Recent content by Moviemann345

  1. M

    Does heat independently cause Infrared radiation?

    Yeah i guess humans give off body heat regardless. Thanks
  2. M

    Does heat independently cause Infrared radiation?

    If I rubbed my hands together in a dark room (no outside light source), could the heat i produce cause Infrared radiation? Or is the infrared radiation from our bodies dependent on outside radiation?
  3. M

    Black hole gravational pull vs neutron star ?

    When a neutron star flucuates into a black hole does the gravity increase tenfold? Or does the neutron star gravity (while turning into a black hole) increase as expected with the addition of more mass?
  4. M

    How is heat caused by photons?

    Ok let me get this straight... so after an electron cloud shifts temporarily due to a photon absorption, the absorbed photon cannot be held onto (because the atom doesn't support that state). And due to this the photon's energy is kineticly transferred to surrounding atoms like a wave, no...
  5. M

    How is heat caused by photons?

    Thanks I'll check it out
  6. M

    How is heat caused by photons?

    When certain photons with the right energy hit an atom's electrons, the electrons of that atom can shift positions. Visually this is what I'm talking about:" From my understanding Heat=the vibration of atoms When I rub my hands...
  7. M

    Is the Japanese Miniature Universe Experiment Still Ongoing?

    Recently I read an article about Japanese scientists trying to create a miniature universe. The article was pretty old, 2006. Does anyone know the status of this experiment, or know where i can read more of their present progress...
  8. M

    Speed inorder to shift green light to blue light?

    Oh ok thanks I'll try it out
  9. M

    Speed inorder to shift green light to blue light?

    fo = fv/(v ± vs)? This isn't a homework problem & I am not in a physics class, I was just curious
  10. M

    Speed inorder to shift green light to blue light?

    Hypothetically if your in a jet or spaceship & are shining a green laser pen out the window how fast must you travel to cause the green light (570 nm) to change into low energy blue light (475 nm)
  11. M

    How is quantum entanglement observed?

    Any measurement device used to witness the phenomenom seems like it would disrupt quantum entanglement. How do scientists manage to observe it?
  12. M

    Quantum entanglement in communications possible?

    Is it possible to move an entangled particle, without disrupting the wave function, to create a communication signal?
  13. M

    How does the Energy of a particle stay together?

    Yeah that's what I'm asking
  14. M

    How does the Energy of a particle stay together?

    Well what causes energy to stand still in particles vs move and cover distance as in photons?