Four Terminal Sensing Measurement for Printed Conducting Inks

  • Thread starter guusmatijs
  • Start date
In summary: It has more current information on various deposition techniques, resistance of various materials, and so on.In summary, you are printing conductive inks and will be using strips of aluminum to measure the conductivity. The distance between points 1-2 and 3-4 in the image below is smaller than the distance between points 2-3. However, the mask you created for depositing the aluminum on your substrates leaves four strips of aluminum with equal distances (10 mm from center to center). The actual question is whether you can use R=U/I, simply ohms law, or whether you need to use a correction factor like discussed in Haldor (please refer to attachment). Depending on deposition technique and process conditions, you
  • #1
I am currently working on printing conducting inks. After printing and sintering the inks my goal is to measure conductivity of my printed patterns. Therefore I want to create 4 strips of aluminium using deposition on my substrates before I print my ink.
I want to use these strips to perform a four terminal sensing measurement on the conductivity of my printed ink strips. In most documentation I find that the distance between points 1-2 and 3-4 in the image below is smaller than the distance between points 2-3.

However the mask I created for depositing the aluminium on my substrates leaves four strips of aluminium with equal distances (see image below) 10 mm from center to center.
the strips of aluminium left on the substrate will have a width of 1.5 mm.

The actual question is whether I can use R=U/I, simply ohms law, or whether I need to use a correction factor like discussed in Haldor (please refer to attachment), R=G * U/I.

The strips I will be printing across the aluminium strips will have a width of 100-1000[tex]\mu[/tex]m depending on my printing settings. the thickness of my print will be approx 10 times smaller.

I hope I cleared out my question, If you need anything else please let me know.

Thank you :)

Attachment: Haldor"
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  • #2
Welcome to PhysicsForums!

My expertise in 4 Point Probe Measurement technique is rather limited, however, I believe that you may have some problems with the fact that the probe contact area looks to be rather extensive. Depending on deposition technique and process conditions, you may also need to factor in the resistance of the aluminum probes themselves.

Given that these seem to be rather large samples, could you just use a stand-alone 4 point probe (with, say, 0.25 to 1 mm spacing) instead of embedding electrodes? It'd also reduce your per-sample cost (if that's at all a concern).

If you can get a copy, the reference I have in my notes from my Thin Films class is Mott and Davis' Electronic Processes in Non-Crystalline Materials (even if it's from 1979).

FAQ: Four Terminal Sensing Measurement for Printed Conducting Inks

1. What is Four Terminal Sensing Measurement?

Four Terminal Sensing Measurement is a technique used to accurately measure the resistance of a conducting ink. It involves using four probes or electrodes to make contact with the ink, allowing for more precise measurements compared to traditional two-terminal methods.

2. How does Four Terminal Sensing Measurement work?

In Four Terminal Sensing Measurement, two probes are used to inject a known current into the ink, while the other two probes measure the resulting voltage. This allows for more accurate measurements as it eliminates the effects of resistance in the probes themselves.

3. What are the advantages of using Four Terminal Sensing Measurement for printed conducting inks?

Four Terminal Sensing Measurement offers several advantages, including higher measurement accuracy, the ability to measure lower resistances, and the elimination of probe resistance effects. It also allows for the measurement of thin films and conductive traces with high precision.

4. Are there any limitations to using Four Terminal Sensing Measurement?

One limitation of Four Terminal Sensing Measurement is that it requires specialized equipment, such as a four-point probe or a lock-in amplifier, which can be costly. It may also be challenging to make contact with small or irregularly shaped ink samples using four probes.

5. How can Four Terminal Sensing Measurement be used in research and development?

Four Terminal Sensing Measurement can be used in research and development to evaluate the conductivity and resistivity of different types of conducting inks, as well as to optimize ink formulations for specific applications. It can also be used to study the effects of environmental factors on the conductivity of printed inks.
