Recent content by steveurkell

  1. S

    Why Was College Physics HW Moved to K-12 HW?

    what ever happens, please do not delete any thread or post in this forum this site is cool, it rocks, it rules as valuable as discussions with professors I wonder if there is any limit to the size of the forum?is there any bandwidth limit?
  2. S

    Proof-U=e^A ny unitary matrix U

    I use Taylor expansion of e^x where x now is a matrix, e^A= I + A +A^2/2!+A^3/3!+... taking the determinant of both sides det(e^A)=det(I+...) where the right hand side will just be sum of determinants of all terms since for skew-symmetric matrix A transpose = -A, then on can show det(A)=0...
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    Definition of 4-vector quantities

    Hi, I just want to share my curiosity in the definition of 4-vector quantities such as world line 4-vector x^alpha, 4-velocity vect, gauge potential etc. the ones with subscript for indices usually have the first component with negative sign and the ones with superscript for indices have all...
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    Tensor gradient and maxwell's equation

    Hi everyone, I now have difficulties in using formula for gradient of tensor. The following is tensor for field strength Fsubscripts_alpha_beta = [ 0 -Ex -Ey -Ez Ex 0 Bz -By Ey -Bz 0 Bx Ez By -Bx 0 ] My question is, how do we derive the Maxwell equations...
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    Free Download: Get PostScript (PS) Software Here!

    could anyone here tell me how to get post script (ps) software please, perhaps free download source if possible. There are a lot of online sources in ps format which make me have this ps program in my pc. thank you
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    Stefan-Boltzman's radiation law problem

    thank you before my first posting, I had tried to use the geometrical series expansion, but I performed the summation inside the integral and I didn't realize that with limit of integration from 0 to infinity, I just could replace x by 0. thanks anyway
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    Stefan-Boltzman's radiation law problem

    Hello everyone, I cannot solve the following integral integral from 0 to infinity of (x^3)/(exp(kx)-1) dx with k>0 as you may be able to guess, this integral is very famous one which can be used to deduce Stefan-Boltzman's radiation law those of you who are experts may quickly recognize it...