Distinguishing Between a Magnet & Soft Iron

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a faulty barometer when its tube is pushed into a mercury trough. It is stated that the barometric height will further decrease due to the presence of air in the tube. In addition, the conversation also addresses a method for distinguishing between a magnet and a soft iron bar without using any other tools. The principle of magnetic field and its behavior at the center are mentioned in the solution. Finally, the conversation questions whether the given explanation is applicable to a faulty barometer or not.
  • #1
1.If the tube of a faulty barometer is pushed down into the mercury trough, the barometric height will further decrease. Why does this happen?

2. If I am provided with two similar bars, one is a magnet and the other is soft iron. How can I distinguish between them without using any other thing?
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  • #2
Show some work- we cannot help you until you first attempt the problem
  • #3
cristo said:
Show some work- we cannot help you until you first attempt the problem

I think that when tube is lowered, mercury should rise up. But this doesn't happen.

If I suspend both the rods, both will come to rest in North-South direction so I cannot think of any other way except cuttin the 2 rods into four and then testing them.
  • #4
I'm still working on the first question. Meanwhile the second is easier.

Take one of the bars and place its one end at about the middle of the length of the other bar (so that they look perpendicular to each other). If there's a strong attraction b/w the two bars at this position it means that the bar you're holding in your hand is the magnet. If the attraction is weak then you're holding the iron bar.

Principle: Magnetic field due to a magnet is weak at the center.
  • #7
It is not mentioned in the question what the fault is. Does it imply that air is trapped in place of vacuum?
  • #8
Yes. Thats exactly the case!
  • #9
Well, then here's my explanation (although I'm not entirely sure):

For a capillary tube dipped in mercury, a depression in mercury level is observed inside the tube. Here air is the medium above the surface in the tube as well as the vessel. For the faulty barometer a somewhat similar condition must be happening because there is some air trapped inside. But clearly the barometer tube is no capillary tube and that's why I'm doubtful on this explanation.

FAQ: Distinguishing Between a Magnet & Soft Iron

1. What is a magnet?

A magnet is an object that has a magnetic field and can attract certain materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt. It has two ends, called poles, known as the north and south pole.

2. What is soft iron?

Soft iron is a type of iron that can be easily magnetized and demagnetized. It has a high magnetic permeability, meaning it can easily allow magnetic fields to pass through it.

3. How can I distinguish between a magnet and soft iron?

One way to distinguish between a magnet and soft iron is to use a compass. A magnet will cause the needle of a compass to align with its magnetic field, while soft iron will not have any effect on the compass needle.

4. Can soft iron be magnetized permanently?

No, soft iron cannot be magnetized permanently. It is a temporary magnet and will lose its magnetism once the external magnetic field is removed.

5. What are some common uses of magnets and soft iron?

Magnets are used in various applications such as electric motors, generators, MRI machines, and speakers. Soft iron is commonly used in magnetic shielding, electromagnets, and in transformer cores.
