Arrest warrant issued for Tom Delay

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In summary, Tom Delay was the house majority leader until a few weeks ago and he's been indicted on separate counts of conspiracy and money laundering. He's being tried by a jury, so we'll have to wait and see whether or not they find him guilty.
  • #1

I doubt we'll get a low-speed car chase, but at least we'll get mug shots.

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  • #2
Think he'll look anything like Nick Nolte?
  • #3
loseyourname said:
Think he'll look anything like Nick Nolte?

No, Nolte was sort of a frat-boyish "man that was some party" hung over look.

I'm hoping for more of a Jeb Bush's daughter "I'll blow you for a cheeseburger" look.
  • #4

My faith in the system, which was destroyed last november, is returning in bits and pieces.

Anyone who wants to see the US "reunited" might be happy that these events are heartening to (probably) half of their countrymen.

I worry that some may criticize me for being happy about this news. Keep in mind that what I am happy about is that it seems that members of the republican party are not above the law. I have had serious doubts over the last few years.
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  • #5
whos tom delay?
  • #6
He was the house majority leader (ie the republican "in charge" of the house of representatives.)

He's from Texas.

He re-drew districts in Texas in order to assure a victory for re-election. He (probably) laundered money, he took money from sources that he shouldn't have, he was involved in getting money to oil companies in the recently passed energy bill.

He's been accused of unethical behavior and has tried to squirm out of it on technicalities. Think Rove, only in the House of Representatives instead of aid to the president.

SOS 2008 and others are up on the facts more than me, but as a "citizen on the street" that's what I know.
  • #7
The charge he's been indicted for is improper campaign funding. Corporate PACs are not supposed to contribute directly to any single candidate in the state of Texas. What happened with his campaign is that several PACs contributed to a general fund in Washington, which then funneled money into the DeLay campaign. Such a move is definitely in violation of the campaign finance rules; the only question is whether or not DeLay was aware of this going on, or rather whether or not the prosecutor can prove that he was.

I wouldn't get my hopes up, because frankly, from what I could see, there wasn't much of a case here, unless the prosecutor is seriously holding out on us.
  • #8
He's been indicted on separate counts of conspiracy and money laundering.

I doubt they'd have indicted him without a pretty convincing paper trail.
  • #9
All I know is I want a T-Shirt of Delay's mug shot.
  • #10
Smurf said:
whos tom delay?

Well as already said, he was the house majority leader until a few weeks ago as he stepped down for his trial. Basically the democrats are on a witch hunt and most people say its just a political attack. They don't seem to have any evidence and the prosecutors history is pretty... to say the least. Plus of course, hte judge has a history of donating to the DNC and the liberal extremist group

Hopefully there will still be a shred of dignity left in the courts and he will be found innocent... unless of course Fitzgerald just surprises the hell out of people with some convincing evidence. I mean realistically, Pelosi did the exact same thing in '04 and no ones calling for her execution.
  • #11
There was an eight year long witch hunt on Clinton. 40 million dollars later he was finally found guilty of staining a blue dress. Bad Boy, Bad Boy, watcha going to do when the come for you.:smile:

The legal pendulum swings both ways.
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  • #12
edward said:
There was an eight year long witch hunt on Clinton. He was finally found guilty of staining a blue dress. Bad Boy, Bad Boy, watcha going to do when the come for you.:smile:

I didn't know lieing to a Grand Jury involved clothes.
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Hopefully there will still be a shred of dignity left in the courts and he will be found innocent... unless of course Fitzgerald just surprises the hell out of people with some convincing evidence.
It's not "the courts" that decide whether Delay is innocent or guilty, it's the jury. Whether or not a group of randomly selected citizens think the evidence is convincing enough or not to convince Delay, it has little to do with "the courts," unless jurors are being bribed or the judge completely ignores the jury's decision.
  • #14
wasteofo2 said:
It's not "the courts" that decide whether Delay is innocent or guilty, it's the jury. Whether or not a group of randomly selected citizens think the evidence is convincing enough or not to convince Delay, it has little to do with "the courts," unless jurors are being bribed or the judge completely ignores the jury's decision.

you know what i mean.
  • #15
Pengwuino said:
you know what i mean.
Not really.

Judicial activism is something to blame on "the courts," when a high-level judge takes it upon himself to interpret the constitution in some ridiculous way to obtain a certain end.

Whether or not someone is convicted of a crime is almost totally in the hands of the jury, unless there is some sort of manditory minimum sentence, in which case it's in the hands of the jury and the state legislature that passed said minimum sentence.
  • #16
Pengwuino said:
Well as already said, he was the house majority leader until a few weeks ago as he stepped down for his trial. Basically the democrats are on a witch hunt and most people say its just a political attack. They don't seem to have any evidence and the prosecutors history is pretty... to say the least. Plus of course, hte judge has a history of donating to the DNC and the liberal extremist group
Hopefully there will still be a shred of dignity left in the courts and he will be found innocent... unless of course Fitzgerald just surprises the hell out of people with some convincing evidence. I mean realistically, Pelosi did the exact same thing in '04 and no ones calling for her execution.

Wow, you don't read the news do you? How about you back your claims with some evidence please.
  • #17
A judge can easily influence the manner in which court proceedings go, that's why it's their job to be impartial.
  • #18
Pengwuino said:
I didn't know lieing to a Grand Jury involved clothes.

Actually it did. Without the DNA from the dress no lie could have been proven. But basically, that is all a 40 million dollar witch hunt came up with, a lie about how a stain got on a blue dress.
  • #19
pattylou said:
My faith in the system, which was destroyed last november, is returning in bits and pieces. Anyone who wants to see the US "reunited" might be happy that these events are heartening to (probably) half of their countrymen.
I worry that some may criticize me for being happy about this news. Keep in mind that what I am happy about is that it seems that members of the republican party are not above the law. I have had serious doubts over the last few years.

