Black holes are expected to evaporate due to Hawking Radiation [1]. As they would lose mass with this process, their radius would also shrink. According to Hawking temperature [2], since it is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, as the radius (or the mass) decreases, the black...
According to a recent paper ( (explained here: every massive object in the universe will evaporate in a similar way into Black Holes through Hawking radiation...
If I understood it correctly, at enormous timescales into the future, it is theoretically expected that eventually stable massive structures (like white/black dwarfs) will suffer quantum tunneling events that would make small pieces of them slowly turn into black holes that would rapidly decay...
When objects/galaxies (particles and antiparticles) move across the cosmological event horizon, do they leave behind an “image” on the horizon, such that when we look at the image, we can tell what kinds of objects went through to the other side (ie, we would know information such as the mass...
I'm new here and my field of studies is not about science so forgive me if I say something that appears to be an abomination!
I have a YouTube channel and I'm writing the script for a video that will use the laws of physics and quantum mechanics to explain the lore from a videogame...
If this post should be in another forum, please advise so I can post there instead. I hope I got the right prefix. Thank you.
1) Is it possible for Hawking Radiation to be dark matter, at least in part? Do the equations rule out this possibility?
2) Are Black Holes actually spinning or is our...
A very massive charged black hole could reach a near-extremal state in the right conditions supressing the rate of emission of Hawking radiation (
Meanwhile, the radiation emitted by a black hole can be...
I'm studying if there is some way to avoid black hole evaporation, even if it requires a very special set up of conditions...
Theoretically, extremal black holes (both for rotating Kerr and Reissner-Nordström ones) would avoid evaporation as they would not emit Hawking radiation. Since...
Or is Hawking radiation something? Can't be both, however if you choose one theory over another, why do you do so. Those of you who are younger will not remember a World without the information paradox, but when I was younger it did not exist in any way because nothing escaped the event...
At a descriptive level, negative energy quanta enter a black hole during Hawking radiation. But when one tries to understand it mathematically, it seems that negative "energies" appear in two very different senses, which seem to be totally unrelated to each other. At one level one has Bogoliubov...
Professor Brian Cox was on the TV last night. He stated that eventually everything will end up in black holes. When there is nothing left to absorb they will start evaporating via Hawking radiation until eventually they all disappear in a small flash of light and then there will be eternal...
As Hawking radiation does away with black holes in the eons of time it takes to evaporate, what is the limiting mass at the final stages of the black hole evaporation? Is it Planck mass? or some fractional mass of the initial BH?
If the universe keeps expanding at an accelerated rate (given by the cosmological constant) then the universe would approach a DeSitter spacetime where there would be a cosmological horizon that would radiate just as the event horizon of a black hole radiates Hawking radiation
I thought that...
The intense gravity near the event horizon causes complementary particles to pop into existence spontaneously. As local space-time is continuous through the EV, the same would be happening just inside the EV, only more so as the gravity field and gradient is greater. So near the singularity...
The Hawking radiation comes from a pair of complementary particles, an electron and a positron for example, coming into existence spontaneously near the event horizon as a result of the intense gravitational field. One particle gets captured by the Black Hole while the other escapes, taking a...
How can a particle created just outside the event horizon with no velocity (?) escape a black hole, never to return, when black holes gravity is so strong that they can pull matter away from stars many kilometers distant?
First, I was not sure whether this should go into the Relativity or the Quantum Physics rubric, but since the central question is about entanglement, I opted for the Quantum.
I do not have the necessary sophistication to follow string theory arguments, and even most explanations in...
So I was reading about Hawking radiation and I read a QFT interpretation of it. It went something like this:
A vacuum contains virtual particles (vacuum energy), which in qft can be described as waves that are out of phase and cancel each other out (matter and antimatter). I a black...
Theoretically could an observer in a black hole perceive hawking radiation escaping the black hole as a black hole within the black hole? Also if so maybe that black hole could produce a radiation similar to or related to hawking radiation (Making a strange entangled system for conservation of...
In this video How we know that Einstein's General Relativity can't be quite right - YouTube , Hossenfelder says: "The [Hawking] radiation is entirely random and does not carry any information..."
I have heard and read this from a number of other sources, and never understood. Completly random...
It takes infinite amount of time to cross the event horizon from an outsider's perspective. But black holes eventually decay from Hawking radiation. So if you wait long enough a black hole won't exist anymore, as it would have decayed into nothing.
The in-falling observer witnesses infinite...
I am grateful for anyone for their time to answer this question.
Some theories predict black holes will evaporate and eventually disappear. From my limited understanding, Hawking's theory predicts that quantum effects near the event horizon of a black hole are responsible for blackbody...
If we take the perspective that black holes thermalize (reach maximum entropy) in a very short time and then just sit there and grow in complexity, how do we interpret Hawking radiation in this picture? i.e. you can't just have the state of the black hole keep growing in complexity forever...
can sum 1 please explain hawking radiation to me in a way i can understand. i know that there are 2 particles that could do one of the 3 things1. both be sucked inot a blackhole2. both escape the blackhole3. one escape and one get sucked inplease could you explain what is the significance of...
I have some questions regarding black holes, hawkins radiation, and the speed of light. I might be off base with some of these, but I've never been able to find any answers for them, so I figure you folks could help me with them.A black hole is a point in space whose mass is so great that its...
