Who is the ghost haunting this restaurant in Orlando?

  • Thread starter SGT
  • Start date
In summary, a restaurant in Orlando has ended up in a lawsuit due to claims of paranormal activity. The buyer of the property must be notified of its haunted history before purchase, and there is a debate over whether the property should be exorcised or not. Many people are interested in ghost stories and believe in the possibility of trapped energy from the past.
  • #1
The gost in the restaurant:http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/09/08/national/a060604D48.DTL&hw=orlando+ghost&sn=001&sc=1000
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  • #2
gost? :biggrin: I thought you were making a statement. h key stuck? :wink:
  • #3
Evo said:
gost? :biggrin: I thought you were making a statement. h key stuck? :wink:
It is as believable as any other ghost story, but the funny thing about this one is that it has ended in a lawsuit.
  • #4
It seems to me that the courts have sided with paranormal claims from time to time. I'm not sure how this stands at the moment, but I think that legally speaking, some forms of paranormal acitivity exist.
  • #5
SGT said:
It is as believable as any other ghost story, but the funny thing about this one is that it has ended in a lawsuit.
I was commenting on your missing h's (or are they visible to everyone else) :frown:
  • #6
Evo said:
I was commenting on your missing h's (or are they visible to everyone else) :frown:

...missing h's? :confused:
  • #7
Look at the thread title and at the opening post.
  • #8
Tom Mattson said:
Look at the thread title and at the opening post.

I was messing with Evo...
  • #9
Really though, I assumed that it was intentional since the title and the post have the same error.
  • #10
Better? :biggrin:
  • #11
Enjoy talking to yourself? :biggrin:
  • #12
Tom Mattson said:
Enjoy talking to yourself? :biggrin:

You bet! That way I know that someone is paying attention. :rolleyes:
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
Really though, I assumed that it was intentional since the title and the post have the same error.
That's what I thought, but I couldn't see what the point was. Ok, I am only half crazy. :-p (you missed an H) :biggrin: But if you fix it, I'll really sound nutty.
  • #14
Do you think I should post my ghosts story here? :rolleyes: I even have some proof that they exist! :approve:
  • #15
All those posts because of a missing h! I will give you several ones: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • #16
SGT said:
All those posts because of a missing h! I will give you several ones: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sounds like you buy lots of food for a person who's already died because of hunger! :wink:
  • #17
Lisa! said:
Do you think I should post my ghosts story here? :rolleyes: I even have some proof that they exist! :approve:

Please do. :-p
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Please do. :-p
I'm a member of a forum and lots of ghosts post there. Some of them even talk to me and ask me questions :rolleyes: and whenever I look around I don't see any online member with that name but I see their posts! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :wink:
  • #19
It's like you're aware of their presence, but you can't see or hear them?

I've got a couple of ghost stories (albeit second hand ones) if anyone is interested.
  • #20
matthyaouw said:
It's like you're aware of their presence, but you can't see or hear them?

I've got a couple of ghost stories (albeit second hand ones) if anyone is interested.
I look forward to hearing them. :smile:
  • #21
The first one is one my parents told me. They moved into a house when they had just got married. It was pretty new, but stood on the site of a couple of older terraced houses that had been knocked down. Their next door neighbours told them of the ghosts that supposadly haunted the garden. They were two old women, dressed in old fasioned clothing who would walk around with their arms linked. They had been seen walking through gaps so narrow you wouldn't believe one person could fit down (like where a car was parked very close to the house). The spooky part is, my grandmother used to live in the same row of houses when she was young (and the old houses still standing), and when she was told the story, she said the description exactly matched that of the two old women that lived in the old house back when she lived there.

The second is one a friend told me. She lives in an old railway cottage, a little over 150 years old. Her parents tell her that when she was really young, and in her room at night, she used to have conversations with a little boy called Bobby who couldn't walk and had to drag himself across the floor (though she doesn't remember this) A bit of research into the house's history revealed that a young boy called Bobby used to live there, and contracted polio, which can cripple people like she described. When she was a lot older, and sharing the room with her little brother, one night he sat up and told her "There's a boy dragging himself along the floor!" and to her knowledge he'd never even been told about 'Bobby'
  • #22
What happened to your parents first house? By the way, thank you very much to share your stories. I love the ghosts stories.:wink:
  • #23
What happened to it? It's still there, they just moved out.. I don't know if ghosts are still supposed to haunt it.
  • #24
Wow great! You don't want to go there and see it yourself?:rolleyes:
  • #25
I wouldn't mind, but spending a few hours prowling around the garden of a stranger's house is a pretty good way of getting myself arrested (espescially because the house is one the police rent to new recruits they are training.)
  • #26

