How does a battery charger know when to stop charging?

In summary, a cell phone battery charger uses feedback to determine when the battery is fully charged and then terminates the charging process.
  • #1
Dear Experts,

I am fascinated how a cell phone battery charger knows when the battery is fully charged such that it cuts off the power to prevent further charging.

If its based on sensing a particular voltage has been reached, i wonder how is that achieved?
Or is it achieved by measuring the state of charge?

Is there a simple circuit to detect a certain voltage?

Thank you very much for reading.

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  • #2
Output current depends upon the battery's state. An intelligent charger may monitor the battery's voltage, temperature and/or time under charge to determine the optimum charge current at that instant. Charging is terminated when a combination of the voltage, temperature and/or time indicates that the battery is fully charged."

Here's a schematic of an intelligent charger that uses a microprocessor:

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  • #3
Typical cell phone battery (lithium ion) types are charged with a user-defined constant current, Ich, until the battery voltage reaches a preset float voltage (normally 4.2V). During the constant voltage phase the current is allowed to drop to a preset level (e.g., Ich/10) or time, at which point the charge cycle is said to be complete.

The above is usually accomplished with two separate control feedback loops; one for the constant current phase and another for the constant voltage phase.

The voltage sensing can be done in many ways, e.g., by feeding back the battery voltage via a voltage divider into a comparator with a fixed ref. The output from the comparator can then be used to drive a transistor which sits in series with the battery.

In addition to linear chargers, there's also switching types and pulse chargers. There's enough app notes out there on the different types to keep you busy a long time. Good luck.

EDIT: My comment is unrelated to the image above, which was posted while I was writing.
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FAQ: How does a battery charger know when to stop charging?

1. What is battery charger intelligence?

Battery charger intelligence refers to the advanced technology used in modern battery chargers that allows them to automatically adjust the charging process based on the needs of the battery. This includes monitoring the battery's voltage, temperature, and charge level to optimize the charging process and prevent overcharging.

2. How does battery charger intelligence work?

Battery charger intelligence works by using microprocessors and sensors to constantly monitor the battery during the charging process. The charger will adjust the voltage and current levels based on the battery's needs, ensuring a safe and efficient charge.

3. What are the benefits of using a battery charger with intelligence?

Using a battery charger with intelligence can provide several benefits, including prolonging the lifespan of your battery, preventing overcharging and overheating, and reducing charging time. It also allows for compatibility with different types of batteries, making it more versatile.

4. Are all battery chargers considered "intelligent"?

No, not all battery chargers are considered intelligent. Older or cheaper models may not have the advanced technology and features that are found in modern intelligent chargers. It's important to read the product specifications and reviews to determine if a charger has intelligence capabilities.

5. Can battery charger intelligence be turned off?

Yes, some battery chargers with intelligence have the option to turn off this feature. This may be useful if you prefer to manually adjust the charging process or have a specific battery that requires a different charging method. However, it's important to carefully read the instructions and understand the capabilities of your charger before turning off the intelligence feature.
