Magnetic Monopoles: Expected Characteristics & Properties

In summary, the expected characteristic properties of the two magnetic monopoles include a quantization of electrical charge, symmetry between electric and magnetic charges, and a four-dimensional framework for understanding their behavior. Time is considered the first dimension, and magnetic monopoles can be described using a four-vector with the first component representing time. The Maxwell equations can be rewritten in terms of a scalar parameter, tau, and the concept of magnetic currents and charges along a world line.
  • #1
What would be the expected characteristic properties of the two magnetic monopoles?
Physics news on
  • #3
petm1 said:
What would be the expected characteristic properties of the two magnetic monopoles?

This is a rather broad question and i don't know what level of study you are on, so let me present to you one of my favourite articles concerning this topic : from the Harvard Journal of Undergraduate Sciences (1996).

It explains how monopoles arise from topology in a very introductory manner.


  • #4
marlon said:
It explains how monopoles arise from topology in a very introductory manner.
...without their presence in reality :biggrin:
  • #5
Why couldn't we think of the two monopoles of a magnetic field as being the two different spins states displayed by Fermions, and Bosons.
Fermions which could be thought of as having a out to in spin, and Bosons which have an into out spin?
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  • #6
Can we think of Bosons as being a measure of one dimensional motion after all we can only detect either speed or direction with a photon? Fermions on the other hand have movement that we detect in all three dimensions. With this type of thinking would not a magnetic field fill the gap and appear to be movement in two dimensions.
  • #7
Would it make more sense to call time, our tool for measuring motion, as the first dimension and the second through fourth dimensions are the other three? Now a one dimensional particle has no motion or if you will zero rest mass. Motion in one direction is the second dimension, movement in the the third dimension is the point where two one dimensional movements interact by canceling, and finally in the fourth dimension we see the particle as the point where all three movements interact as mass.
  • #8
Would each one dimension particle or for the people who like to think small, field, have two possible directions of movement?
  • #9
petm1 said:
Can we think of Bosons as being a measure of one dimensional motion after all we can only detect either speed or direction with a photon? Fermions on the other hand have movement that we detect in all three dimensions. With this type of thinking would not a magnetic field fill the gap and appear to be movement in two dimensions.

You don't think that I could detect a helium atom in 3D the same way I would detect a fermion? What about a composite boson made up of fermions?

How about asking one question at a time, waiting for someone to respond to that one first and understanding it, before proceeding to the next one? If not, you'll get a whole confusing, jumbled mess.

  • #10
petm1 said:
Why couldn't we think of the two monopoles of a magnetic field as being the two different spins states displayed by Fermions, and Bosons.
Fermions which could be thought of as having a out to in spin, and Bosons which have an into out spin?

Theoretically, when Dirac introduced magnetic monopoles in electromagnetism, his main intention was to make EM, a fully symmetric theory. This means that all electric charges become "magnetic charges" after replacing E with B and B with E. Another important consequence is the quantization of electrical charge or "magnetic coupling constant * electrical coupling constant = CONSTANT"

Now, knowing this, you ask about different spin states between fermions and bosons and their analogy with magnetic monopoles. First of all, BE CAREFUL : a magnetic field does NOT have two monopoles. Ofcourse two monopoles is very possible but if you read what i just told you, you will understand that every electrical charge corresponds to a magnetic monopole after performing the duality transform.

Also, let's say a magnetic field has a "+ monopole" and a "- monopole". Actually, using the underlying DIRAC theory learns us that, after performing the duality transform, such a magnetic situation corresponds to an ordinary electrical dipole (+ and - charge). So, if you look at your question, "in the electrical version" you will see that a distinction between fermions and bosons is not necessary since we did not need to do that when we defined a classical electrical dipole, quadrupole, etc etc

  • #11
petm1 said:
Would it make more sense to call time, our tool for measuring motion, as the first dimension and the second through fourth dimensions are the other three?
The theory behind magnetic monopoles is written in four dimensions because :

1) The basic quantity defining the EM F-tensor is [tex]A^{\mu}[/tex], a four vector with first component the scalar potential and the other three are the vector potential [tex]\vec A [/tex]

