Who Will Marry Lisa? A Funny Personality Test Tale

In summary: My results:In summary, the girl is stupid for accepting guy2 offer, guy1 is brave for taking her to the other side of the river, guy2 is honest, guy3 is a nice guy, and guy1 gets all the points.
  • #1
Gold Member
I'll tel you a story about 4 people(The girl, guy1, guy2, guy3).Then you have 100 points to divide btw these 4 people. And then I'll tell you what kind of person you are! :bugeye:

There's agirl who's in love with the guy1 who lives on the other side of the river. So she asks theguy2 to take her to the other sid of the river with his boat. Guy2 accepts to do that provided that the girl spends 1 night with him. And she does, so the guy1 takes her to the other side. But when she meets guy1, he reject her because she's spent 1 night with guy2. Then the girl meets guy3 and tells him the story but guy3 accepts to marry her!
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  • #2
Well, we know absolutely nothing about guy1, except that he doesn't like broads. Guy2 is a playa, and Guy3 is a wimp who couldn't get a real woman so settled for a cheap one.

And Girl is a slut.

Guy1: 5
Guy2: 5
Guy3: 85
Girl: 5
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  • #3
Hmmm, let's see... I will give:
Guy 2 : 0.
Girl : 20
Guy 1 : 30
And Guy 3 : 50.
Viet Dao,
  • #4
Do you want me to give your result now or you can wait more?
  • #5
Girl: 15 (she DOES love him)
GUY1: 75
Guy2: 0 (he just explioted the girl)
Guy3: 10
  • #6

Girl : 65
Guy1 : 5
Guy2 : 0 ( Can i give negative value?)
Guy3 : 30
  • #7
Why does guy2 get 0 for exploiting but the girl gets such a high score for allowing herself to be exploited?
  • #8
Girl: 0 (She really should get her priorities right)
guy1: 0 (because he's in the closet, and won't admit that he's keen on guy2 and feels awful that the girl got guy2 instead. Hence, his dumb rejection move.)
guy2: 50 (no exploitation from this guy; just good, healthy lust-fulfilment)
guy3: 50 (same as guy2)
  • #9
arildno said:
Girl: 0 (She really should get her priorities right)
guy1: 0 (because he's in the closet, and won't admit that he's keen on guy2 and feels awful that the girl got guy2 instead. Hence, his dumb rejection move.)
guy2: 50 (no exploitation from this guy; just good, healthy lust-fulfilment)
guy3: 50 (same as guy2)
Finally a reasonable assessment. I have a lot less respect for a girl who allows herself to be exploited than I do for a guy who's an exploiter. This is, of course, assuming she wasn't drugged or something first, but now I'm just reading too far into it.

  • #10
My results:

guy1: +100 (he is a brave man)
guy2: +100 (he is a clever man)
girl: -100 (she is stupid for accepting guy2 offer)
guy3=0 (this boy has no impact on the story).

Now, what is my personality, Lisa?
  • #11
I decided the girl accepted guy 3's offer.

Girl: 0 (she's a floozy; even though I gave her the benefit of the doubt about "spending the night" with guy 2, I don't think they had sex after all, she can'[t keep her mind on anything but boys. Sheesh!)

Guy 1: 60 points (he obviously took a good course in microbiology and knows the health risks of promiscuous sexual partners.)

Guy 2: 30 points (He's honest. I have no problem with that.)

Guy 3: 10 points (OK, maybe a nice guy, maybe a weenie looking for an easy date. Hard to say.)
  • #12
Is this about the three types of men we meet in life, the bad guy, the righteous guy and the nice guy who accepts us for what we are? 100 points to the girl and guy 3.
  • #13
fi said:
Is this about the three types of men we meet in life, the bad guy, the righteous guy and the nice guy who accepts us for what we are? 100 points to the girl and guy 3.
You should divide this 100 points btw them. In this way I can't say anything about you!
  • #14
Clausius2 said:
My results:

guy1: +100 (he is a brave man)
guy2: +100 (he is a clever man)
girl: -100 (she is stupid for accepting guy2 offer)
guy3=0 (this boy has no impact on the story).

