Is the Aeroturbine Windturbine a Viable Source of Power for Buildings?

  • Thread starter Astronuc
  • Start date
In summary, the 510V Aeroturbine is a vertical wind turbine designed for mounting on buildings with a modular and customizable design. It consists of a helical rotor and airfoils housed in a steel cage and can be stacked for increased power. The estimated cost is $15,000 and it requires strong winds for efficient energy production. Wind speed research is necessary for determining potential kWh per year.
  • #1
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There is one installed on a building near my office. I'll post pics later.

The rotor is very simple, like two semi-circular troughs twisted around the central axis.
The 510V Aeroturbine consists of a helical rotor and airfoils housed within a 6 ft. x 10 ft. steel cage and weighs approximately 450 lbs. with the alternator attached. The 510V is intended for vertical mounting and can be either bolted or ballasted down. Vertical Aeroturbines work well in winds from any direction, and therefore the presence of a dominant wind direction is not critical. The 510V is modular and may be stacked when needing more power.

All Aeroturbines are designed and custom-built to fit the architecture of the building. Exact costs will depend on project location, number of turbines purchased, and the required mounting method. The 510V Aeroturbine has an estimated cost of $15,000. This price includes the rotor, cage, mounting structures, and electronic equipment. The installed cost of Aeroturbines will dramatically decrease with the advent of mass production.

One needs a strong wind for any appreciable electrical power. One has to so some research on the local wind conditions, probably starting with the local weather station to get an hour-by-hour wind speed curve, and use that to estimate the kWh/yr.
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  • #2

Saw a couple of these on the Green Channel not long ago, but those were mounted horizontally, which made wind direction critical. They remind me of the windmill my family once tried to make by cutting old oil-drums in half!

FAQ: Is the Aeroturbine Windturbine a Viable Source of Power for Buildings?

1. What is an Aeroturbine Windturbine and how does it work?

An Aeroturbine Windturbine is a type of wind turbine that converts the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy. It consists of a rotor with blades that are rotated by the wind, a generator that converts the rotational energy into electricity, and a tower to support the turbine. The wind moves the blades, which in turn rotates the rotor connected to the generator, producing electricity.

2. How efficient is an Aeroturbine Windturbine?

The efficiency of an Aeroturbine Windturbine can vary depending on several factors such as wind speed, blade design, and maintenance. On average, the efficiency of a wind turbine ranges from 40-50%, although some newer models have achieved efficiencies of up to 60%.

3. Are there any environmental impacts of using Aeroturbine Windturbines?

Like any form of energy production, there are some environmental impacts associated with Aeroturbine Windturbines. These include noise pollution, bird and bat collisions, and visual impact. However, compared to other forms of energy production, wind turbines have a relatively low environmental impact.

4. How does the cost of an Aeroturbine Windturbine compare to other forms of energy production?

The cost of an Aeroturbine Windturbine can vary depending on its size and location. However, in general, wind energy is one of the most cost-effective forms of renewable energy. It is often cheaper than other forms of energy production, such as coal or nuclear power, and the cost continues to decrease as technology improves.

5. What are the potential benefits of using Aeroturbine Windturbines?

There are several potential benefits of using Aeroturbine Windturbines. First, they produce clean, renewable energy without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants. They also have a relatively small land footprint, allowing for other land uses such as agriculture. Additionally, wind energy can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and create jobs in the renewable energy industry.
