Recent content by shallowbay

  1. S

    Hydrogen atom: potential well and orbit radii

    He's speaking of the width of the potential well due to the nucleus at the specific energy levels E_n. So that apparently r_1 of the electron is half of the width of the potential well itself at E_1, or the well would be twice the Bohr radius. Attached diagram he uses where he has drawn the...
  2. S

    Hydrogen atom: potential well and orbit radii

    Hello, I happened to open up an old book by Sah, and in it he says: "it is evident that the electron orbit radius is half the well radius at the energy level E_n" The orbit radius is r_n=\frac{4*\pi*ε_0*\hbar^2*n^2}{mq^2} and the potential well...
  3. S

    Question about majority and minority concentrations in diodes

    The np product at that point is given by n^{2}_{i}e^{F_n-F_p/kT}. If none of these quantities could have changed at a given point, then it must be constant. As you see in the diagram the n_{p0} concentration drops to zero near the depletion region as those electrons have been are swept...
  4. S

    How Can Work Function Differences Be Measured Without Contact?

    And it certainly can't be a normal voltmeter as the contact potentials stop you from measuring it that way, but supposedly it is theoretically possible to measure this potential in some electrically based manner as it's an electrochemical potential difference. I just can't see it without...
  5. S

    How Can Work Function Differences Be Measured Without Contact?

    Hi, I posted this in the "General physics" section as I didn't see the Solid State part of this section. I am quite confused here. So, I know that if you take any number of materials and place them in series the contact potentials subtract off so that the measured result is simply the...
  6. S

    Laser Rate Equations Simulation

    Homework Statement Simulate the Rate Equations with Sinusoidal Signal S: # of Photons Generated N: # of Electrons (Carriers) Vg: Group Velocity =7.5e9 \taue: Electron relaxation time = 1e-9 \taup: Photon Lifetime = 1.7e-12 N0: 3.3e18 a: Differential Gain = 1e-15...