Recent content by Niflheim

  1. N

    Mathematical Physics vs Theoretical Physics

    Okay, thanks a lot! That helped a bunch.
  2. N

    Mathematical Physics vs Theoretical Physics

    I see. So Theoretical would be better for someone who cares about the math more as a means to an end, like if I cared more about the answer than the math behind it?
  3. N

    Programs Should You Pursue a Minor Alongside a Double Major in STEM?

    Thanks Micromass! I do realize that my interests are subject to change, and I did mean to mention that (sorry I didn't). And as you know I am not in college, so I don't have to make any decisions regarding it right now. I'm just looking ahead and trying to get a better view of what decisions...
  4. N

    Programs Should You Pursue a Minor Alongside a Double Major in STEM?

    Thanks a bunch! I really don't know enough to make any kind of judgement, but it seems to me that a more comprehensive and flexible mathematical structure is needed for QG research to start making better progress. From what I know it takes a super long time just because the calculations are so...
  5. N

    Programs Should You Pursue a Minor Alongside a Double Major in STEM?

    Sorry, I should've clarified, I'm not anywhere near college yet. And by theoretical computer science I just mean the more theoretical areas of the math behind CS. Regarding the math, I really like math and I thought it would be helpful with the area I'm most interested in right now, which is...
  6. N

    Programs Should You Pursue a Minor Alongside a Double Major in STEM?

    Hi everyone, I have a question about the intricacies of Majors and Minors. Not sure if the topic/prefix is correct, any mod that thinks it should be under something else please go ahead and change it. But my question is regarding the specifics and impacts of majors and minors. I plan on...
  7. N

    Studying Books that explain physics thoroughly?

    By Stephen Hawking there's The Grand Design, both A Brief and Briefer History of Time, and The Universe in a Nutshell. I can also recommend Thirty Years That Shook Physics by George Gamow, Einstein by Walter Isaacson (bio of einstein), Never at Rest by Richard S Westfall (bio of Newton, very...
  8. N

    Taking linear algebra after only Calculus 1

    Off of what my cousins and everyone that I've talked to in general.
  9. N

    Taking linear algebra after only Calculus 1

    Linear Algebra is just hard, you don't really need calc for it. Most people take calc before hand just to organize the difficulty scaling or because they need to practice the mathematical way of thinking more before they can handle Linear Algebra. Be prepared for a lot of abstract and...
  10. N

    Physics How to begin a career change to physics?

    Okay, this is important: If your knowledge of Physics is from layman material and popular science books, you really don't know what you're getting into. Your interest in math is a good sign, but take a review course in math or self study to refresh yourself and take Calculus based Physics 1...
  11. N

    Is this mathematics course choice OK?

    This looks kind of like a random list of math courses.
  12. N

    Am I too dull/unintelligent to continue in Electrical Eng

    Adding on to what the others have said, not only is that to be expected and maybe even advantageous, you are not really thinking slowly (unless you're drowsy or something). Subconsciously you'll be finding tons of connections, even if you have to digest it, and going slowly will only help with...
  13. N

    Should Someone pursure career based on skill or happiness

    Don't take what I said the wrong way, I was emphasizing that one should take risks and do what you want, and not play it safe your whole life.
  14. N

    Should Someone pursure career based on skill or happiness

    Something to add on to this, along with the fact that you will eventually die your life is incredibly small and short. A very smart man told me that individual lives are like regular fires on Earth compared to the Sun, and you can either be a little ember, clinging on to life and always playing...