Recent content by Pouya Pourkarim

  1. Pouya Pourkarim

    I Where Did the Universe's Antimatter Go?

    If the universe was born from nothing then what are the possible reasons that we don’t see the same amount of matter and antimatter now?(if it’s a scientifically correct question)
  2. Pouya Pourkarim

    I Higgs Field and Inertia: Exploring the Relationship and Possible Explanations

    I don’t know I’ve just finished my B.Sc quantum physics
  3. Pouya Pourkarim

    I Higgs Field and Inertia: Exploring the Relationship and Possible Explanations

    Is there any way to approach to some kind of explanation for inertia,from higgs field?
  4. Pouya Pourkarim

    I Why is Hawking Radiation Unequal for Matter & Antimatter?

    we say everytime a couple of matter-antimatter particles get born near the edge of a black hole one of them falls into it and the other one escapes. And we everytime mention that the antimatter particle kind of eats a bit of black holes mass out...and by time the black hole gets smaller and...
  5. Pouya Pourkarim

    How Can PF Enhance Learning in Plasma Physics and Cosmology?

    I study engineering physics and I’m interested in plasma physics and cosmology