Recent content by prankster

  1. P

    Effects of time on particles in an active synchrotron

    Do you fellows think this subject can be expanded upon a bachelor thesis?
  2. P

    Effects of time on particles in an active synchrotron

    hello! 1st year college physics student here. has anyone thought of the effects of time on particles traveling 99.999999% C in a synchrotron? for as it has been explained to me, when something approaches the speed of light, time for the particle slows incredibly (but of course to the...
  3. P

    Going to CERN in December can anybody help?

    hey guys. I'm getting together with some friends in Switzerland in December. We thought it would be cool to see CERN and maybe catch a glimpse of the LHC. does anyone have any idea how we could go about this?
  4. P

    Idea for getting into space cheaply

    helloo! i have an idea that I've been thinking of and i'd like to get some opinion of its validity. imagine 4 hydrogen balloons (like those used to carry weather instruments), arranged in a square with one balloon on each corner. imagine in the middle, suspended by cables below the balloons...