Recent content by physixnot4me

  1. P

    Determine the period of the oscillations

    ? i'm not sure how to go about that.. show it is proportional to negative displacement? Are there are any steps for this type of mathematical writeup? any ideas or help would be appreciated. thanks again.
  2. P

    Pressure and lift force on a wing

    An airplane has a mass of 1.60-10^4 kg and each wing has an area of 40.0m^2. During level flight, the pressure on the lower wing surface is 7.00-10^4 Pa. Determine the LIFT FORCE on the plane. Is it sufficient to lift the plane? part is what concerns me: if it is in level flight, the net...
  3. P

    Determine the period of the oscillations

    1) A long cylindrical rod of radius, r is weighted on one end so that it floats upright in a fluid having a density. It is pushed down a distance x from its equilibrium position and released. Show that the rod will execute simple harmonic motion if the resistive effects of the fluid are...
  4. P

    How Do You Calculate the Total Moment of Inertia for a Complex Wheel Assembly?

    Hi, I'm stuck on what I need to calculate the moment of inertia... in this type of question: the wheel shown on a diagram has a central hub of radius 2m and a mass of 4kg, outside rim of radius 6m and a mass 1kg. each of the four spokes is 4m long and has a mass of 2 kg. find the moment of...
  5. P

    How Do You Calculate the Center of Mass and Kinetic Energy in Physics Problems?

    HELP PLEASE! :) (2)Compute the x and y coordinates of the centre of mass of the piece. => I'm not sure what steps are to computing coordinates. I have a cartesian plane with a block shaped 'C'... Do i just break it down into geometric shapes (i.e. rectangles/squares) and compute the CM of...
  6. P

    How High Does Block M1 Rise After a Magnetic Repulsion Collision?

    (3) two blocks are free to slide along the frictionless wooden track. a block of mass m1=5.00kg is released from A. Protruding from its front end is the north pole of a strong magnet, repelling the north pole of an identical magnet embedded in the back end of the block of mass m2=10.0kg...
  7. P

    What Is the Left Turning Point of a Particle in a Conservative Force Field?

    2. at t=0 the particle is at rest x=12. after is release it can move under influence of conservative force whose potential energy is shown in the diagram. what is the position of the left turning point for this particle? ans: At the moment, I am not sure how to convert his graph to visualize...
  8. P

    How High Does Block M1 Rise After an Elastic Collision on a Frictionless Track?

    (3) two blocks are free to slide along the frictionless wooden track. a block of mass m1=5.00kg is released from A. Protruding from its front end is the north pole of a strong magnet, repelling the north pole of an identical magnet embedded in the back end of the block of mass m2=10.0kg...
  9. P

    Vertical Circles/Work-related Physics

    What formula do i apply to the following/theories? (1) a 0.30 kg mass attached to the end of a string swings in a vertical circle (R=1.6m). At an instant when theta=50 degrees, the tension in the string is 8.0N. what is the magnitude of the resultant force on the mass at this instant? (2)...
  10. P

    Kinetic energy/circular motion problems

    hi! I am currently doing more homework problems, and getting stuck on questions like these: (1) the only force acting on a 2kg body as it moves along the x-axis is given by F=(12-2x)N where x is in m. the velocity of the body at x=2m is 5.5i m/s. what is the maximum kinetic energy attained by...
  11. P

    How Does Centripetal Force Affect the Angle of Water in a Microwave Carousel?

    2) a small container of water is placed on a carousel inside a microwave oven, at a radius of 12.0 cm from the center. The turntable rotates steadily, turning through one revolution in each 7.25s. What angle does the water surface make with the horizontal? 3) a person stands on a scale in the...
  12. P

    How Do Apparent Weight Calculations Apply in Physics Problems?

    applying Newtons 2nd law for question #3) above with the elevator, every says to apply Newtons second law for BOTH cases ( i don't understand what the case(s) are) is it: 591 = m(g+a) and 391= m(g-a) ? is that how your suppose to find the weight? I really don't understand what I'm trying to...
  13. P

    How Do Apparent Weight Calculations Apply in Physics Problems?

    just a question... Sorry, after reading what was written a few posts above, when the elevator goes up, acceleration is going up... in order to find the mass of the person, what you use sum of all forces acting on elevator = ma? so the force of gravity when it starts and the force opposing...
  14. P

    How Do Apparent Weight Calculations Apply in Physics Problems?

    Just wondering how... for these two questions: 2) a small container of water is placed on a carousel inside a microwave oven, at a radius of 12.0 cm from the center. The turntable rotates steadily, turning through one revolution in each 7.25s. What angle does the water surface make with the...
  15. P

    How Do Apparent Weight Calculations Apply in Physics Problems?

    Hi! I'm beginning a whole new unit in physics, that I'm not that sure of. Any suggestions would be appreciated as to how to tackle these following questions: 1) the pilot of an airplane executes a constant-speed loop the loop maneuver in a vertical circle. the speed of the airplane is...