A function discontinuous only on Q

  • Thread starter rudinreader
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In summary: And is discontinuous at every point x \neq 0, despite the fact that the set of rational numbers is dense in R. So just because a function is discontinuous on a dense subset, doesn't mean it's discontinuous everywhere.
  • #1
Let [tex]f(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(nx)}{n^2}[/tex], where (x) denotes the fractional part of x. [tex]|\frac{(nx)}{n^2}| \leq \frac{1}{n^2}[/tex], so [tex]\sum \frac{(nx)}{n^2}[/tex] converges uniformly to f on all of R. (x) is discontinuous precisely at the integers, so [tex]s_k(x) = (x) + \frac{(2x)}{2^2} + ... + \frac{(kx)}{k^2}[/tex] is discontinuous precisely when [tex]x = \frac{p}{m}[/tex], where m = 1,...,k, and p is any integer. It follows that if [tex]x_0[/tex] is irrational, then [tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow x_0}s_n(x) = s_n(x_0)[/tex] for all n. So by theorem 7_11 in Rudin, [tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow x_0}f(x) = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}s_n(x_0) = f(x_0)[/tex], which shows f is continuous at every irrational point.

Another thing to add is that it is clear f(x+1) = f(x) for all x. It is also clear by uniform convergence that f is Riemann integrable on any bounded interval, since each s_n is as such. That's pretty much most of Problem 10 in Chapter 7, but not all.

Is the limit function discontinuous on Q (the rationals)? Or equivalently, by the f(x+1)=f(x) property, is f discontinuous at all the rationals in [0,1]? I don't see off hand the direct reason WHY the limit function is discontinuous, despite the fact that every rational number q is a discontinuity point of s_n, for all n >= some N. (In particular, the problem asks to show the discontinuous points are a countable dense subset, which would be implied if that subset is Q...) I.e., just because g_n(x) = 1/n, x rational, g(x) = 0, x irrational, is discontinuous everywhere, doesn't imply it's uniform limit function g(x)=0 is discontinuous anywhere.
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  • #2
The Solution

It's not hard to see that f(x) is not continuous at 0. For instance, f(0) = 0. And if 0 < e < 1/2, then f(-e) > 1/2.

Now suppose a rational number p/q is given, where p and q have no common factors, and we wish to show f is not continuous at p/q. By absolute convergence, we can write [tex]f(x) = f_1(x) + f_2(x) = \sum_{n \neq kq}^{\infty}\frac{(nx)}{n^2} + \sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{(qkx)}{q^2 k^2}[/tex]. By the argument given above for continuity at irrational numbers, we have [tex]f_1[/tex] is continuous at p/q (note that the fact that p and q have no common factors is required for [tex]f_1[/tex] to be continuous there). But [tex]f_2(p/q) = 0[/tex], and for 0 < e < 1/2, we have [tex]f_2(p/q - e/q) \geq \frac{(p-e)}{q^2} = \frac{1-e}{q^2} > \frac{1}{2q^2}[/tex]. Since q is fixed, it follows that [tex]f_2[/tex] is discontinuous at p/q from the left. Hence [tex]f = f_1 + f_2[/tex] is discontinuous at p/q from the left.
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  • #3
How can f not be discontinuous everywhere if it's discontinuous on a dense subset?

Suppose the set A of points where f is discontinuous is dense in R.
Then for each a in A there exists an [itex]\epsilon>0[/itex], such that for all [itex]\delta>0[/itex] there's an x such that [itex]0<|x-a|<\delta[/itex] and [itex]|f(x)-f(a)|\geq \epsilon[/itex].

So take any point b in R and suppose f is continuous in b. Then there exists for any [itex]\epsilon>0[/itex] a [itex]\delta>0[/itex] such that [itex]|x-b|<\delta \Rightarrow |f(x)-f(b)|<\epsilon[/itex].
But [itex](b-\delta,b+\delta)[/itex] contains a point a in A no matter how small delta, so there's an interval centered on a which is contained in [itex](b-\delta,b+\delta)[/itex] and contains a point x such that [itex]|f(x)-f(a)|\geq \epsilon[/itex].

I don't imagine Rudin is wrong. I just want to know the error in my reasoning.

EDIT: Ok. Found the error. Ofcourse |f(x)-f(a)| is too big, but |f(x)-f(b)| shouldn't be.
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  • #4
The function f(x)= 0 if x is irrational, f(x)= 1/n if x is rational, x= m/n reduced to lowest terms. It's easy to show that that [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= 0[/itex] for any a and so is continuous at every irrational number, discontinuous at every rational number (and, of course, the rationals are dense in the reals).
  • #5
rudinreader said:
It's not hard to see that f(x) is not continuous at 0. For instance, f(0) = 0. And if 0 < e < 1/2, then f(-e) > 1/2.

can you explain this more thoroughly?

this is the first non-trivial problem from chapter 7.
  • #6
If 0 < e < 1/2, then (-e) = 1 - e > 1 - 1/2 = 1/2, then
[tex]f(-e)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(n\cdot -e)}{n^2} = (-e) + ... \geq (-e) > 1/2[/tex].

But [tex]f(0)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(n \cdot 0)}{n^2} = 0[/tex],
so |f(-e)-f(0)| = |f(-e)| >= 1/2. -1/2 < -e < 0 was arbitrary, hence f is discontinuous from the left.
  • #7
Galileo said:
How can f not be discontinuous everywhere if it's discontinuous on a dense subset?

Just wanted to add.. Another example to keep in mind is [tex]f(x) = exp(\frac{-1}{x^2})[/tex], x irrational, [tex]f(x) = 0[/tex], x rational. This function is discontinuous everywhere except 0. It's infinitely differentiable at 0.

FAQ: A function discontinuous only on Q

1. What is a function that is discontinuous only on Q?

A function that is discontinuous only on Q is a mathematical function that is defined and continuous on all real numbers except for rational numbers. This means that the function has "jumps" or breaks in its graph only at rational numbers, while it is smooth and continuous everywhere else.

2. How can a function be discontinuous only on Q?

A function can be discontinuous only on Q by having a different value at rational numbers than at irrational numbers. This creates a "gap" or "jump" in the graph, making it discontinuous at those specific points.

3. What does it mean for a function to be continuous?

A function is continuous when its graph has no breaks or "jumps". This means that the function is defined and has the same value at every point along its domain.

4. Why is a function discontinuous only on Q significant?

A function that is discontinuous only on Q is significant because it shows that there are infinitely many points on the real number line. This means that there are "gaps" or "jumps" between rational and irrational numbers, highlighting the density and complexity of the real number system.

5. Can a function be discontinuous on Q and still have a derivative?

Yes, a function can be discontinuous on Q and still have a derivative. This is because the derivative of a function is defined as the slope of the tangent line at a specific point, and it is possible for a function to have a derivative at a point even if it is not continuous at that point.