I wouldn't say that faith is returning but perhaps there is a little hope. Next I hope they get that little weasel ROVE...and Cheney, and Rummy, and then impeach Bush and arrest his father for putting Saddam in power in the first place, and finally, throw out everyone appointed by Bush, and then we will have a start.

Now excuse me while I tap dance on the table.
  • #20
edward said:
Actually it did. Without the DNA from the dress no lie could have been proven. But basically, that is all a 40 million dollar witch hunt came up with, a lie about how a stain got on a blue dress.

So when clinton came out in public and said he lied... he was just kidding?

Man... wrong time and place ot be telling jokes!
  • #21
Is this bickering really necessary? Shouldn't we just wait and see what the jury decides, instead of jumping to our favorite conclusions?
  • #22
Hurkyl said:
Is this bickering really necessary? Shouldn't we just wait and see what the jury decides, instead of jumping to our favorite conclusions?

*points Hurkyl to the forum title*
  • #23
Pengwuino said:
*points Hurkyl to the forum title*
*Points Pengwuino back to the request made in post #16*

DeLay is a snake who has slipped away more than once before. But this is serious, and not just about him. Here is one source on the matter:

"Abramoff Probe May Threaten Leading Republicans as It Expands"

I read an article about the investigation into Ney (R-Ohio) earlier today. Haven't caught much about Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana yet...
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  • #25
SOS2008 said:
*Points Pengwuino back to the request made in post #16*

Unless proving a negative is now something that can be done... I am rather stumped.
  • #26
Pengwuino said:
Unless proving a negative is now something that can be done... I am rather stumped.

No, you made some allegations. You have a history of stating things w/out proof. I asked for proof---real proof. You can start by digging up the Pelosi fiasco and maybe you'll see the difference when doing so. You're not being asked to prove a negative you are being asked to put your money were your mouth is or I guess we can say the proof is in the pudding.
  • #28
DeLay claims that the local prosecutor, Ronnie Earle, has a partisan or peronal vendetta against DeLay.

However -
On September 28, a grand jury indicted Delay and associates John Colyandro and Jim Ellis on a conspiracy charge on allegations they steered $190,000 in corporate donations to state legislative candidates in 2002 and disguised the source by sending the money through national Republican campaign committees. Texas law prohibits corporate donations to political campaigns.
from CNN

Now it could be that Earle simply consituted a grand jury of Democrats who all had a partisan vendetta against DeLay. Highly unlikely, I would imagine, but remotely possible, I suppose. :rolleyes:

Does one suppose that DeLay has contempt for the system or rule of law, as well as contempt for democracy?
  • #29
Astronuc said:
Does one suppose that DeLay has contempt for the system or rule of law, as well as contempt for democracy?

I wonder how long Delay and his people debated the correct look for the mug shot.
  • #30
Ivan Seeking said:
I wonder how long Delay and his people debated the correct look for the mug shot.
:smile: The man has his priorities - himself. :smile: :smile:
  • #31
I think I'll be different:

I like Tom Delay.
  • #32
Smurf said:
I think I'll be different:
I like Tom Delay.

Great! You can have him.

When can we expect you? That is, he may need a ride. :biggrin:
  • #33
Ivan Seeking said:
Great! You can have him.
When can we expect you? That is, he may need a ride. :biggrin:
:smile: Didn't see that coming.
  • #34

Tom Delay Quotes:

1) "I AM the federal government."
Tom DeLay, to the owner of Ruth's Chris Steak House, after being told to put
out his cigar because of federal government regulations banning smoking in
the building, May 14, 2003

2) "So many minority youths had volunteered that there was literally no room
for patriotic folks like myself."
Tom DeLay, explaining at the 1988 Republican convention why he and vice
presidential nominee Dan Quayle had not fought in the Vietnam War

3) "Now, tell me the truth boys, isn't this kind of fun?"
Tom Delay, to three young hurricane evacuees from New Orleans at the
Astrodome in Houston on Sept. 9, 2005

4) "We're no longer a superpower. We're a super-duper power."
Tom DeLay, explaining why America must topple Saddam Hussein in 2002
interview with Fox News

5) "Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes."
Tom DeLay, March 12, 2003

6) "Guns have little or nothing to do with juvenile violence. The causes of
youth violence are working parents who put their kids into daycare, the
teaching of evolution in the schools, and working mothers who take birth control
Tom DeLay, on causes of the Columbine High School massacre, 1999

7) "A woman can take care of the family. It takes a man to provide
structure. To provide stability. Not that a woman can't provide stability, I'm not
saying that . . . It does take a father, though."
Tom DeLay, in a radio interview on Feb. 10, 2004

8) "I don't believe there is a separation of church and state. I think the
Constitution is very clear. The only separation is that there will not be a
government church."
Tom DeLay

9) "Emotional appeals about working families trying to get by on $4.25 an
hour [the minimum wage in 1996] are hard to resist. Fortunately, such families
do not exist."
Tom DeLay, during a debate in Congress on increasing the minimum wage, April
23, 1996

10) "I am not a federal employee. I am a constitutional officer. My job is
the Constitution of the United States, I am not a government employee. I am in
the Constitution."
Tom DeLay, in a CNN interview, Dec. 19, 1995

More quotes here:
  • #35
pattylou said:
Tom Delay Quotes:
1) "I AM the federal government."
Tom DeLay, to the owner of Ruth's Chris Steak House, after being told to put
out his cigar because of federal government regulations banning smoking in
the building, May 14, 2003

Mace Windu: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.

Palpatine: I am the Senate.

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