Recent content by filegraphy

  1. F

    Density and massive particles with 0 size

    Since a quark is said to have 0 size and has mass. would that mean that its density is infinite? (D=m/V). How would this work? what does this imply?
  2. F

    What makes physics so fascinating and appealing?

    ummmmmm..... It's indescribable... It's ... physics... What type of physics interests you all?
  3. F

    AntiMatter/Matter balance in the Universe

    I thought that I read in a science news article about a test they did with muons and how more matter was produced than antimatter. And I agree with CompuChip. Any thoughts or comments?
  4. F

    Exploring the Nature of Quantum Foam

    What is quantum foam, without using mathematics? Thanks
  5. F

    Does a positron absorb a Photon?

    Does a positron absorb a photon like an electron does? When an electron absorbs a photon it increases in energy, but does that happen for a positron? Thanks.
  6. F

    Virtual Paricles and the Laws of Conservation

    thanks for replying
  7. F

    Exploring the Mystery of Dark Flow: How Does It Work?

    thanks for answering
  8. F

    Exploring the Mystery of Dark Flow: How Does It Work?

    How does dark flow work? Thanks
  9. F

    Virtual Paricles and the Laws of Conservation

    Do virtual particles break the conservation laws? Thanks
  10. F

    Whether light has mass? if yes what is the reason behind it?

    To my knowledge, a photon does not have mass. If it had mass it could not travel at the speed of light. This is because it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate it to that velocity. And if a massive object traveled at the speed of light it would have an infinite amount of mass.
  11. F

    What is Mass? Electrons vs Photons

    One book I was reading said that mass was latent energy.