Solving Motorcycle Acceleration and Time Problems with Initial Velocity of 8m/s

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In summary, Homework Equations state that the motorcycle's acceleration is .3 seconds. It will take the motorcycle .3 seconds to reach its final speed of 17m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A motorcycle has an initial velocity of 8m/s, it increases it's speed to 17m/s, covering a distance of 30m in that time.

What is it's accleration? How long will it take to acclerate to 17m/s?

Homework Equations

As stated in the equation

The Attempt at a Solution

I faced this question on a quiz tonight and had not the slighest clue as to where to begin. I tried to gather a time for the change in speed over the distance, 17 - 8, / 30, which gave an answer of .3 seconds. I then tried plugging it into d = voT + 1/2 a t^2, to check if it was correct, but it wasnt. The value obtained was far too small.

This question really stumped me. In all the problems I have done before a time value was given. So, I had no idea how to approach it.

Thanks for your help
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  • #2
To find the acceleration here, you need to first use a kinematic equation that is independent of time, since you are not given one initially. If you use (Vf)^2-(Vi)^2=2ax, where x is the distance traveled, then you can solve for acceleration and then get the time.
  • #3
You should get a small acceleration by the way. Remember to convert minutes into seconds.
  • #4
Are there any other ways of solving the problem?

I'm just curious because we covered the accleration chapter in the book, and it did not mention anything. It is just a matter of simple deriving it from the equation d=voT + 1/2 a t^2?
  • #5
The equation you posted is one of the kinematic equations. You use them by looking at what information is given in the problem, and then compare and match with the kinematic equations to see which one will solve for your unknown.

The one you posted has distance as a function of time. The problem you have does not give you time, so this equation would not be the best to use when all you want to find is the acceleration.

Yes, there are many other ways to do the problem, but using the kinematic equation that w3390 posted is by far the easiest way to go.

The other ways include solving for time as I think you are suggesting, but to do so you'd probably need a system of two equations and perhaps make a substitution with one of those to solve for time.
  • #6
I plugged in the numbers, and it works! Definitely feels good to get the answer right. I do feel cheated though, because I never did learn this equation, but was tested on it.

FAQ: Solving Motorcycle Acceleration and Time Problems with Initial Velocity of 8m/s

1. What is the acceleration problem?

The acceleration problem is a phenomenon in physics where an object's acceleration does not match the predicted value based on its mass and the applied force. This can occur due to various factors such as friction, air resistance, and measurement errors.

2. How is the acceleration problem solved?

The acceleration problem can be solved by identifying and accounting for all the factors that may affect an object's acceleration, such as friction and air resistance. It is also important to ensure accurate and precise measurements to minimize any errors.

3. What are some examples of the acceleration problem?

Some examples of the acceleration problem include a ball rolling down a hill at a slower rate than expected due to friction, a car accelerating at a slower rate than predicted due to air resistance, and a rocket's acceleration being affected by the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies.

4. How does the acceleration problem impact real-world applications?

The acceleration problem can have significant impacts on real-world applications, especially in fields such as engineering and transportation. It is crucial to accurately account for all factors affecting acceleration to ensure the safety and efficiency of various systems and devices.

5. What steps can be taken to prevent or minimize the acceleration problem?

To prevent or minimize the acceleration problem, it is important to conduct thorough research and testing, use accurate and precise equipment, and account for all possible factors that may affect acceleration. Additionally, regular maintenance and adjustments can help prevent any unexpected changes in acceleration.
