Recent content by epkid08

  1. E

    Conditions for Index Size in A_5 and S_5 Centralizers

    I'm just talking to myself here, but I think condition 1 is "x takes the form (abc)" and condition 2 is "x takes the form (abcde)." Anybody want to verify?
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    Conditions for Index Size in A_5 and S_5 Centralizers

    For any element x \in A_5, we have that [A_5:C_{A_5}(x)]=\begin{cases} [S_5:C_{S_5}(x)], & \text{condition 1} \\ \frac{1}{2}[S_5:C_{S_5}(x)], & \text{condition 2} \end{cases} Basically I want to know what the conditions are. Note that C is the centralizer.
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    LaTeX Is there a latex document writer?

    Sort of a like Word except implements latex?
  4. E

    How can QR decomposition be used to solve least squares problems?

    Homework Statement Okay so I'm supposed to find the least squares solution of a set of equations, which I can do, but it adds that I must use QR decomposition. I don't really know how to apply QR decomposition to this problem. Problem: Find the least squares solution of x_1 + x_2 = 4...
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    Abstract Vector Space Question

    Homework Statement Let g_1(t) = t - 1 and g_2(t)= t^2+t. Using the inner product on P_2 defined in example 10(b) with t_1=-1,t_2=0,t_3=1, find a basis for the orthogonal complement of Span(g_1, g_2). Homework Equations From example 10(b) \langle p, q \rangle = \sum_{i=1}^{k+1}...
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    Linear algebra help: Linear independence

    Homework Statement Let A be an m x n matrix of rank n. Suppose v_1, v_2, ..., v_k \in \mathbb{R}^n and \{v_1, v_2, ..., v_k\} is linearly independent. Prove that \{Av_1, Av_2, ..., Av_k\} is likewise linearly independent. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It says I...
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    Linear algebra help: Subspaces

    Homework Statement Prove that C(AB) is a subset of C(A) for matrices A,B, where C denotes column space. Homework Equations C(AB) = {b \in \mathbbcode{R}^m: Ax=b is consistent} The Attempt at a Solution I don't really know where to start.
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    Is the universe an axiomatic system?

    Is the universe an axiomatic system? If so, can we prove that it is axiomatic?
  9. E

    What Are the Practical Implications of Infinitely Many Cardinal Numbers?

    Where's the motivation for concluding that there are infinitely many unique infinite cardinal numbers? I understand the proof for it and accept it, but what other useful implications of this can be drawn in mathematics? It almost seems like Cantor developed this idea in set theory just to say...
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    Are Distinct Implications Possible with Only One Axiom?

    I know what you mean, but wouldn't you need an axiom that allows you to "combine" the axioms into one logical statement. Anywho let me be more specific to dodge your problem then, assume you have only one axiom, the axiom of extensionality from ZFC. Can any truly distinct implications be...
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    Are Distinct Implications Possible with Only One Axiom?

    Is it possible to have distinct implications from the existence of only one axiom?
  12. E

    What happens when 1/100 is divided by 10?

    Why do say nonsensical?
  13. E

    Proving Sum of Two Primes is Never Twice a Prime

    Let (j, k)\in\mathb{N}^2. Without loss of generality, assume j < k. From here, it's safe to assume that: \forall (j, k), j < \frac{j + k}{2} < k. Then, p_n < \frac{p_n + p_{n+1}}{2} < p_{n+1}. Since p_n and p_{n+1} are consecutive primes, \frac{p_n + p_{n+1}}{2} cannot be prime.
  14. E

    A little renewed Disproof of Riemann hypothesis

    Am I missing something, why aren't you using \zeta(s) = \frac{1}{1-2^{1-s}}\sum_{n\geq1}\frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n^{s}} as your definition of zeta? The definition of zeta in your proof is invalid for \text{Re[s]} < 1.
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    Prime Factorization of A+B: Exploring Coprimes

    If I have two coprime numbers A and B, can anything be said about the structure of the prime factorization of A + B?