-7.64 Determine the following standard normal (z) curve areas:

In summary, the conversation is about determining the standard normal (z) curve areas. Specifically, the area under the z curve to the left of $1.75$ is being discussed. It is determined to be approximately $0.959941$ using the given table and input. A tikz from stack exchange is mentioned but it cannot be rendered here.
  • #1
Gold Member
Determine the following standard normal (z) curve areas:

Determine the following standard normal (z) curve areas:

a. The area under the z curve to the left of $1.75$
from table $5\ \textit{$z^{*}$} =1.7 \textit{ col } .05 = .9599$
$\textit{ \textbf{$W\vert A$} input } (z\le 1.75)\approx 0.959941$

ok I found this tikz from stack exchange but I can't get it to render here

declare function={g(\x)=2*exp(-\x*\x/3);
\draw[gray!50] (-3.7,0) edge[->] (4,0) foreach \X in {-3.5,-3,...,3}
{(\X,0) -- ++ (0,0.1)} (0,0) edge[->] (0,ymax);
\fill[gray!60] plot[domain=x0:xmax,samples=15,smooth] (\x,{g(\x)}) -- (xmax,0) -| cycle;
\draw[thick] plot[domain=xmin:xmax,samples=51,smooth] (\x,{g(\x)});
\path (4,0) node[below]{$x$} (x0,0) node[below]{3};
(0,ymax) node{$f(x)$};\
however it rendered in overleaf...
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  • #2

\newcommand\gauss[2]{1/(#2*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-((x-#1)^2)/(2*#2^2))} % Gauss function, parameters mu and sigma

\begin{axis}[every axis plot post/.append style={
mark=none,domain=-2:3,samples=50,smooth}, % All plots: from -2:2, 50 samples, smooth, no marks
axis x line*=bottom, % no box around the plot, only x and y axis
axis y line*=left, % the * suppresses the arrow tips
enlargelimits=upper] % extend the axes a bit to the right and top
\addplot {\gauss{0}{0.5}};
\addplot {\gauss{1}{0.75}};

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