SGT said:
The gost in the restaurant:http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/09/08/national/a060604D48.DTL&hw=orlando+ghost&sn=001&sc=1000
Are you questioning the reason for the lawsuit? Or what? It is a fact in many cities, the buyer must be notified prior to a sale of a piece of property if it has a history of being haunted. What is your thoughts on this? I don't understand why the new buyer would not allow it to be exorcised by the church. Just because it is a different church than his? Makes no sense on his part.
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  • #27
Please post more ghost stories! Love it. Why wouldn't we believe that their "energy" could still be somehow trapped today in our sight?
  • #28
Lisa! said:
I'm a member of a forum and lots of ghosts post there. Some of them even talk to me and ask me questions :rolleyes: and whenever I look around I don't see any online member with that name but I see their posts! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :wink:

Ghosts or apparitions? Anyone have some stories of things you have had happen to you? I have but mostly with loved ones now gone. Anyone else?
  • #29
mamasue said:
Why wouldn't we believe that their "energy" could still be somehow trapped today in our sight?

The main reason for skepticism is that there is no known way in which this could happen. What is this "energy" of which you speak, and what evidence is there of it? I know of no scientific study that has shown a way in which anything of the conciousness could exist after the body is dead.
  • #30
mamasue said:
Are you questioning the reason for the lawsuit? Or what? It is a fact in many cities, the buyer must be notified prior to a sale of a piece of property if it has a history of being haunted. What is your thoughts on this? I don't understand why the new buyer would not allow it to be exorcised by the church. Just because it is a different church than his? Makes no sense on his part.
I don't know american law. In my country such claim would never be accepted by a judge, even if we have as many gullible people here as in the US, may be more.
  • #31
I would be surprised if the judge in Florida let's this buyer out of his lease so easily. It seems Florida is one state that does not require real estate agents to disclose paranormal activity, or murders, or prior HIV infected residents before making a sale of property even if they were asked. All these conditions are lumped under the term "Stigmatized Property." Even if a Florida broker lies concerning the stigmatization of a property they are not held responsible for fraud because the lie had no legally recognized relevance to the sale.

tigmatized property” . . . has been defined as “property psychologically impacted by an event which occurred or was suspected to have occurred on the property, such event being one that has no physical impact of any kind.” National Association of Realtors, Study Guide: Stigmatized Property 2 (1990), quoted in Robert M. Morgan, The Expansion of the Duty of Disclosure in Real Estate Transactions: It’s Not Just for Sellers Anymore, Fla. B.J., Feb. 1994, at 31.

Florida State law concerning disclosure of stigmatization
The statutory solution in Florida is typical. Fla. Stat. § 689.25 provides:

(1) (a) The fact that an occupant of real property is infected or has been infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome is not a material fact that must be disclosed in a real estate transaction.

(b) The fact that a property was, or was at any time suspected to have been, the site of a homicide, suicide, or death is not a material fact that must be disclosed in a real estate transaction.

(2) A cause of action shall not arise against an owner of real property, his or her agent, an agent of a transferee of real property, or a person licensed under chapter 475 for the failure to disclose to the transferee that the property was or was suspected to have been the site of a homicide, suicide, or death or that an occupant of that property was infected with human immunodeficiency virus or diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

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FAQ: Who is the ghost haunting this restaurant in Orlando?

1. Who is the ghost haunting this restaurant in Orlando?

The identity of the ghost haunting this restaurant in Orlando is currently unknown. There have been reports of paranormal activity, but no concrete evidence or eyewitness accounts have been able to determine the identity of the ghost.

2. How long has the ghost been haunting this restaurant?

It is unclear how long the ghost has been haunting this restaurant in Orlando. Some employees and patrons have reported strange occurrences for many years, while others claim to have only experienced paranormal activity recently.

3. What kind of paranormal activity has been reported at this restaurant?

There have been various reports of paranormal activity at this restaurant in Orlando, including unexplained noises, objects moving on their own, and sightings of apparitions. Some people have also reported feeling a cold presence or being touched by an unseen force.

4. Has anyone tried to communicate with the ghost?

There have been attempts to communicate with the ghost haunting this restaurant in Orlando, including using mediums and conducting ghost hunts. However, there has been no conclusive evidence of successful communication with the ghost.

5. Is the ghost harmful or dangerous?

There have been no reports of the ghost causing harm or danger to anyone at this restaurant in Orlando. While some people may feel uneasy or scared by the paranormal activity, there have been no documented cases of physical harm caused by the ghost.

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