A challenge: break the force barrier of nature

In summary, a new claim has been made in physics that there is a largest possible force, c^4/4G or 3 x 10^43 Newton. Many have initially rejected this claim, but have failed to produce a counterexample. The challenge is to show a situation in nature where a higher force appears, with a prize of 20 Euros being offered for the first counterexample. While there are theoretical ways to produce a higher force near a black hole, such as using a wire or rocket engine, these methods face difficulties and limitations that make it impossible to exceed the claimed maximum force. Additionally, it has been suggested that the acceleration of the universe due to the cosmological constant may produce a force larger than the claimed maximum
  • #1
A new claim has appeared in physics. It is claimed that there is a largest
possible force, namely c^4/4G or 3 x 10^43 Newton.

(The claim is made in the paper http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0309118 )

All my friends and acquantances have first said "wrong!"
but then failed to produce a counterexample. Nobody was able to imagine
a situation in nature where a higher value of the force appears.

*Everything* is allowed: black holes, accelerators, supernovae, rockets,
etc. Nobody has yet captured the prize of producing the first
counterexample. There is even a prize of 20 Euros (:-) for the first
counterexample, sponsored by two posters of the de.sci.physik
newsgroup. ( 10 Euros are from myself )

Does anybody know a solution?

Tom Helmond
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I've not read the paper but:

The force felt by an object stationery over a Scwarzchild black hole is:

|F| = (GMm/r2)/(1 - 2GM/rc2)1/2

therefore as r tends to 2GM/c2 (the event horizon), |F| tends to infinity (as at r = RBH, the denominator is equal to zero).
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  • #3
Originally posted by jcsd
I've not read the paper but:

The force felt by an object stationery over a Scwarzchild black hole is:

|F| = (GMm/r2)/(1 - 2GM/rc2)1/2

therefore as r tends to 2GM/c2 (the event horizon), |F| tends to infinity (as at r = RBH, the denominator is equal to zero).

That is true, but the formula just says that no such observer
hovering over the horizon exists.

The claim means that the nearest place one can hover over a black
hole is the place where the downwards force is c^4/4G.

To find a counterexample, one would have to show that hovering nearer
to the black hole is possible.

Tom Helmond
  • #4
Ok I've read the first part of the paper

Christoph Schiller, though doesn't even derive the maximal force so it's difficult to work out what exactly he means as he only says it is so for a remote observer, yet the above formula shows that it is not so for a real observer.
  • #5
Originally posted by jcsd
Ok I've read the first part of the paper

Christoph Schiller, though doesn't even derive the maximal force so it's difficult to work out what exactly he means as he only says it is so for a remote observer, yet the above formula shows that it is not so for a real observer.

Hm, I beg to disagree. If there is a maximum force, it must be valid for all observers, even accelerated ones.

But the challenge is to produce a force larger than the claimed limit. It is well known that it is not possible to hover above the horizon (after all this is a black hole); so this is NOT a counterexample to the claim.

Tom Helmond
  • #6
It is theoretically possible to hover at XRBH where X is greater than 1 as long as you have a power source and light from the point of view of a remote observer does hover at the event horizon.

It's almost impossible to disprove without the original derivation that shows that this is the maximal force for all observers.
  • #7
If you want to work this out a particle traveling radially outwards from a black hole with a velocity v will hover at a certain distance away from the black hole, r, it is then just a case of finding a v so that |F| is greater than the maximal force.
  • #8
Originally posted by jcsd
If you want to work this out a particle traveling radially outwards from a black hole with a velocity v will hover at a certain distance away from the black hole, r, it is then just a case of finding a v so that |F| is greater than the maximal force.

I guess that the answer would be this: to produce a hovering
in such a situation you would need an extremely powerful engine.
The exhausts from that engine are so massive that the gravitation
they produce cannot be neglected. The claim is that
to produce a force larger than c^4/4G, these exhaust are so massive
that they form a black hole on their own, which attracts the body that
tries to leave the exhausts behind, preventing it from doing so.
As a result, the hovering fails.

