Recent content by sivaswetha

  1. S

    Venus' Synodic Year: Why Does It Take Longer Than Earth's?

    Why do venus take more number of days for one complete rotation around sun than Earth when the gravitational pull towards venus is higher than Earth ?
  2. S

    What is the difference between AA and AAA batteries?

    What is the difference between AA and AAA batteries? Will the output voltage of 3 AAA and 4AA be same?
  3. S

    Can I get into geology with a major in physics

    Even I face the same issue. Right now I am doing B.Sc phy .. but I am highly interested in meteorology and geology. So I wanted to do pg in either of them.. can I get a degree? And what are the job opportunities?
  4. S

    PG in Geology/Meteorology After UG in Physics: Options & Advice

    Can I get a pg in geology or meteorology after ug in physics?