Recent content by exitwound

  1. E

    Proving an unbiased estimator

    The instructor is Chinese, reads lectures that her former partner wrote (who was Greek), and does examples straight out of the book with no variation. There's absolutely nothing she can offer in English that would help...which is why I asked for pictures or graphs or something other than math...
  2. E

    Proving an unbiased estimator

    To be completely honest, I don't even know what the 'result' is. I'm lost on what we're actually trying to achieve. Proving that I'm using an unbiased estimator is given in the text I have and above as E(W) = 0, but I don't really understand what that means other than the results from the sample...
  3. E

    Proving an unbiased estimator

    So I'm looking for the difference in the expectation of the estimator from what the estimator actually measures... If Xbar - Ybar is mu1 - m2, and E(Xbar - Ybar) = mu1 - m2, then what exactly is this saying? I don't understand what's going on regarding the samples and distributions. I can't...
  4. E

    Proving an unbiased estimator

    I know that E(Xbar) = E(X) = mu_1 and E(Ybar) = E(Y) = mu_2. E(Xbar-Ybar) = mu_1 - mu_2. I don't know what it all means.
  5. E

    Proving an unbiased estimator

    I have a terrible teacher and have to teach myself out of the book and don't understand this. Homework Statement Male verbal IQs 117 103 121 112 120 132 113 117 132 149 125 131 136 107 108 113 136 114 Female Verbal IQs 114 102 113 131 124 117 120 90 114 109 102 114 127 127 103...
  6. E

    C/C++ Why is my Vector Iterator Not Working as Expected in C++?

    That was exactly the problem. I wasn't Getting the Parts List by reference. It now grabs the list properly and passes it around perfectly. Thanks for the help! I KNEW I was doing the iteration properly (or at least had the right idea).
  7. E

    C/C++ Why is my Vector Iterator Not Working as Expected in C++?

    Indeed. There is at least 1 item in the vector. The item has all of the appropriate values stored as well. I can confirm this through Visual Studio Stepping-Thru the push_backs.
  8. E

    C/C++ Why is my Vector Iterator Not Working as Expected in C++?

    Hmm I never thought of doing that... I'd have to do a bunch of fixes to the project but it never crossed my mind to do that. Why is having the vector inside a class an issue?
  9. E

    C/C++ Why is my Vector Iterator Not Working as Expected in C++?

    I'm trying to work on a project for class (that's not homework but a long-term assignment, second c++ semester so I'm not very bright yet) and I'm having trouble figuring out why the iterator of this vector won't work as I hoped. Here's the structure of the vector(s) so far: CarList is a...
  10. E

    What am I doing wrong in this simple exponential integral?

    So: \int_0^\infty{e^{-xy}}dy = \frac{e^{-xy}}{-x}_0^\infty = 0+1/x
  11. E

    What am I doing wrong in this simple exponential integral?

    That's what I've been trying to do for a few hours now. I know x isn't a variable. I know it's a constant. In the case of your question: \int_0^{\infty} e^{-ax}\,dx (\frac{e^{-ax}}{-a})_0^\infty (0-(1/-a))=1/a yes?
  12. E

    What am I doing wrong in this simple exponential integral?

    Obviously, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I know that down to this point, everything's correct, as I've double-checked it vs what the teacher had given to me. I realize I have to differentiate it with respect to y but this is where I'm having trouble. Would it be (e^{-xy})/-x? I'm not...
  13. E

    What am I doing wrong in this simple exponential integral?

    This is part of double integral. I just can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The inner integral comes out to be: \int_0^\infty{e^{-xy}dy} I emailed my teacher to help me through it, and he says this should integrate down to 1/X but I can't seem to figure out how. I'm no good...
  14. E

    Exponential Distribution and median

    I don't follow at all. Can you try to explain it to me in english rather than math? I'm not a math major and the language confuses me more than anything else.