 3 and there you go.
  7. E

    Dragon Curve Fractal Using Golden Ratio

    Can anyone help me figure out the algorithm that was used for this golden dragon fractal?
  8. E

    Dragon Curve Fractal Using Golden Ratio

    I've been fooling around in MS Excel trying to reconstruct this fractal: I haven't had any issues here making it. I totally understand the algorithm for generating the left turn/right turn ordering. What I really want to know is how this version is generated: Original image...
  9. E

    Learn About Sine Wave Separation and Sound Processing

    Please forgive me, I don't really know how to properly ask my question, so I'll just do my best. I want to learn how sound is processed. More specifically what math goes into figuring out what individual frequencies are within a single sound signal. Like if I had a recording of say 5 separate...
  10. E

    Decimal / Rational Exponents BY HAND

    I'm reviewing for a test. One of my questions on the review (and incidentally a question I've had in my own mind for a long time) is how do you evaluate an ARBITRARY rational exponent with pencil and paper and no calculator? The specific problem i was givens is "Solve without a calculator...
  11. E

    Is an Equidistant Curve of an Ellipse Also an Ellipse?

    Draw an ellipse. Then draw a curve that is equidistant all the way around the outside of the ellipse. Is that new curve also an ellipse? I've drawn it out and I can show examples where it's obviously not an ellipse, but I can't come up with a good non-visual explanation. I thought that maybe...
  12. E

    Time Dilation on a Merry Go Round

    I watched a video today about time dilation and Lorenz contraction. It had Albert stationary and Henry on a moving track, both holding a photon clock, and it showed how time slows down for moving objects, relative to the stationary observer. I get all that stuff... sorta... I was thinking...
  13. E

    What is the meaning of := in mathematical notation?

    the program MathCad uses the ":=" to define things like variables and functions. perhaps you saw a document made with mathcad?
  14. E

    Are There Prefixes for Decimal Places Between the Commonly Used Ones?

    Are there prefixes for the decimal places in between the ones that are commonly used? Like for 10^-4, or 10^-7?
  15. E

    Tackling a Tough Momentum Problem: Solving the Mystery

    In order to have English on a ball you need friction. This simplified problem has no friction. The balls themselves can be considered point masses. If you use computer aided drafting software like AutoCAD you can calculate the angle in question. It turns out to be 31.717 degrees. You know...