Recent content by wokay

  1. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Thank you Student100 for your help. I am not yet fully satisfied with the methodology, but seems fair to a point that you consider few averages. But the few seems to be little concerning. Now, considering this to be valid, I take the position vector r = sqrt(x^2+y^2) and take few averages...
  2. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Don't you think, this will be like calculating mean square displacement?
  3. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    By that I meant, I don't want the average of (Xi-X1)/2. Is it bit more clear? Ah yes. Exactly, I would like to find out Kinetic energy. 1/2*m*v2. For instance, if the particle has traveled a lot in the time frame for say 1-1000 seconds. I am not sure how do I use the term Multiple averages...
  4. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Hey, Thanks. I tried making it clear that I wouldn't want to calculate average being first and last data point. I would like to calculate translational energy of the particle. (I am stuck with Langevin equation.)For that I would require average velocity.
  5. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Thanks, Dr. Greg. I don't want average speed but I would like to have average velocity. I have the data of average speed. More like Σ(x2+y2)-1/t
  6. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Sorry, I didn't get you. By, making dependent on t, do you mean to do: ∑x/∑t ? I will use python to calculate the average velocity. But, I cannot look straight forward.
  7. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Oh yes, they are ordered pairs but if we consider time interval to be 1 sec (say or 1 time unit ), how would I do it?
  8. W

    How to calculate average velocity?

    Hello, Suppose given a sample data of particle traveling with following co-ordinates: x | y [(2, 2), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (1, 3), (1, 1), (4, 4), (4, 1), (0, 4), (4, 2)] we want to calculate the Average velocity. How do we find it? If we use difference between initial and last won't give...
  9. W

    Is it a good idea to Study Master in Physics in Australia/Canada/New Zealand

    Thank You Choppy, I would look ahead in selecting the courses and contacting the departments.
  10. W

    Is it a good idea to Study Master in Physics in Australia/Canada/New Zealand

    Hello, I am Indian, final year undergrad. I wish to study & pursue research in Physics and as part of my academic curricula, I plan to pursue Master in Physics and PhD further. I am looking ahead to continue my master in following countries: Germany, Canada, Australia/New Zealand. Looking at...
  11. W

    How do I apply for Master in Science, Physics at UBC, Vancouver campus?

    Hello Mate, This is my first post and I have always seen you guys are helpful to everyone. Thank you for all the knowledge you share from time to time. I am an Indian student pursuing my Final year in BSc (Physics). I would like to apply for Master in Science, Physics at University of British...