Sergei Winitzki's GR Book: Examining Errors in Conformal Transformations

  • Thread starter bcrowell
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In summary, Sergei Winitzki's GR Book delves into the topic of errors in conformal transformations in the field of general relativity. The book provides a thorough examination of the various types of errors that can occur in these transformations and offers practical solutions for avoiding and correcting them. It also includes in-depth discussions on the mathematical foundations of conformal transformations and their applications in general relativity. Overall, Winitzki's book is a valuable resource for anyone studying or working in the field of general relativity and seeking to understand and navigate the complexities of conformal transformations.
  • #1
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Sergei Winitzki has a very nice copylefted GR book: (direct PDF link: ) I'm puzzling over his treatment of conformal transformations.

On p. 85, near the bottom left corner of the page, he has
[tex]\tilde{r}(i^o)=\lim_{r\rightarrow\infty}e^\lambda r^2=\lim_{v\rightarrow -\infty, u\rightarrow\infty}f'(u)f'(v)\frac{(u-v)^2}{4}[/tex].
Comparing with the expressions near the top of the column, it seems to me that the [itex]e^\lambda[/itex] should clearly be [itex]e^{2\lambda}[/itex]. I emailed him about this, hoping that I wasn't just making some dumb mistake.

After this, there is another thing that seems wrong to me, but considering that my understanding of GR is far inferior to his, I'm a little hesitant to shoot off another email. He says suppose that f'(s) goes like s-n for large s; then the limit in the third expression above should approach zero if [itex]n\ge 2[/itex]. But shouldn't the condition be [itex]n\ge 1[/itex]??

If I'm right about the second error, then it's a more substantial hole in his analysis. Basically you want io to be pointlike (a 2-sphere of radius 0) and points on scri+ to be non-pointlike (each such point represents a 2-sphere of finite radius). The best motivation I know of for wanting these to be this way is that it allows you to make a tiling of Penrose diagrams to cover the static Einstein universe. (Is there some more fundamental reason?) So the condition on io requires [itex]n\ge 1[/itex], and the condition on scri+ forces [itex]n\le 2[/itex]. But then this leaves a whole range of possible exponents between 1 and 2 (contrary to Winitzki's analysis, which fixes the exponent uniquely at 2). Does this seem right?

One would then need some other reason to pick n=2. I think that if you want f' to be analytic and positive-definite, then that does rule out n=1, or any other value besides n=2. Does this make sense?
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  • #2
Surely it should be [tex]e^{2\lambda}.[/tex] As for n, for [tex]n>1[/tex] the limit is zero, for [tex]n<1[/tex] the limit is infinite. For n=1 the limit will probably depend on the direction (speed) you approach the infinity.
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  • #3
bcrowell said:
On p. 85, near the bottom left corner of the page, he has
[tex]\tilde{r}(i^o)=\lim_{r\rightarrow\infty}e^\lambda r^2=\lim_{v\rightarrow -\infty, u\rightarrow\infty}f'(u)f'(v)\frac{(u-v)^2}{4}[/tex].

After this, there is another thing that seems wrong to me, but considering that my understanding of GR is far inferior to his, I'm a little hesitant to shoot off another email. He says suppose that f'(s) goes like s-n for large s; then the limit in the third expression above should approach zero if [itex]n\ge 2[/itex]. But shouldn't the condition be [itex]n\ge 1[/itex]??
arkajad said:
As for n, for [tex]n>1[/tex] the limit is zero, for [tex]n<1[/tex] the limit is infinite. For n=1 the limit will probably depend on the direction (speed) you approach the infinity.

Suppose [tex]\left( u , v \right) = \left( e^t , t \right)[/tex] and [tex]f'\left(s\right) = s^{-n}[/tex]. Then,

u^{-n} v^{-n} \frac{\left( u - v \right)^2}{4} = e^{-nt} t^{-n} \frac{\left( e^t - t \right)^2}{4}.
  • #4
George Jones said:
Suppose [tex]\left( u , v \right) = \left( e^t , t \right)[/tex] and [tex]f'\left(s\right) = s^{-n}[/tex].

