Recent content by totalmajor

  1. T

    Moment of Inertia Homework: Solving for Force P

    Homework Statement A light, flexible rope is wrapped several times around a hollow cylinder with a weight of 55.0 N and a radius of 0.25 m, that rotates without friction about a fixed horizontal axis. The cylinder is attached to the axle by spokes of a negligible moment of inertia. The...
  2. T

    Rotational Motion of a Square Arrangement of Spheres

    Hey I figured out A (thanks) But B and C , I am a loss for
  3. T

    Rotational Motion of a Square Arrangement of Spheres

    [SOLVED] Rotational Motion Homework Statement Four small spheres, each of which you can regard as a point of mass m = 0.170 kg, are arranged in a square d = 0.250 m on a side and connected by light rods (Fig. 9.27). (a) Find the moment of inertia of the system about an axis through the...
  4. T

    Calculating Proton's Closest Approach to a Line of Charge

    Homework Statement An infinitely long line of charge has linear charge density 4.00 10-12 C/m. A proton (mass 1.67 10-27 kg, charge +1.60 10-19 C) is 18.0 cm from the line and moving directly toward the line at 1.20 103 m/s. How close does the proton get to the line of charge...
  5. T

    Some of my Winter Break physics problems

    oh woops yeah I did forget R squared so for vector path dr I'd put .48m because that's what they're looking for? So .48Q/4piEnaughtRsquared? Sorry, I'm just terrible at gaussian surfaces.. I never really understood how to do them
  6. T

    Some of my Winter Break physics problems

    Yeah I'm sorry but I don't get it.. E would be Q/4*pi*E(naught) right? But what do you multiply that by??
  7. T

    Some of my Winter Break physics problems

    Okay thanks alot! First problem is completely finished But the second one I don't get.. I looked up the equation you were talking about W(ab) = Integral of E(dot) dr There's an example with something to do with infinity and r/2, for the first one it's zero, and the second one is r/2 so do i...
  8. T

    Independent research - paintball

    i guess for paintballing you can say the mask increases time which decreases the force a car would be better i think
  9. T

    Some of my Winter Break physics problems

    I don't know, do I do it the same way as i did for A and B? How do you figure out the distance though? Here's basically what I have on paper..
  10. T

    Some of my Winter Break physics problems

    [SOLVED] Some of my Winter Break physics problems Hey guys, I'm new to this site, and as the way things are going with my physics class, this won't be my last request for help lol. Well anyway, our teacher assigned us a few problems to do over break, and since I have a week left I decided...