2) Because of 1), we need a four vector to denote the position of a particle as a function of time. Ofcourse your first guess we be something like [tex]\vec{R} (t)[/tex] and put this 3-vector inside a 4-vector. THIS DOES NOT WORK because position and time do not tranform in the same way under a Lorenzt transformation. Reason, well in a 4-vector, the first and last three components behave differently under Lorentz transformations. In short, Lorentz covariance is NOT respected. The solution is to make a 4-vector of which the first component is time, the other three are position but all 4 components are written in terms of one scalar parameter tau : [tex]Z^{\mu}( \tau ) = (T( \tau), \vec {R} ( \tau)) [/tex] [1]

The Maxwell equations can then be rewritten in terms of the parameter tau and for example, you would acquire a "magnetic current of magnetic charge g along a world line defined by the above Z-term"


[1] arXiv:hep-ph/0310102 v2 21Oct 2003. “Dual superconductor models of color confinement”

Georges Ripka, ECT*, Villa Tambosi, I-38050 Villazano (Trento), ITALY
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  • #12
petm1 said:
Would each one dimension particle or for the people who like to think small, field, have two possible directions of movement?

What's a "one dimension particle" ?
How is it connected to "a small field" ?
Why would you suspect the suggested "two possible movement directions" behaviour ?

  • #13
No one has been able to create a magnetic monopole in a lab yet, but magnetic quadrupoles do exist, and I even found a video of a permanent magnetic quadrupole on YouTube.

The video looks impossible, but they are found inside of every particle accelerator. Take a look if you are interested in this topic.
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  • #14
Nerble said:
No one has been able to create a magnetic monopole in a lab yet, but magnetic quadrupoles do exist, and I even found a video of a permanent magnetic quadrupole on YouTube.

The video looks impossible, but they are found inside of every particle accelerator. Take a look if you are interested in this topic.

I really don't see how this video shows "a quadrupole in action". Either you give a full scientific explanation to justify this video or you don't post it at all. YouTube is NOT peer reviewed source material and thus violates the PF guidelines.

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  • #15
Would each one dimension particle or for the people who like to think small, field, have two possible directions of movement?

What's a "one dimension particle" ?
How is it connected to "a small field" ?
Why would you suspect the suggested "two possible movement directions" behaviour ?

I think of time as a one dimensional object, think of it as putting your pen on paper, the only two directions that this object can move is either in (smaller) or out (bigger). Because of duality, in my opinion any point even one that exists in only one dimension can be view as a field because I think of movement both inside and outside of that point.
  • #16
If I think of time as a one dimensional object, with your pen make the point move, because it only moves in two directions one is to dilate, and the other is to contract. I would think that this then makes the second dimension, motion. This would also account for our duality of motion in the following three dimensions, length, width, and heigth. Depending on where the movement originated inside or out side of our object, will have a big effect on the shape of our object. Follow this with the movement that makes up matter, where and when all three one dimensional movements are present and in big enough numbers that the flux will appear whole to any observer. Of course this would be thinking in five dimensional space with Time, Motion, length, width, heigth. Maybe I should switch to another forum such as strings to continue this thought what you think?
  • #17
Why don't we think of a photon, in its particle form, as a monopole?

FAQ: Magnetic Monopoles: Expected Characteristics & Properties

1. What are magnetic monopoles and why are they important?

Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical particles that have only one magnetic pole (either north or south). In contrast, traditional magnets have both a north and south pole. These particles are important because they could potentially explain certain phenomena in physics, such as the quantization of electric charge and the origin of magnetic fields.

2. Can magnetic monopoles exist in nature?

While magnetic monopoles have not been observed in nature so far, they are predicted to exist based on certain theories in physics. Some scientists believe that they may have been created in the early universe during the Big Bang, but they have not been directly detected yet.

3. What are some expected characteristics of magnetic monopoles?

Magnetic monopoles are expected to have a magnetic charge, similar to how particles have an electric charge. They are also predicted to have a mass and a spin, and they may interact with other particles through the electromagnetic force.

4. How can magnetic monopoles be detected?

Scientists have proposed various methods for detecting magnetic monopoles, such as using high-energy particle accelerators or searching for their signatures in cosmic rays. However, these particles are extremely rare and difficult to detect, making the search for them challenging.

5. If magnetic monopoles are discovered, how could they impact our understanding of physics?

If magnetic monopoles are observed and their properties are confirmed, it could lead to a major breakthrough in physics. It could help explain some unanswered questions in the Standard Model of particle physics and provide insights into the fundamental forces of the universe, such as electromagnetism and gravity.