Tom Helmond
  • #9
For a high force to appear near a black hole, a body needs to be
hovering above it, as mentioned above. There are two was to do this:
with a wire and with a rocket engine.

A wire cannot maintain a force c^4/4G: if it did, lovering the wire by
a distance d would create a black hole of diameter d at the other end.
This is impossible.

A rocket cannot either: its engine would have to spit out black holes
in order to do so.

Tom Helmond
  • #10
Can you show that for me though, why exactly can a wire not theoretically maintain such a force, it's diffcult to disprove things that haven't been proved in the first place.
  • #11
The formulas for the tnesion in the wire is in no way dependent on the properties of the wire.
  • #12
Try the inflationary force of the cosmological constant accelerating (a=[del]r/([del]t)2=~(1028cm/102sec2)) the universe mass (~1056gm).

Finflationary=1082dynes >>3 x 1043Newtons=3 x 1048dynes.
  • #13
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Try the inflationary force of the cosmological constant accelerating (a=[del]r/([del]t)2=~(1028cm/102sec2)) the universe mass (~1056gm).

Finflationary=1082dynes >>3 x 1043Newtons=3 x 1048dynes.

This is interesting! I never thought about this.
Can you explain it a bit more?
What acceleration is meant? In what sense
can one say that all mass of the universe is accelerated?

And why don't I feel this gigantic value?

  • #14
Originally posted by jcsd
Can you show that for me though, why exactly can a wire not theoretically maintain such a force, it's diffcult to disprove things that haven't been proved in the first place.

Apart from the fact that no material is able to withstand this, the argument
was just saying that even if the wire withstands this, strange things
happen at the two ends that make the hole thing impossible:
black holes must appear there.

  • #15
Originally posted by tomhelmond
Apart from the fact that no material is able to withstand this, the argument
was just saying that even if the wire withstands this, strange things
happen at the two ends that make the hole thing impossible:
black holes must appear there.


What I want is the mathematics behind this though.
  • #16
Originally posted by jcsd
What I want is the mathematics behind this though.

That is easy. A black hole has a radius of R=2Gm/c^2.

A force of c ^ 4 /4G times a distance d gives the same energy E=m c ^ 2
as the one that is contained inside a black hole
of radius R=d, namely c^4 d / ( 2G ).

Let us see if a larger force can appear.

  • #17
Can I have a more complete derivaiation esp. with respect to tension.

FAQ: A challenge: break the force barrier of nature

1. What is the force barrier of nature?

The force barrier of nature refers to the maximum level of force that can be exerted or experienced in the natural world. It is the limit at which the laws of physics break down and cannot explain or predict the behavior of matter and energy.

2. Why is breaking the force barrier of nature a challenge?

Breaking the force barrier of nature is a challenge because it requires pushing the boundaries of our current understanding of physics and finding new ways to manipulate and control the fundamental forces of nature. It also requires advanced technology and resources to conduct experiments at extremely high energies.

3. What are the potential benefits of breaking the force barrier of nature?

The potential benefits of breaking the force barrier of nature include a deeper understanding of the universe and the laws that govern it. It could also lead to the development of new technologies and advancements in fields such as energy production, medicine, and space exploration.

4. How are scientists attempting to break the force barrier of nature?

Scientists are using a variety of methods, including particle accelerators, to create collisions at high energies in order to study the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. They are also exploring theories such as string theory and supersymmetry to better understand the forces that govern our universe.

5. What are some challenges and obstacles that scientists face in breaking the force barrier of nature?

Some challenges and obstacles that scientists face in breaking the force barrier of nature include the high cost and complexity of experimental equipment, the need for advanced mathematical models and theories, and the potential risks and ethical considerations surrounding experiments at extreme energies. Additionally, the answers to some of the fundamental questions about the nature of the universe may still be beyond our current technological capabilities.

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