Recent content by Psycopathak

  1. P

    Why is the Hilbertspace complex?

    Are the vectors complex because of a result of the mathematics? Like when you solve some differential equations you get complex eigenvalues and thus complex eigenvectors? Is it basically an artifact of the mathematics or does it have any kind of physical interpretation? That's what I love...
  2. P

    Two particles in a potential (wave equation and harmonic oscillators)

    Homework Statement Please bear with me, I'm not that good with LaTeX. Consider the harmonic oscillator problem. Define \Phin(x) as the n-th wave function for one particle, with coordinate x and energy (n+1/2) \overline{h}\omega, where n=0, 1,… Now, let’s consider a system consisting of...
  3. P

    Partial Differentiation Question

    f'(x) = 2xb Yeah I geometrically understand what it is to find the partial derivative. Basically you're intersecting a plane with a surface and finding the derivative of the curve that the intersection of the plane and the surface makes. But I was mistaken earlier. Like If I had...
  4. P

    Partial Differentiation Question

    Yeah I made a mistake, sorry about that.
  5. P

    Partial Differentiation Question

    I have a basic question about taking partial derivatives. Say I have a function of 3 variables and i want the derivative of only one. Do I take the derivative of the one variable and HOLD THE OTHER TWO CONSTANT? Or, do I take the derivative of the variable and TREAT THE OTHER TWO AS...
  6. P

    Superposition: Does EM Radiation Require an EM Field Everywhere?

    So here has been a nagging question in the back of my mind since freshman electromagnetism. I haven't taken a 400 level Electrodynamics course yet so I think I have more to learn. But I'll ask the question anyway. At the end of my E&M course, my professor derived a wave equation from...
  7. P

    Asking professors to do research

    I want to ask a professor or two about possibly doing research for them. I'm only a sophomore and my major is Astronomy and Astrophysics. His field of research is loop quantum gravity, string theory, cosmic matter-anti matter asymmetry, singularity resolution, electroweak symmetry breaking and...
  8. P

    Pressure at the center of a planet

    Thank you sir! Yes, I am aware that it is a highly unrealistic assumption, but on my homework problem It gives me the question to simply find the pressure at the center of Saturn and Uranus. It gives no density function to integrate. The more difficult problems give you density functions...
  9. P

    Pressure at the center of a planet

    Homework Statement Find the pressure at the center of a planet Homework Equations dP/dr = -ρg (Hydrostatic Equilibrium) g = GM/r2 (acceleration due to gravity) The Attempt at a Solution dP/dr = -ρg Assume that density is constant. subsitute GM/r2 for g in the pressure...
  10. P

    What is the most beautiful definition you've encountered?

    I don't know if this is ok, but It's just amazing Euler's Identity: e^i*pi = -1 It relates the exponential base which is found with calculus, the imaginary unit which literally has to be made up to solve functions where there are no real solutions, and pi, which links all of geometry...
  11. P

    Understanding the Physical Meaning of Divergence and Curl in Vector Fields

    What is the usefulness in knowing the Divergence of a vector field? I mean I realize it is important with regards to stuff like Maxwells equations. But I only learned those in Integral Form, and not differential form. Also can someone conceptually explain what the Curl represents?
  12. P

    Schools Breakdown of engineering college life

    Well if it makes you feel ok, I'm an Astrophysics/Physics major and I'm also in a Fraternity (social) where I have an executive position. I also do other stuff like attend the skeptic society meetings and so forth. So I'm heavily involved in Greek life, at least one other club and a very intense...
  13. P

    Why is noise always assumed to be Gaussian in noise-based applications?

    Unless the number of observations are low, in which case you can use the poisson distribution, correct? Yeah, I always loved signal to noise ratio!