Now, what is my personality, Lisa?
I was sure you'd give 100 points to guy1! :wink:
  • #15
I`d give all 100 points to guy1 since he seem like the only one with morals!
  • Like
Likes gracy
  • #16
sure, Lisa!, 50 points each.
  • #17
Lisa! said:
I was sure you'd give 100 points to guy1! :wink:

What do you mean? Have you noticed I also take 100 points away to the girl for being stupid :biggrin: ?
  • #18
Clausius2 said:
What do you mean? Have you noticed I also take 100 points away to the girl for being stupid :biggrin: ?
Yeah,I have! And I think you've almost ruined the test! :wink:
  • #19
Clausius2 said:
My results:

guy1: +100 (he is a brave man)
guy2: +100 (he is a clever man)
girl: -100 (she is stupid for accepting guy2 offer)
guy3=0 (this boy has no impact on the story).

Now, what is my personality, Lisa?

Nice one. :smile:
  • #20
So when are we going to get our result? :-p
  • #21
Lisa! said:
I'll tel you a story about 4 people(The girl, guy1, guy2, guy3).Then you have 100 points to divide btw these 4 people. And then I'll tell you what kind of person you are! :bugeye:

There's agirl who's in love with the guy1 who lives on the other side of the river. So she asks theguy2 to take her to the other sid of the river with his boat. Guy2 accepts to do that provided that the girl spends 1 night with him. And she does, so the guy1 takes her to the other side. But when she meets guy1, he reject her because she's spent 1 night with guy2. Then the girl meets guy3 and tells him the story but guy3 accepts to marry her!

Guy 1= 0
Guy 2= - 10
Guy 3 = 110
girl = 0
  • #22
Here you can see your result. I wrote them in white.

<1.Feeling and emotions : %(points you give to the girl)
2.Taking advantages of others' problems :%(points you give to the guy2)
3.Jealousy and narrow-mindedness : %(points you give to the guy1)
4.Wisdom and open-mindedness : %(points you give to the guy3)

I prefer not to say the exactly word about #2. :wink:

So base on this test wisest people are : Vietdao29, arildno, fi with %50 wisdom!

Edit: The wisest person is wolram with %110 wisdom! :bugeye:
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  • #23
I believe 2 and 3 are for guy2 and guy1 respectively. If that's the case then atleast for me the result is OK, not very good but not very bad either. I must admit that I am narrow-minded and sometimes can feel a lot of jeolousy but 75% is a bit too much. I don't take advantage of others(atleast I try not to) so anything close to 0(but not zero) is quite reasonable. The problem lies in 1 and 4. I think I do have a lot of feelings for others and also I can be very open minded. Dont know about wisdom though...
I mostly consider myself to be a very bad man specially because of jeolousy and some other things...
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  • #24
Lisa! said:
Here you can see your result. I wrote them in white.

1.Feeling and emotions : %(points you give to the girl)
2.Taking advantages of others' problems :%(points you give to the guy1)
3.Jealousy and narrow-mindedness : %(points you give to the guy2)
4.Wisdom and open-mindedness : %(points you give to the guy3)


So I have -100% feelings and emotions?. I take advantage of others problems and I am jealous and narrow-minded. Hey! You have just made my day :biggrin: :smile: .

Is there not any test of personality for girls who posts a test of personality in a forum of physics?? Let me think...
  • #25
Clausius2 said:
So I have -100% feelings and emotions?. I take advantage of others problems and I am jealous and narrow-minded. Hey! You have just made my day :biggrin: :smile: .

Wow, but here the conflict. If u don't have any emotion and feeling, how can u get jealous and narrow-minded?

BTw, look back at the title... :-p
  • #26
Perhaps I am just obtuse.

I saw nothing in the scenario, nor anything in anyone else's response that gave the slightest indication whatsoever of any criteria upon which to *assign* points.

Do points measure 'goodness'? 'kindness'? 'stupidity'?

