Recent content by EliasS

  1. E

    Rectangular to sphere coordinates

    Thank you HallsofIvy and Mark44, now understand everything except how to get cot\phi csc\phi in \displaystyle\int_{0}^{2{\pi}}\int_{arctan(1/2)}^{\pi/2}\int_{0}^{cot\phi csc\phi} \rho^3sin^2\phi cos\phi{d\rho}{d\phi}{d\vartheta} this integral, say in the zy plane, is...
  2. E

    Mathematica How to draw integral with mathematica

    Thank you DaleSpam, now I can draw integrals in rectangular coordinates, for example, the integral RegionPlot3D[-2 < x < 2 && -\[Sqrt](4 - x^2) < y < \[Sqrt](4 - x^2) && x^2 + y^2 < z < 4, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, 0, 5}, PlotPoints -> 50, Mesh -> True, AxesLabel -> Automatic] will draw...
  3. E

    Rectangular to sphere coordinates

    Hello, I think it's an elliptic paraboloid like this but from that to the sum of integrals with csc, cot etc it's where I get really confused any hint will be great, thank you
  4. E

    Rectangular to sphere coordinates

    Homework Statement Hello, the problem ask you to pass this integral \displaystyle\int_{-2}^{2}\int_{-\sqrt[ ]{4-x^2}}^{\sqrt[ ]{4-x^2}}\int_{x^2+y^2}^{4} x {dz}{dy}{dx} to sphere coordinates, but I don't really know how Homework Equations Well, I know the basics formulas...
  5. E

    Mathematica How to draw integral with mathematica

    Hello, is there a way to draw the volume of a triple integral?, and in different ways?(rectangular, cylindrical and sphere coordinates) for example if the integral is what I want is to draw directly with the above formula I have been struggling all day with this, because if for example...