Does Time Freeze Near a Black Hole's Event Horizon?

In summary, as one approaches the event horizon of a black hole, an observer will see objects freeze due to gravitational time dilation. However, the falling object will not experience any noticeable effects. Accretion disks around black holes will also appear to slow down or freeze as they get closer, but this phenomenon may not be observable in the data collected by scientists.
  • #1
In the popular science books/magazines I read, they often state that as one approaches the even horizon, eventually an observer will see an object, person, etc. freeze, as if time has stopped. But, the thing crossing crossing the horizon doesn't notice any effects (besides tidal forces & things of that nature).

Anyway, we see things around black holes such as accretion disks (or at least what we think are black holes). Wouldn't the accretion disk also appear to freeze, or slow down the closer it comes to the black hole? If so, do these effects show up in the data scientists have collected already? Just curious about this phenomenon.
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  • #2
kuahji said:
In the popular science books/magazines I read, they often state that as one approaches the even horizon, eventually an observer will see an object, person, etc. freeze, as if time has stopped. But, the thing crossing crossing the horizon doesn't notice any effects (besides tidal forces & things of that nature).
A Schwarzschild observer (Observer at rest at infinity) would observer the time as measured on a wristwatch on a person falling into the black hole. Theoretically this observer comes closer and closer to the event horizon as time increases but will never cross it. But this is as observed by a Schwarzschild observer. As recckoned by an observer who is falling into the black hole will observer his wristwatch to be running as usual.
Anyway, we see things around black holes such as accretion disks (or at least what we think are black holes). Wouldn't the accretion disk also appear to freeze, or slow down the closer it comes to the black hole? If so, do these effects show up in the data scientists have collected already? Just curious about this phenomenon.
A Schwarzschild observer will see the matter falling into the black hole but the closer the object is to the event horizon the Schwarzschild observer will see an increasingly redshifted effect of the falling object. This means that eventually the redshift will be so great that a Schwarzschild observer will never observer matter just outside the event hoirizon. So the matter of an accretion disk will always appear to be moving.

Best regards.

  • #3

The concept of time freezing near a black hole's event horizon is a popular one in science fiction and popular science books, but it is important to understand that it is a simplified explanation and not entirely accurate. In reality, time does not actually freeze near a black hole's event horizon.

As an object approaches the event horizon, it will experience extreme gravitational forces and time dilation. This means that time will appear to pass slower for an outside observer compared to someone closer to the black hole. This is due to the strong gravitational pull of the black hole warping the fabric of space-time. However, this does not necessarily mean that time is freezing or stopping completely.

In terms of the accretion disk around a black hole, it would also experience time dilation as it gets closer to the event horizon. However, this effect would not be noticeable to an outside observer as the disk is already moving at extremely high speeds due to the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. Any changes in the speed of the disk would be imperceptible.

In terms of data collected by scientists, they do take into account the effects of time dilation when studying black holes. This is necessary in order to accurately measure the properties of these objects. However, the effects of time dilation are not noticeable in the data as they are on a much smaller scale compared to the vast distances and timescales involved in studying black holes.

In summary, time does not freeze near a black hole's event horizon, but rather it appears to pass slower for an outside observer due to the extreme gravitational forces. The effects of time dilation are taken into account by scientists when studying black holes, but they are not noticeable in the data due to the vast distances and timescales involved.

FAQ: Does Time Freeze Near a Black Hole's Event Horizon?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it.

2. How are black holes formed?

Black holes are formed when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself due to its own gravity, eventually becoming infinitely dense.

3. What would happen if a person approached a black hole?

If a person were to approach a black hole, they would experience intense gravitational forces that would stretch and distort their body until they are eventually torn apart. Time would also slow down for the person compared to someone observing from a distance.

4. Can anything escape from a black hole?

Nothing can escape from a black hole once it passes the event horizon, which is the point of no return. However, some particles are able to escape from the black hole's edges through a process called Hawking radiation.

5. How do scientists study black holes?

Scientists study black holes using a variety of methods, such as observing their effects on surrounding matter and light, detecting gravitational waves, and using simulations and mathematical models. They also use instruments like telescopes, radio telescopes, and space probes to gather data and images of black holes.

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