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Hello All :
i uploaded some threads here asking about patent on engine modification , as i looked more in the discoveries , found out that it is already , discovered , but came up with another system to improve the energy efficiency (theoretical , experiment and a make shift prototype ) , now if i get some sort of patent what should i do to get funding to start producing or how to create a start up and then sell it, all this was to create enough funds so i can work on other scientific projects
how much time do you think it will take , considering the patent application with it ?
what is the appropriate methods to be able to get funds for start up ?
time for getting the other paper work ?
what is the best methods to sell a start up ?
what about banks do they support start ups ? is it considered loans , or grants ?
if i dont want to start a small company now (start-up) can i apply to a grant , although i am not student in a universities ?
is there a type of grants where it is an international in nature and will allow international applicant ?
i am living in Beirut Lebanon currently
do any one here was able to change a scientific work he has done to a start up
should i publish a peer review paper ?
Best Regards
i uploaded some threads here asking about patent on engine modification , as i looked more in the discoveries , found out that it is already , discovered , but came up with another system to improve the energy efficiency (theoretical , experiment and a make shift prototype ) , now if i get some sort of patent what should i do to get funding to start producing or how to create a start up and then sell it, all this was to create enough funds so i can work on other scientific projects
how much time do you think it will take , considering the patent application with it ?
what is the appropriate methods to be able to get funds for start up ?
time for getting the other paper work ?
what is the best methods to sell a start up ?
what about banks do they support start ups ? is it considered loans , or grants ?
if i dont want to start a small company now (start-up) can i apply to a grant , although i am not student in a universities ?
is there a type of grants where it is an international in nature and will allow international applicant ?
i am living in Beirut Lebanon currently
do any one here was able to change a scientific work he has done to a start up
should i publish a peer review paper ?
Best Regards