Which edition of Stewart's Calculus is best for reference?

  • Thread starter ehrenfest
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In summary, the person is asking for a recommendation on which edition of a calculus textbook to buy for reference. They mention that they used the 5th edition and want to know if the 6th edition would be better. Other users suggest getting the 5th edition because it will be cheaper and there are usually only minor updates between editions. Some speculate about why the 6th edition may be cheaper. The person asking the question is more concerned about the quality of the book rather than the price or which edition they used in the past. Other users suggest comparing the tables of contents of both editions to see if there are any major differences. Ultimately, it is recommended to buy whichever edition is in the best condition for the lowest price,
  • #1
I finished the calculus sequence several years ago and I just want a reference. Apparently there are two editions that are widely in use now: 5 and 6. This is probably a stupid question, but which one should I get? I would assume that 6 is better because 6>5, but I don't know...I thought I would ask anyway.
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  • #2
Buy this one

  • #3
Cyrus said:
Buy this one

Are you joking?
  • #4
Why am I joking? I have that book: its very good.
  • #5
Well I want to buy one of the two editions that I listed.
  • #6
What text did you use when you took the class?

When I want to review a subject I took in the past, I use the same text that I had when I took the class.
  • #7
calculus doesn't change. buy 5 because it will be cheaper than 6.
  • #8
4th or 5th edition is fine. don't waste your money on the 6th unless you're in a class that requires you to turn in hw.
  • #9
Basically. The updates from one edition to the other are usually minor. Maybe some typos fixed, new figures, different homework problems, but I have edition 5e and it has a ton of problems, so you shouldn't run out or anything.

Mines "early transcendentals", though, not the one Cyrus posted. No idea if those are different or not.
  • #11
Maybe he condensed some things down to cut down on paper? Maybe people are just tired of Stewart's BS and aren't going to take it from him anymore?
  • #12
Perhaps it would help to compare Tables of Contents



A quick scan doesn't reveal any substantial difference. The 6th edition seems to have added sections: Review. Problems Plus. to each chapter.
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  • #13
In general, if you want to buy a textbook to keep as a reference for occasional review, I think whatever one you can get in the best condition for the lowest price (this could be the newer edition if it's the one being used in a lot of classes...more people selling them back in barely used condition at the end of the course :wink:, or more bookstores with overstock to get rid of).

Unless there has been massive rearrangement of the material, in which case it might be more of a personal preference which suits your learning needs best, it's rare for there to be substantial differences between editions (there are always corrections of errors, and some reorganization of content for better clarity based on student/educator feedback, but for the purpose of review, this is not usually important...if you were learning the material from scratch, I'd always recommend the most current book to have the least errors unless someone using it specifically points out that it is worse for some reason).
  • #14
Get Salas & Etgen. Its Stewart with proofs.
  • #15
Too late.

FAQ: Which edition of Stewart's Calculus is best for reference?

1. What are the main differences between the 5th and 6th editions of Stewart?

The main differences between the 5th and 6th editions of Stewart's Calculus textbook include the addition of new topics such as vector-valued functions and partial derivatives, as well as more emphasis on technology and applications. The layout and organization of the chapters have also been improved for better clarity and understanding.

2. Is the 6th edition of Stewart's Calculus textbook more difficult than the 5th edition?

The difficulty level of the 6th edition is not significantly different from the 5th edition. However, the 6th edition does include some new topics and additional examples, so students may find it slightly more challenging than the 5th edition.

3. Do I need to purchase the 6th edition if I already have the 5th edition?

It depends on your specific course requirements. If your course is using the 6th edition, it is recommended to purchase that edition as it may have updated content and exercises that will align better with your course material. However, the core concepts and principles are generally the same in both editions.

4. Are there any major errors or corrections in the 6th edition of Stewart's Calculus textbook?

No major errors or corrections have been reported in the 6th edition of Stewart's Calculus textbook. However, as with any textbook, there may be minor errors or typos that have been corrected in subsequent printings or editions.

5. Can I access the 6th edition of Stewart's Calculus textbook online?

Yes, the 6th edition is available in both print and digital formats. You can purchase an online access code or ebook version of the textbook, or you may be able to access it through your school's online library resources. However, you may need a physical copy for in-class use or exams, so it is best to check with your professor or syllabus for specific requirements.

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