If I understand it correctly, its when the external force of gravity acts on "pair production", preventing the pair from returning from whence they came. Since the energy to produce this pair had to have come from some where, it is said it comes from the mass of the blackhole, through the force...
What, is the difference between particle and antiparticle? are particle and antiparticle? Is the hawking radiation those particles? What are they? Energy? or some kind of atom-type-thing?If the particle/antiparticlepair appears very near to the eventhorizon of a black hole, which one...
This `ere hawking radiation. I'm not very well informed about it. But this is how I think the basic theory works....Vacuum fluctuations usually consist of particle, anti-particle creation, annihilation, and maybe a bit more.Vacuum fluctuations which occur near an event horizon might get split...
I understand that Hawking radiation occurs when two virtual particles are created in a vacuum, then one falls into a black hole before they can annihilate each other, and the other particle escapes. The conclusion scientists seem to have drawn from this is that black holes emmit radiation, and...
Conventionally, Hawking radiation propagates approximately normal to the surface of a black hole's event horizon, of lightlike geodesics.I believe that alsoordinarylightlike geodesics demarcate radiation, with actual particle density probability greater within the curvature, and lesser without...
i have a question which i can't solve myself, as i am not a student of physics:
I have heard of the infinite space curvature which occurs when matter collapses into a black hole.
On the other hand i have heard, that a black hole radiates energy away.
Now i see a contradiction: When the...
[Moderator's note: New thread spun off from previous discussion due to more advanced subject matter being discussed.]
There is, in fact, a quite good argument that Hawking radiation cannot be derived by semiclassical theory.
It is the comparison with the scenario where the collapse stops some...
It is known theoretical prediction that Black Holes must emit radiation "... its temperature and surface gravity are proportional to its mass divided by its area" (Kip Thorne). This is applied to Event Horizon (rg).
But one can imagine inner Black Hole (e.g. inside r' < rg), it does not have...
Summary: As hawking radiation is based on quantum fluctuations, can they cancel out each other due to equal probabilities of a particle remaining in or drifting away?
I recently learned how hawking radiation actually works. It is based on quantum fluctuations which happen randomly in space...
I know that has been discussed elsewhere but never could find for a satisfying answer, so I try this here again.
Let us not take into account that an observer (an astronaut or a clock or just let us take both: an astronaut with a clock) falling into a black hole (BH) will be killed and torn...
Here we consider a black hole formed by gravitational collapse classically. We also consider a scalar massless Klein-Gordon field propagating on this background.
To quantize the field we expand it in appropriate modes. The three sets of modes required are:
The incoming modes, appropriate for...
Stephen Hawking theorized the creation of virtual particle pairs at the event horizon of a black hole, with one of the particles escaping the event horizon (Hawking Radiation) and the other particle falling into the black hole.
Sean Carroll states on page 272 of From Eternity to Here that "if...
Hawking Radiation says that an antiparticle and particle spontaneously appear and annihilate each other everywhere, but at the horizon, if the antiparticle appearing inside the horizon and the particle appears outside, then the antiparticle is sucked in and the particle is emitted outward...
Is the cosmic backround radiation incident on a black hole sufficient to make up for the energy lost through Hawking radiation?
And what if we include the average energy flux from discrete objects like galaxies, as seen in intergalactic space?
Hey everyone, is anyone able to check the facts of this speech I wrote?
I have 3 minutes max to say this, I might cut out tiny parts to save seconds.
What do you guys think, is this correct? Should I change anything? Thanks!
How Black Holes work
Stars are massive collections of mostly hydrogen...
The following from Wiki re Hawking Radiation:“... vacuum fluctuations cause a particle–antiparticle pair to appear close to the event horizon of a black hole. One of the pair falls into the black hole while the other escapes. In order to preserve total energy, the particle that fell into the...
we say everytime a couple of matter-antimatter particles get born near the edge of a black hole one of them falls into it and the other one escapes.
And we everytime mention that the antimatter particle kind of eats a bit of black holes mass out...and by time the black hole gets smaller and...
I have been considering Hawkin radiation and I am puzzled about the capture of a virtual photon. Given that the escaped photon is entangled with the captured photon I do not see how the escaped photon can shed the entanglement. Can anyone help with this?
Matter with negative mass, herein called “negative matter”, is different from antimatter.
P.A.M. Dirac, on theoretical grounds, proposed the existence of antimatter, and its
existence was later confirmed by experiment. Antimatter is the opposite of ordinary
matter in some ways, but just as...
Dear all,
I'm trying to understand the firewall controversy and the role of Hawking radiation in this. To make things concrete, I'll use the desciption of the firewall controversy of John Preskill here...
Hawking radiation formula shows the fact that when charge and angular momentum increases in a Kerr-Newman black hole (angular momentum in Kerr black hole) Hawking radiation decreases.
Can someone explain this?
Thank you.
first question
From what i read Hawking radiation is a particle and ant particle created on the event horizon of a black hole, one particle is pulled into the black hole letting the other escape, why does the one outside of the event horizon escape instead of both being pulled in? It would still...
Are there kinds of black hole radiation other than that proposed by Hawking? Note that I'm talking about truly black hole radiation, not radiation from matter that orbits the black hole, etc.
How can we conciliate such phenomenon with General Relativity? I mean, this seems to completely...