A car traveling upward on inclined plane

In summary, the problem involves finding the work done by the engine on a 3300 lb car traveling up a 15% grade incline with a 35 mph increase in speed over a distance of 200 ft. The car is modeled as a particle with no slipping tires and no frictional or drag losses. Two methods are used to solve the problem, one using the work-energy theorem and the other using the equation ΣF=ma. The correct answer is obtained by summing the acceleration instead of subtracting it. The net acceleration of the car is the result of the driving force and the component of gravity downslope.
  • #1

Homework Statement

consider a 3300 lb car whose speed is increased by 35 mph over a distance of 200 ft while traveling up a rectilinear incline with a 15% grade. model the car as a particle, assume the tires do not slip, neglect all sources of frictional losses and drag. find the work done by the engine if the car starts from rest.

Homework Equations

w=Force*displacement* cos (theta)
final velocity^2 - initial velocity^2 = 2*accleration*displacement
potential energy = mass*g*h

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved this problem using W=PE+KE without knowing the acceleration, however,
when I try to solve this problem using " final velocity- initial velocity = 2*accleration*displacement ", i got the wrong answer for the work.
35 mph= 51.33 ft/s ; initial velocity=0
a= 51.33/(2*200 ft) =6.5878 ft/s^2
is 35 mph not the final velocity?


it looks like my understanding of the acceleration here is incorrect, but i don't know what exactly is wrong with it, please help me~~
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  • #2
Do you get the same answer for work as you did using the energy method if you just use 6.5878 for acceleration instead of (6.5878 - 4.77)?
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Likes EastWindBreaks
  • #3
I would forget about acceleration and stick to the work-energy theorem. Here Wgravity + Wengine = Kfinal - Kinitial. It will give you the work done by the engine directly.
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Likes EastWindBreaks
  • #4
The equation is ΣF=ma. What is the significance of the Σ? What is it telling you to do, that you didn't do?
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Likes EastWindBreaks
  • #5
haruspex said:
The equation is ΣF=ma. What is the significance of the Σ? What is it telling you to do, that you didn't do?
thank you! it seems like i did not sum the forces up, i would get the correct answer if i sum the acceleration up: 6.5878+4.77 instead of 6.5878-4.77.
but i am still a bit confused, from what i understand, since the given increase of speed over 200 ft is a result that already contains the incline,then the acceleration i get from this speed and displacement should be the net acceleration of the car( acceleration due to the incline and acceleration due to the force of the engine), but its not, it seems like the acceleration i got here is only the acceleration due to the force of the engine, the question asks for the work done by the engine, which should contains both the work done by the incline (F1 in my diagram) and the work done by the force from the engine.
  • #6
TomHart said:
Do you get the same answer for work as you did using the energy method if you just use 6.5878 for acceleration instead of (6.5878 - 4.77)?
thank you, i would get the answer if i sum the acceleration, but i still don't see the reason, why sum instead of subtract?this is how i see it... the net acceleration - the acceleration due to incline = the acceleration due to the engine, confused
  • #7
kuruman said:
I would forget about acceleration and stick to the work-energy theorem. Here Wgravity + Wengine = Kfinal - Kinitial. It will give you the work done by the engine directly.
thank you, yes, i should, but i just want to make sure i really understand the basic concept.
  • #8
EastWindBreaks said:
Maybe, but it might not be easy to justify.
EastWindBreaks said:
acceleration due to the incline and acceleration due to the force of the engine
I don't know why you want to add accelerations. The vehicle's acceleration is 6.6f/s2, or thereabouts. This is the result of the net force. The net force is the sum of the driving force (up slope) and component of gravity downslope, Fdrive-mg sin(θ).
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Likes EastWindBreaks
  • #9
haruspex said:
Maybe, but it might not be easy to justify.

I don't know why you want to add accelerations. The vehicle's acceleration is 6.6f/s2, or thereabouts. This is the result of the net force. The net force is the sum of the driving force (up slope) and component of gravity downslope, Fdrive-mg sin(θ).

OMG,YES, thank you! i finally understood, i was dumb and kept thinking Fdrive= mgsine(theta)+net force... i didnt even realize Fdrive must be greater than the net force...
  • #10
EastWindBreaks said:
kept thinking Fdrive= mgsine(theta)+net force
But that is correct. It's the same as I posted. What you used was Fdrive= net force - mgsine(theta).
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Likes EastWindBreaks
  • #11
haruspex said:
But that is correct. It's the same as I posted. What you used was Fdrive= net force - mgsine(theta).
LOL, now its getting embarrassing for me, yes, that's what i meant...the net force must be smaller than the Fdirve its 2 am here in NY...Thank you!
  • #12
EastWindBreaks said:
LOL, now its getting embarrassing for me, yes, that's what i meant...the net force must be smaller than the Fdirve its 2 am here in NY...Thank you!
Sleep well. It's 4pm in Sydney.
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Likes EastWindBreaks

FAQ: A car traveling upward on inclined plane

What is an inclined plane?

An inclined plane is a simple machine that consists of a flat surface that is slanted at an angle. It is used to reduce the amount of force needed to move an object from one point to another.

How does a car travel upward on an inclined plane?

A car travels upward on an inclined plane by using its engine to generate enough force to overcome the force of gravity pulling it down. The wheels of the car push against the surface of the inclined plane and propel the car forward.

What factors affect the movement of a car on an inclined plane?

The movement of a car on an inclined plane is affected by the angle of the incline, the weight and power of the car, and the force of gravity. The steeper the incline, the more force the car needs to overcome gravity and move upward. The weight of the car also plays a role, as a heavier car will require more force to move up the incline. The power of the car's engine also affects its ability to move up the incline.

How does friction impact a car traveling upward on an inclined plane?

Friction can slow down the movement of a car traveling upward on an inclined plane. The surface of the inclined plane can cause friction against the car's wheels, making it harder for the car to move forward. This is why cars often struggle to move up steep inclines, as the force of friction is greater.

What is the relationship between the angle of the incline and the force needed to move a car upward?

The steeper the incline, the more force is needed to move a car upward. As the angle of the incline increases, the force of gravity pulling the car down also increases. This means that the car needs more force to overcome gravity and move up the incline. As the angle of the incline decreases, the force needed to move the car upward also decreases.