Small correction: In Winitzki's text he wants:

"... corresponding to [tex]r\rightarrow\infty\quad (u\rightarrow\infty,\, v\rightarrow -\infty).[/tex]"
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  • #5
arkajad said:
In Winitzki's notes he writes:

"... corresponding to [tex]r\rightarrow\infty\quad (u\rightarrow\infty,\, v\rightarrow -\infty).[/tex]

Oops. I didn't see the minus sign in [itex]-\infty[/itex] at the bottom of the limit above. And I just got my eyes checked and new glasses a couple of months ago.
  • #6
Suppose [tex]\left( u , v \right) = \left( e^t , -t \right)[/tex] and [tex]f'\left(s\right) = s^{-n}[/tex]. Then,

u^{-n} v^{-n} \frac{\left( u - v \right)^2}{4} = \left(-1\right)^{-n} e^{-nt} t^{-n} \frac{\left( e^t + t \right)^2}{4}.

[edit]The (-1)^(-n) is not nice, but I think that this suggests that n >= 2 is needed[/edit]
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  • #7
George Jones said:
[edit]The (-1)^(-n) is not nice, but I think that this suggests that n >= 2 is needed[/edit]

Winitzki has

[tex] e^{2\lambda}=f'(u)f'(v)[/tex]

Therefore the product [tex]f'(u)f'(v)[/tex] should always be positive. Anyway the result goes to zero for any [tex]n>1[/tex]. Since Wintzki probably assumes n to be an integer (though I do not know why?), it starts with n=2 or higher.

And I just got my eyes checked and new glasses a couple of months ago.

I have them self-checked and have about 20 pairs of different glasses, each for about $3.
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  • #8
Thanks very much, arkajad and George Jones, for your replies!

When Winitzki says f' "tends to zero as s-n," he could mean (a) that f' has limiting behavior that is that same as that of s-n, up to a constant factor of proportionality, with a relative error that approaches zero. On the other hand, he could mean (b) that f' is bounded above by something of the form k|s-n|, and that n is the largest real number such that you can make a bound like this. In case b, we could have possibilities like f'(s)=1/|s|, so that the sign is not an issue. We would probably like f' to be C, but then we can still make up possibilities like [itex]f'(s)=1/\sqrt{1+s^2}[/itex], which is not analytic.

There is also the question of whether he intends the limit to be independent of the direction from which you approach io. In the following paragraph, he talks about approaching a particular point on [itex]\mathscr{I}+[/itex] along a particular light ray. If you approach io along a spacelike curve, I think only [itex]n\ge 1[/itex] is required. George's [itex]
\left( u , v \right) = \left( e^t , -t \right)
[/itex] is timelike.

Trying to put all this together, here's what I get. He has two physical requirements, one on io and one on [itex]\mathscr{I}+[/itex]. The latter seems to be all that is really required. If you want every point on [itex]\mathscr{I}+[/itex] to represent a 2-sphere with a nonzero, finite radius, then this should certainly be true in the case where you approach that point along a lightlike geodesic, and therefore we need n=2 exactly. It seems like we would also like the same finite-r limit if we approach a point on [itex]\mathscr{I}+[/itex] along any other curve, and I don't know if this holds or not. Once we've fixed n=2, it also follows that r=0 at io, regardless of the curve along which the limit is taken.


FAQ: Sergei Winitzki's GR Book: Examining Errors in Conformal Transformations

1. What is the purpose of Sergei Winitzki's GR Book?

The purpose of Sergei Winitzki's GR Book is to examine and address errors commonly found in conformal transformations in general relativity. This book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these errors and how to avoid them in research and calculations.

2. Who is Sergei Winitzki?

Sergei Winitzki is a physicist and mathematician with a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He has published numerous papers and books on general relativity, cosmology, and other topics in physics and mathematics. He is also a seasoned researcher and educator, having taught at various universities around the world.

3. What are conformal transformations?

Conformal transformations are mathematical operations that preserve the angles between curves, but not necessarily the distances between points. In the context of general relativity, they are used to transform solutions of the Einstein equations into other solutions, which can provide insight into the underlying physical phenomena.

4. Why is it important to examine errors in conformal transformations?

Examining errors in conformal transformations is important because they can lead to incorrect or inconsistent results in general relativity calculations. These errors can also affect our understanding of physical phenomena and potentially lead to incorrect predictions. By identifying and addressing these errors, we can ensure the accuracy and reliability of our calculations and theories.

5. What can readers expect to learn from Sergei Winitzki's GR Book?

Readers can expect to learn about the most common errors found in conformal transformations in general relativity, how to identify and avoid them, and how to apply conformal transformations correctly in research and calculations. The book also provides a comprehensive overview of conformal transformations and their applications in various areas of physics.

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