Recent content by Hamilton080

  1. H

    Noise isolation headphone recommendations?

    @Vanadium 50 : Sorry, I haven't tried in this application; I just wanted to give an option to think on.
  2. H

    Noise isolation headphone recommendations?

    What about Bose noise cancelling head phones?
  3. H

    Best Moves/Plan To Understand This World

    @DennisN , @BillTre , @Borek : Thank you for the replies. I want to strictly emphasize on the principle (a), that if we learn about the true nature of elements first, it is going to have potential to describe everything above it; even Microbiology can work under principles of QM, and QM on the...
  4. H

    Best Moves/Plan To Understand This World

    Thank you for the reply. I thought of watching it, this:
  5. H

    Best Moves/Plan To Understand This World

    I started thinking on the best move we (a beginner) can take to understand this world. I have followed the following principles to come to a decision: a. Understanding elements first, will help to understand compound structure more easily. b. Going in the order of origins takes us from...
  6. H

    How did egyptian mathematical fractions evolve in antiquity?

    Here is what I have found: Below in quote 1, the usual requirement of using parts of an object can be seen, like 1/4 of st3t (which is usually a symbol for a particular area of land)--as like @jedishrfu seems to suggest the origin from surveying. We can see a possibility that the Egyptians...
  7. H

    How did egyptian mathematical fractions evolve in antiquity?

    There are certain explanations on how integers might have evolved, like for example "the wings of a bird to symbolize the number two, clover--leaves three, the legs of an animal four, the fingers on his own hand five."1 Seeing all these, and making experience short--abstract, can be said to have...
  8. H

    Other Linguistics Book: Overview of Languages from Antiquity to Present

    Thank you very much for introducing me with the concept of Langauge typology. I will start with it.
  9. H

    Other Linguistics Book: Overview of Languages from Antiquity to Present

    :oops: It may be. I am new to this field of study. If it is possible to break it down into many sub-books, to help in achieving that wide aim, it would be helpful. In between the time of your post, I found phonetics to be the basic field of linguistics, so I have started reading the Phonetics...
  10. H

    Other Linguistics Book: Overview of Languages from Antiquity to Present

    Which book gives a thorough overview of the structures of all the general languages from antiquity to present? If there is no such book, a suggestion on the way of achieving it, would also be helpful.
  11. H

    Classical What Is the Best Commentary on Aristotle's Physics?

    I have started a project to learn Physics by understanding its intellectual evolution, instead of directly jumping into the Physics generalities/paradigms/theories described in textbooks. Now I started reading Rene Dugas' History of Mechanics book, which starts with Aristotle as the starting...