Or is that the test? Our assumptions about what is being measured?
  • #27
Clausius2 said:
So I have -100% feelings and emotions?.
:smile: I think it's possible to have -100% feeling and emotions. You know when someone is too selfish andalways think about himself/herself have negative feelings like jealousy! :biggrin:(Oh my God! How much I hate this smilie( :biggrin: )! I can't imagine myself with this terrible face! :rolleyes: )

I take advantage of others problems and I am jealous and narrow-minded. Hey! You have just made my day :biggrin: :smile: .
:smile: Perhaps you do! Remember what you told me about when a girl break up with her bf? :devil: :smile:

Is there not any test of personality for girls who posts a test of personality in a forum of physics?? Let me think...
:smile: :smile: And a personality test for those engineers who take everything so serious even a very funny test! :eek: :smile:

Partly kidding, I think this test is damn funny! It couldn't work at all. You know the way I told you the story could really affect on your scores! Anyway I'm going to tell you another story for testing you very soon. Are you ready to take it? o:)
  • #28
Before I look at the other people's results, here's my point assignment.

Girl: 20 points (she lost a lot of points for spending the night with guy 2 when she was claiming to be in love with guy 1, but I gave her back 10 points for the benefit of the doubt that she was so in love with guy 1 that she'd do anything to see him, and that's the only reason she agreed to guy 2's terms and she gets another 10 points for her honesty with guy 3).

Guy 1: 0 points (he gave up on someone he claimed to love over one mistake, besides, he should have come to get her himself, not leave her to guy 2's mercy).

Guy 2: 0 points (for taking advantage of the girl in need and pushing her to sleep with him when he knows she has a boyfriend and only just met her).

Guy 3: 80 points (he wins; he gets the girl and doesn't hold her past against her, and is the only one who hasn't shown a serious character flaw in his actions).
  • #29
Moonbear said:
Before I look at the other people's results, here's my point assignment.

Girl: 20 points (she lost a lot of points for spending the night with guy 2 when she was claiming to be in love with guy 1, but I gave her back 10 points for the benefit of the doubt that she was so in love with guy 1 that she'd do anything to see him, and that's the only reason she agreed to guy 2's terms and she gets another 10 points for her honesty with guy 3).

Guy 1: 0 points (he gave up on someone he claimed to love over one mistake, besides, he should have come to get her himself, not leave her to guy 2's mercy).

Guy 2: 0 points (for taking advantage of the girl in need and pushing her to sleep with him when he knows she has a boyfriend and only just met her).

Guy 3: 80 points (he wins; he gets the girl and doesn't hold her past against her, and is the only one who hasn't shown a serious character flaw in his actions).
Excellent. You should just replace guy1 and guy2. You know it was guy1 who push her to sleep with him.
  • #30
Lisa! said:
Excellent. You should just replace guy1 and guy2. You know it was guy1 who push her to sleep with him.
That's not how you told the story. You said guy 2 pushed her to sleep with him, guy 1 is the one who was waiting across the river and wouldn't marry her after she slept with guy 2.
  • #31
Moonbear said:
That's not how you told the story. You said guy 2 pushed her to sleep with him, guy 1 is the one who was waiting across the river and wouldn't marry her after she slept with guy 2.
Oops! What a terrible mistake! So I should replace the result! And thanks to mention.
  • #32
Moonbear said:
That's not how you told the story. You said guy 2 pushed her to sleep with him, guy 1 is the one who was waiting across the river and wouldn't marry her after she slept with guy 2.
You have 80% wisdom. Also this test is really funny but I always thought you're a wise woman. :wink:
  • #33
Lisa said:
:smile: Perhaps you do! Remember what you told me about when a girl break up with her bf? :devil: :smile:

What? I was not taking advantage of any others problem. I do not know what you really mean. I think what you have said is not a negative thinking towards anyone.

Lisa said:
:smile: :smile: And a personality test for those engineers who take everything so serious even a very funny test! :eek: :smile:

Ok. Don't worry. I am not taking it seriously. In fact I am laughing with this.
  • #34
Not much of a test - I always knew I had a great degree of wisdom, loving and open-mindedness o:) , all this test has shown me is that I share the same degree of these as a man who eats live slugs and sticks snails up his nose! :rolleyes: :smile:
  • #35
fi said:
Not much of a test - I always knew I had a great degree of wisdom, loving and open-mindedness o:) , all this test has shown me is that I share the same degree of these as a man who eats live slugs and sticks snails up his nose! :rolleyes: :smile:
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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